Hate the government, obey the police


If a cop tells you to SIT DOWN...do not ask, "Why."

Do not even look for a chair.

Just sit.

And shut the fuck up.

You can say what you have to say in front of a judge...and almost certainly will not get shot.

LOL yeah cops should have unlimited right to do whatever they want even if it's illegal. If you are disagreeable at any point you should be immediately executed. The cops word should be taken wholly for this, no other evidence should be required. This is a free society.
I agree with Frank. I, as free citizen, should pay tens of thousands of dollars for the flimsiest of chances that a judge might agree with me.
If a cop tells you to SIT DOWN...do not ask, "Why."
Do not even look for a chair.
Just sit.
And shut the fuck up.
You can say what you have to say in front of a judge...and almost certainly will not get shot.

No. Just no. If you are a regular citizen, just going along doing regular citizen shit, and a cop pulls you over for nothing, you absolutely have the right -- maybe even the obligation -- to resist being searched, handcuffed, and otherwise hassled.

Cops are 95% decent ppl just doing their jobs. There are rogue ones though, and those are the ones who make the rest look bad.
LOL yeah cops should have unlimited right to do whatever they want even if it's illegal. If you are disagreeable at any point you should be immediately executed. The cops word should be taken wholly for this, no other evidence should be required. This is a free society.

That is fucking idiotic.

That is not what is being said.

But...if YOU are stopped by a cop...give the cop as much shit as possible.

What could possibly go wrong?
I agree with Frank. I, as free citizen, should pay tens of thousands of dollars for the flimsiest of chances that a judge might agree with me.

If YOU are stopped by a cop...give the cop as much shit as possible.

What could possibly go wrong?
No. Just no. If you are a regular citizen, just going along doing regular citizen shit, and a cop pulls you over for nothing, you absolutely have the right -- maybe even the obligation -- to resist being searched, handcuffed, and otherwise hassled.

Cops are 95% decent ppl just doing their jobs. There are rogue ones though, and those are the ones who make the rest look bad.

If YOU are stopped by a cop...give the cops lots of shit. Tell the cop YOU have the right to resist.

What could possibly go wrong.
If a cop tells you to SIT DOWN...do not ask, "Why."

Do not even look for a chair.

Just sit.

And shut the fuck up.

You can say what you have to say in front of a judge...and almost certainly will not get shot.

and you're comfortable with the government having that much power over we the people?
I agree with Frank. I, as free citizen, should pay tens of thousands of dollars for the flimsiest of chances that a judge might agree with me.

The notion that the accused in america are legally entitled to a trial is fiction, 95% of the incarcerated in the US "take" a plea "deal" and never see a trial. Fweedumb.
No. Just no. If you are a regular citizen, just going along doing regular citizen shit, and a cop pulls you over for nothing, you absolutely have the right -- maybe even the obligation -- to resist being searched, handcuffed, and otherwise hassled.

Cops are 95% decent ppl just doing their jobs. There are rogue ones though, and those are the ones who make the rest look bad.

How do you know what their reason is for pulling you over? What if you match the description of someone who's wanted in connection with a serious crime?

And if, for whatever reason, the cop thinks you might be attempting to pull out a weapon with which you could injure or kill him, you might very well get yourself shot and killed.

Hope it was worth it to make whatever point you think you made.

Of course, you being a middle aged white woman, the chances of you getting anything worse than tased or a face full of pepper spray, is pretty remote.

Not the same for a man.
If YOU are stopped by a cop...give the cops lots of shit. Tell the cop YOU have the right to resist.

What could possibly go wrong.

You're talking to people who've never had contact with the police, outside of the occasional traffic ticket.
If YOU are stopped by a cop...give the cops lots of shit. Tell the cop YOU have the right to resist.

What could possibly go wrong.
I say she should go for it....Wait for the narrative, because there will be one shortly;)
and you're comfortable with the government having that much power over we the people?

I am comfortable with a police officer instructing me to do something. Not only will I comply...I will mention to others that I think "complying" is the best thing to do.

But...this is a free country...and if a police officer instructs YOU to do something...and you feel \that a better way to handle it is to give the cop a bunch of shit...by all means do so.

What could go wrong?
You're talking to people who've never had contact with the police, outside of the occasional traffic ticket.

I suspect that is the case...or close to it, Nomad.

I have LOTS AND LOTS of cops in my family...and to a person, they suggest the same thing I proposed. AND...if any of them are stopped...THAT IS WHAT THEY DO. They do not say a variation of, "Hey, I'm a cop too."

But...for those people who want to assert their rights rather than comply...give the cop as much shit as possible.

What could possibly go wrong?
There are two questions actually being asked here.

One...what would YOU do if a police officer gave you an instruction to sit down and shut up?

Two...what do you advise others to do if a police officer gives them an instruction to sit down and shut up?

Just sayin'