Hatred Of Goverrnment Is Basically Wrong


Diversity Makes Greatness
Basic truths:

We have to have government.

No government, no country.

Therefore, we must appreciate and support government.

General disdain for government is against our country, against America, anti American.
Hatred itself is wrong. It really hurts the hater more than the hated.

But hatred of government is beyond dumb. It is hating the one thing that makes America America.

It's like hating our Constitution, the article that established government.
All part of the Trump schtick, he didn’t start it, but quickly learned how to manipulate it for his advantage.

Easy, as Murdoch and Ailes showed, just present an alternative to everything, and even if wrong, project your’s as correct and the other as evil and bad, the more melodrama, the better
Hello archives,

All part of the Trump schtick, he didn’t start it, but quickly learned how to manipulate it for his advantage.

Easy, as Murdoch and Ailes showed, just present an alternative to everything, and even if wrong, project your’s as correct and the other as evil and bad, the more melodrama, the better

Problem is government hatred is at an all time high. If the people have no faith in government we are toast. Carlson talks about this thing or that thing destroying America as he does precisely that. Lotsa money to be made feeding dumb rumors and propping up misguided emotions.
Basic truths:

We have to have government.

No government, no country.

Therefore, we must appreciate and support government.

General disdain for government is against our country, against America, anti American.

Biggest load of horseshit I've read on this site in a loooooong time
Basic truths:

We have to have government.

No government, no country.

Therefore, we must appreciate and support government.

General disdain for government is against our country, against America, anti American.

how sophomoric.

So because we have to have a government, we must love the one we have?
If you hate the founders design of our government you should get the fuck out of America

First of all you donkey dick riding $3 whore where did I make that claim? Next leftists HATE the constitution and the govt the founders created and lastly i don't want to go to Tijuana to watch you suck donkey dick at Pedros gas station and strip club. I'll stay here thank you.
Basic truths:

We have to have government.

No government, no country.

Therefore, we must appreciate and support government.

General disdain for government is against our country, against America, anti American.

Should anti-government hatred espoused in songs like this be disallowed or banned?

how sophomoric.

So because we have to have a government, we must love the one we have?

Would have loved to have seen this argument made in 2020 that its anti-American to be out protesting in the streets and since #BLM is at its core a protest against government, telling them they are also anti-American.
Would have loved to have seen this argument made in 2020 that its anti-American to be out protesting in the streets and since #BLM is at its core a protest against government, telling them they are also anti-American.

BLM does not scream about Hating the government you lying shit bag