Have We Entered The Next Dark Ages?

Hello Cypress,

I keep things in perspective. I know people who survived the Gulag, survived Nazi occupation, survived occupation by the Imperial Japanese Army.

I think we are doing substantial damage to Earth's ecological health and to our long term welfare. Resource depletion will continue unabated without serious changes in our behaviour.

As long as we continue to honor the premise of liberal democracy, there remains the opportunity to influence national policy and priorities. I think the most effective thing that could happen is to remove the corrupting influence of money from politics. Almost all ecological destruction the planet faces originates from the profit motive and the special interests of powerful and wealthy entities

I totally agree.

The good news is we are not alone. That task has already begun. We need to spread the word for and wide to support this effort.

Here's how it is done:

Poverty is rampant across the globe.

Disease spreading far and wide.

Pollution worse than ever.

The very climate of the planet is in peril.

Species loss greater than it has been in thousands of years.

Political factions becoming increasingly polarized.

Leadership failing, spreading propaganda, acting selfishly.

Hatred and misunderstanding growing, capitalism selling anger.

Major institutions threatened.

Lifespans are shortening. Threats abound.

Are we improving the human condition or is it in the process of deterioration?

Fast forward hundreds of years into the future. Will this age be looked back upon with admiration or sorrow?

simple question, why do you believe humanity came out of the first one, let alone going back into a second one? Cannot defy actual life in plain sight and create a multitude of realities working against one another in the same species and expect a greater good outcome before extinction sets in?
Any of those tech advances able to bring back extinct species?

Does it ever occur to you that earth has been about species becoming extinct since the beginning? I don't understand this lame leftist thinking that ALL species must live on forever and the only one they wish to be extinct is themselves.

How about can they remove the massive swirling gyres of sloting plastic from each of the world's oceans, much less the sinking microplastics which threaten the basic creatures of the food chain of the seas?

How about we humans do that by not throwing our garbage into the ocean. Most of that debris comes from Tsunamis and third world shit holes.
I think we are doing substantial damage to Earth's ecological health and to our long term welfare. Resource depletion will continue unabated without serious changes in our behaviour.

As long as we continue to honor the premise of liberal democracy, there remains the opportunity to influence national policy and priorities. I think the most effective thing that could happen is to remove the corrupting influence of money from politics. Almost all ecological destruction the planet faces originates from the profit motive and the special interests of powerful and wealthy entities

That is a lie. But then, Marxists use lies to promote their incredibly failed ideology.

29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 2 to 3% of that area. Of the remaining land mass, about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas.

Man is not a problem; man is a teeny tiny speck on the back of an elephant called earth which will be here long after man is extinct.
Poverty is rampant across the globe.

Disease spreading far and wide.

Pollution worse than ever.

The very climate of the planet is in peril.

Species loss greater than it has been in thousands of years.

Political factions becoming increasingly polarized.

Leadership failing, spreading propaganda, acting selfishly.

Hatred and misunderstanding growing, capitalism selling anger.

Major institutions threatened.

Lifespans are shortening. Threats abound.

Are we improving the human condition or is it in the process of deterioration?

Fast forward hundreds of years into the future. Will this age be looked back upon with admiration or sorrow?

No, we just may return to friendly community-based reliance. That's the way things always were before megacorporations snuffed a lot of it out. Many restaurants and professional chefs still purchase that way. Pollution is actually lessening at astounding rates without the countless vehicle emissions. We will possibly have to return to simpler times but it isn't comparable to the Dark Ages.
I just learned that we are running out of water.

The whole planet.

92% of all water usage is for growing crops.

We are depleting rivers and aquifers all over the planet.

It is a great unspoken truth that nobody wants to talk about.

What we are doing with fresh water is simply not sustainable.

The great and mighty Colorado River never even reaches the sea anymore. And it's not just that one river. The same kind of thing is happening all over the planet.

We really need to limit the human population levels by doing a better job of birth control.

We can't just pretend this is going to go away and not have this become a huge problem.

But that is exactly what we are doing so far.
I just learned that we are running out of water.

The whole planet.

92% of all water usage is for growing crops.

We are depleting rivers and aquifers all over the planet.

It is a great unspoken truth that nobody wants to talk about.

What we are doing with fresh water is simply not sustainable.

The great and mighty Colorado River never even reaches the sea anymore. And it's not just that one river. The same kind of thing is happening all over the planet.

We really need to limit the human population levels by doing a better job of birth control.

We can't just pretend this is going to go away and not have this become a huge problem.

But that is exactly what we are doing so far.

It must be really depressing to be you.
Poverty is rampant across the globe.

Disease spreading far and wide. (medieval diseases like typhus and a high risk of outbreaks of the Plague, Hepatitis A, epidemic of Diabetes)

Pollution worse than ever.

Political factions becoming increasingly polarized. Hyper-Progessive Democrats running the government).

The legalisation of (human) pooping and urination in public. Used drug syringes everywhere. )ver 28,000 pile of human shit needed to be cleaned of city sidewalks, public squares, parks, redidents doorsteps in 2019

Leadership failing, spreading propaganda, acting selfishly.

Hatred and misunderstanding growing. With racial tension and conflict a particular concern.

Worst poverty in USA

Major institutions threatened.

Lifespans are shortening. Threats abound.

Are we degrading the human condition of the native White Anglo-European citizenry, and this process of civilisational deterioration has been caused by unfettered mass immigration from culturally inferior nations in the Third world.

A corrupt and inefficient government bureaucracy.

Failing public schools that indoctrinate their students with leftist, "Progressive" political propaganda.

Crumbling 70 -year-old infrastructure (road, rail, etc) and frequent power outages due to an antiquated electricity grid.

The demise (flight) of the native middle class and the rise of a two-tier social class structure. There is a thin layer of tremendously weathy and/or very well educated elites at the top, while underneath them are the legion poor- the miserable "huddled masses".

Fast forward hundreds of years into the future. This period of American history be looked back upon with sheer bewilderment at the stupidity of Democrat Governors like: Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown and Gary Newsome and the zombies who voted them in.

Dear Politalker,

I have taken the liberty of editing your remarks (in the QUOTE above) a little to describe some of the characteristics of the largest state of the US, California, in 2020, which has descended into a "dark age" of Thirdworldism. The other 49 states will follow in the near future (historically speaking).


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Good morning anonymoose. How are you today? Well, I hope.

It must be really depressing to be you.

It is not polite to try to shift the discussion to be about other posters personally. Please do not try that with me or I will have to take steps to cut that off, and unfortunately, due to the nature of a discussion board, that has to be irreversible. I don't enjoy that and do want to do that. I normally grant just a very small bit of consideration for posters with whom a long history of polite posting has been established, but that cannot be allowed to devolve. Deep down, most people really want polite discussion. They only use confrontational posting as a defense mechanism to create a barrier in an attempt to prevent their own mental despair. We must support one another, especially in this trying time, because humans live as part of a collective.

Yes, it can be quite depressing to consider this concept of larger societal doom, which is probably why most people do not want to think or talk about it. Let us endeavor not to drag one another down, but to lift one another up!

Maybe if we just don't think about these very depressing things, they will miraculously go away.

Actually, that is the more depressing thought. We know that approach will be ineffective. Fortunately, we have more options. Brighter options.

Rats would multiply until the given resources are depleted and then face starvation and self-extermination. We are humans. We have more advanced brains. We are able to understand and contemplate not only our overall collective situation, but take steps to affect it.

And that is what we must do.

Rather than assume the problem is hopeless, the logical thing to do is to communicate the predicament far and wide so that people will understand the seriousness of it, and be motivated to take positive steps together in a coordinated way to alleviate the problem. We need to be smart about this, and use our human intelligence.

Obviously, ignoring the problem will not make it go away.

Ignoring it actually makes the problem worse.

By ignoring it, we become part of the problem.

By talking about it and considering our options, seeking to identify and enact workable solutions, we become part of the fix.

And that is reassuring.

So you can see that by staying positive we can most effectively look forward to a bright future, but by dwelling on the negative, it will not produce the intended outcome.

We should all find a reason to smile today, and carefully consider our challenges and possibilities going forward.
It should be noted that, while this can be a very depressing thread, there is also cause for happiness, and warm feelings of content.

These larger problems will not affect us personally today.

We have plenty of time to work out solutions.

For most of us with the ability to spend time contemplating these very big issues on the internet, that means we have our basics covered, we are safe, have everything we need for today, and we are in generally comfortable settings. We have loved ones in our lives, we have art, music, books, entertainment, nature and sharing to rejuvenate our psyche. Some of us feel comfort in the belief that a deity is looking over us, and will care for us in an afterlife. Others of us simply have faith in humanity to generally do the right thing, and the knowledge that if that were not true, the world would have melted down a long long time ago. But that has not happened. throughout history, no matter what challenge has been thrown at humans, we have not only faced up to it and endured, but we have learned lessons from these experiences and improved our condition.

There is more good in humanity than bad.

So we can rejoice in that, and feel confident that no matter what happens, we will find our way forward to a brighter future. We may face setbacks along the way, but as the old saying goes, whatever does not kill us makes us stronger.

The best advice for individuals is to stay positive and aware of your surroundings, and keep your wits about you. It is the nature of the world we live in and our human collective that we go through good periods and bad. And if we are smart, we learn from the bad and that just makes the good that much better!
Hello Dachshynddawg,

Dear Politalker,

I have taken the liberty of editing your remarks (in the QUOTE above) a little to describe some of the characteristics of the largest state of the US, California, in 2020, which has descended into a "dark age" of Thirdworldism. The other 49 states will follow in the near future (historically speaking).



I appreciate that you would like to contribute to this discussion, but I am not going to respond to any of your comments here because I object to the way you have edited my post.

Please refrain from doing that. Editing the posts of other posters is crossing a line.

If you would please repost your thoughts in a format which clearly delineates between my post and yours I will gladly respond.

Thank you and best wishes.
Hello Cypress,

I totally agree.

The good news is we are not alone. That task has already begun. We need to spread the word for and wide to support this effort.

Here's how it is done:

Now that I am well into my 50s, with age comes perspective. The world was supposed to end about two dozen times in the course of my life.
It seems to me almost certain that we are entering a new dark age, but if that meant, for instance, that the capitalists were prevented from burning humanity out of the world altogether, it doesn't seem to me that it would matter that much - we've had dark ages before. It prefer hordes of vigorous barbarians to mobs of thick mugs voting for senile masters though, myself.
Hello anonymoose,

Golf course opens tomorrow.:)

Right on.

I used to love the game. I have been a golfer. Sometimes playing several times a week. I don't play any more due to physical limitations.

I have plenty of other pursuits which are just as rewarding as golf. One thing is bothersome. I never got a hole in one. I came so close so many times, even to the point of actually having the ball bounce off the pin and stay out. And I've been with others who got a hole in one. That is nice to see. Total excitement every time.

I was never a great golfer, never broke 90, but I immensely enjoyed the game after I began to understand how it messes with your head. Golf is like litmus paper. It is a mental test. If you are in a great mood and have your head right, you can do your best. If your head is troubled, it will creep into your game.

At first I had great aspirations. I was sure I could have been great. I still believe I could have if I had proper coaching and applied myself with a determination. But I didn't do that. I just kept playing.

Golf makes no sense to non players. You have play the game to appreciate it. Nobody is much good at first. It takes a lot of practice to get better. And when you finally get some success you think OK now I am going to be a better player. But that is when it really starts to work on you. Golf, like so many things, is not a matter of being more amazing as much as it is a matter of eliminating mistakes. Consistency is key. And that's what messes with your head. And you have to have your head right in order to focus on making a good shot.

So after you start to have some success, you go out and tee off on another game, full of that first tee excitement, and you're determined to have a good game. You string together some good shots, have a few good holes, and then you start thinking maybe this is the time. Maybe today will be your day to really do well. And then sooner or later you have a bad hole. And you start doing the math. And by some point you know this is not going to be your day. The great feeling you began the round with is vaporized. Another lousy day.

When I was younger I used to let it get to me. I would get pissed off. The game kicked my butt again. I was stubborn. I kept trying. It seemed I could not progress. I quit.

I stayed away for a long time. Swore off the game.

Then one day, out of the blue, a guy I knew from other things was looking for a partner and asked me out of the blue, not knowing if I was a golfer. I had been away from the game for years.

I had softened, and I was bored so I accepted, warning him that I was not a very good player and not to expect much. I went with a cavalier attitude, expecting the same old garbage game. I was totally not worried about messing up. I expected to.

And then a miraculous thing happened.

I actually played fairly well.

What was going on here?

I had not practiced for years, and here I was playing better than when I left the game.

That's when I realized how mental the game is.

The mechanics of it were built into my body. I had to just get my head right and stop doing math or worrying about it. Just focus on the shot.

I played for years and years after that. I froze that mental moment in my mind so I could recreate it at will. As soon as I stopped caring about how well I did I did my best.

I also realized that was a great lesson for life in general. Keep things in perspective and always retain the ability to stay in the moment. Great game. I am better for having been a golfer.

I hope you have a great game. Do not worry about how well you are playing. It is wonderful to just get out there, see the beautiful surroundings, smell the fresh cut grass, enjoy the experience. Each game is special. No two trips to the course are the same. Cherish what you have each day. Relish in the beauty of it, put everything else away out of your mind and focus on the shot.

As Chevy Chase said in 'Caddie Shack,' "Be the ball, Danny."
A foursome tees off on a hole at the edge of the course alongside a highway. One guy slices his shot very badly and it flies out of bounds, over the fence, and right through the windshield of an approaching car, which then veers off the highway and into a tree. The driver is killed.

His partner says: "Oh NO! Look at that. Oh, this is TERRIBLE! How DREADFUL. What are you going to do?"

And the guy says: "I think I am going to adjust my grip a little bit."
A foursome tees off on a hole at the edge of the course alongside a highway. One guy slices his shot very badly and it flies out of bounds, over the fence, and right through the windshield of an approaching car, which then veers off the highway and into a tree. The driver is killed.

His partner says: "Oh NO! Look at that. Oh, this is TERRIBLE! How DREADFUL. What are you going to do?"

And the guy says: "I think I am going to adjust my grip a little bit."
That’s so Trump, he is only worried about COVID because it’s ruining his beautiful presidency.