DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen destined to leave, but timing unclear, sources say
CBS News· 2 hours ago
Nielsen has fallen in and out of favor with Mr. Trump, and she may fall victim to a sense of White ..
Any move involving Nielsen could set off something of a White House chain reaction, and that may influence what does or does not happen, and the timing therein.
Nielsen has fallen in and out of favor with Mr. Trump, and she may fall victim to a sense of White House frustration with its stalled immigration agenda, even though Nielsen has been a vocal advocate for Trump policies. If Mr. Trump were to ditch Nielsen, he will have removed his two fiercest Cabinet immigration policy advocates — former Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his DHS secretary.
Mr. Trump's frustrations do not always result in firings or resignations. Nielsen's status is influenced by another factor: the president's satisfaction, or lack thereof, with Chief of Staff John Kelly. Nielsen was Kelly's chief of staff at DHS and followed him to the White House. Kelly has made it clear he would oppose the firing of Nielsen or her forced resignation.
If the president were to dump Nielsen, many sources familiar with the White House see an inevitable clash between Mr. Trump and Kelly — one that could result in Kelly's departure. Interpretations of the quality of Mr. Trump's relationship with Kelly vary.
Mr. Trump has been advised to bring on a chief of staff better suited to and familiar with the rough and tumble of a re-election campaign. He is weighing that advice, sources said, more seriously than before the midterms.
According to four sources, Nick Ayers, currently chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, is the leading contender to replace Kelly — if Kelly departs.
Ayers is considered one of the best political strategists in Trump world, and advocates say he could provide crucial help to the White House, as previous chiefs of staff have, in meshing with and reinforcing the re-election campaign messaging, strategy, presidential travel and fundraising. Ayers was important to Pence's arrival on the Trump ticket, worked at a high level on the transition and is considered deeply loyal to the Trump agenda.
Others mentioned as possible successors to Kelly include Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy.
Mulvaney's name has surfaced before as chief of staff and in the past he has expressed interest. Those close to Mulvaney said he has cooled to the idea. But he remains a contender and may have adopted the strategy of seeming less interested to improve his chances.