Hello evince,
you know what Putin wants ?
Americans to feel their system is hopeless.
Correct. The greater the polarization in the US political system, the more paralyzed it is. This makes Putin's corruption look not so bad.
We, as in we, Americans.
you were NOT talking about me
I am no dupe
OK, so why are you making this about you? That's a trick the president uses. Is that what you want to emulate?
people who buy the idea that the Democratic party is as corrupt as the republican party buy lies.
they are NOT the same
No, they each have their own way of serving the rich, shafting the poor, and furthering the Class War.
Pretending they are both equally evil is utterly a LIE
I don't need to pretend the Democratic party and its leaders are evil to make my self feel fair
Well, I really don't recognize the term 'evil,' so we are thinking of things in different ways. Mine is more logical. Logic: If there is wrongdoing, it should be called out. Nobody gets a 'Free Pass' just because they are in the Democratic Party. They need to stick to good principles.
I am aware enough of what is going on to DECLARE with Facts what they actually are.
You're very well informed, yes. Although some of the things you call facts are leaning into opinion territory.
and Im sure not going to listen to some evil man who takes Putin money.
take Putin money and you are dead to me
he is a right wing man who takes Putins money
My party is full of decent men and women who could roll this guys head with facts that prove he has a failed philosophy and should nit be taking Putin payments
I usually align with what the Democrats want to do as well, but I reserve my own judgement. I don't just go along with whatever the party wants. Look, evince. If you are so dedicated to the Democratic Party, then you should be very nice to me. I am closer to the middle. I am one of the deciders. People who always vote the straight party ticket are predictable. It is the ones in the middle who are the deciders. We can tip things either way. You straight party ticket people never decide anything. The rights cancel out the lefts. The whole battle is really for the middle. It is not wise for partisans to drive the middle away. They need every vote they can get.
The SECOND the Democratic party abandons its Ideas I will bail on them
They already did when they ran Hillary instead of Bernie.
please don't insult me by pretending Im backing merely a label
I never said that. I am just realistic that there is indeed corruption in the Democratic Party.
that man is nit the end all be all is he ?
Trying to figure out who you're talking about here. You're rambling.
so why does he get respect from YOU as if he is better than all the humans in the Democratic party leadership who have saved this nation from LIE filled marches to war, economic disasters and decades of election cheating ?
I think you're talking about President Trump. You're mad because I give him the respect of not calling him names. When I do that I am showing respect for our Constitution. He is a Constitutional officer of our nation. The office deserves respect if you respect our Constitution. If we, as a nation, didn't want to be in a position of having to give this man the respect he was elected into, then we should have done more to prevent his election.
an unreal sense of fairness?
No. Respect for the USA. He represents the USA. Besides. I respect everybody. If I don't appreciate someone, I usually just keep my distance, move away. It's a big wide world. Plenty of people do not get along. Distance is a marvelous thing. The President is in your face. You can't ignore him. He's the most annoying president we've ever had. I do not like that. I must comment on him. So I call him by the title which is appropriate. He is the president. And I criticize him regularly as appropriate. Actually, he is so bad it is almost impossible to comment on every instance of lack of ethics he shows. That bad. But he is still the president.
this man takes Putin money
It's amazing Republicans are so OK with that. I am not.
remember my first words to yu 9n this site
It was a warning that if you began to look like a FAKE left poster I would recognize it in a very short time
I've been here for the better part of a year now. I am what I am. Most people consider my positions to be on the left. But I always want to hear any reasonable arguments for why I might be wrong. I could change my position on an issue if I heard a logical argument why. That has happened before. You've convinced me of nothing. And I am still wondering if you really help the left or not. I know you hurt the United States of America when you spread hatred and polarization. Our nation can't function if we hate one another. We need to have respect for different people and different ideas. That's what the left should be about. Partisanship is just group power. Views and feelings on pressing issues are grass root.
this man is a FAKE left guy working for Putin to try and malign the ONLY party this nation has the represents the people who voted for it
he is working for putin
He takes Putins Money
he is evil
lets remember Mussolini pretended to be working for the people with his words
and then delivered his own nation to the already wealthy by appointing them too all the seats of power
OK, you've rambled so much I am lost again. Are you talking about President Trump or me? What do you mean by 'FAKE left guy?' I would suggest that you slow down, use capitals and punctuation, proofread what you're posting. I am just going to keep on posting sincerely and honestly the way I see the world. I am genuinely on the left on most issues. I do not see the President as being on the left. He is on the right because that is the party which is easiest for him to manipulate with xenophobia. President Trump is a demagogue.