Hear Chris Hedges!

Putin wants you to hate the Democratic party too

it helps make Americans hopeless

stop being a piece of playdough for Putin
I was only saying that because some of the Democrat House members have been talking about opening up the investigations on the White House spending.

White House spending budgets are established in Congress and signed by the president.

The White house has quadrupled their spending over the allotted annual budget in 2018! And someone will be having to pay the government back for every penny of it.

Evidently Melania had a seven hour layover in Cairo on her return trip from Africa that cost $14,000.00. Maybe that's why she fired Mira Ricardel.
Hello evince,

he is wrong

this country would be dead already if it were not for the people in the Democratic party

condemning both is what the republicans do every time they tear things up

they cant protect their horrible actions so they try and make the Democratic party share their blame

The Democrats can be wrong.

You know, when we align with a political party, we give up some of our freedom. It is making a deal. We give up something, we get something. If our views are not completely aligned with the PARTY we compromise on some things and accept what THE PARTY wants. We give up some of our individuality.

If THE PARTY has most of what we want, that's enticing. We might think it is worth it. THE PARTY has power because there are so many people in it. We add to that power when we join. But we sacrifice anything THE PARTY doesn't want. Even if we think it is a good idea, we have to give up on that. We give up creativity and innovation.

We also have to accept some things we might not want.

If THE PARTY backs something we don't really agree with, we lend our power to that by going with THE PARTY.

POLITICAL PARTIES are not the end-all be-all.

What they are is people giving up on things together.
Hello evince,

The Democrats can be wrong.

You know, when we align with a political party, we give up some of our freedom. It is making a deal. We give up something, we get something. If our views are not completely aligned with the PARTY we compromise on some things and accept what THE PARTY wants. We give up some of our individuality.

If THE PARTY has most of what we want, that's enticing. We might think it is worth it. THE PARTY has power because there are so many people in it. We add to that power when we join. But we sacrifice anything THE PARTY doesn't want. Even if we think it is a good idea, we have to give up on that. We give up creativity and innovation.

We also have to accept some things we might not want.

If THE PARTY backs something we don't really agree with, we lend our power to that by going with THE PARTY.

POLITICAL PARTIES are not the end-all be-all.

What they are is people giving up on things together.

you know what Putin wants ?

Americans to feel their system is hopeless.

why were you using WE?

you were NOT talking about me

I am no dupe

people who buy the idea that the Democratic party is as corrupt as the republican party buy lies.

they are NOT the same

Pretending they are both equally evil is utterly a LIE

I don't need to pretend the Democratic party and its leaders are evil to make my self feel fair

I am aware enough of what is going on to DECLARE with Facts what they actually are.

and Im sure not going to listen to some evil man who takes Putin money.

take Putin money and you are dead to me

he is a right wing man who takes Putins money

My party is full of decent men and women who could roll this guys head with facts that prove he has a failed philosophy and should nit be taking Putin payments

The SECOND the Democratic party abandons its Ideas I will bail on them

please don't insult me by pretending Im backing merely a label

that man is nit the end all be all is he ?

so why does he get respect from YOU as if he is better than all the humans in the Democratic party leadership who have saved this nation from LIE filled marches to war, economic disasters and decades of election cheating ?

an unreal sense of fairness?

this man takes Putin money

remember my first words to yu 9n this site

It was a warning that if you began to look like a FAKE left poster I would recognize it in a very short time

this man is a FAKE left guy working for Putin to try and malign the ONLY party this nation has the represents the people who voted for it

he is working for putin

He takes Putins Money

he is evil

lets remember Mussolini pretended to be working for the people with his words

and then delivered his own nation to the already wealthy by appointing them too all the seats of power

why should I trust this man just because sometimes he SAYS liberal like things?

why should I trust a man who works for putin and his lively hood depends on how Putin feels about what he says ?

left leaning people who immediately begin trashing the Democratic party platform and its leaders the SECOND we get a little power back are not helping the march to freedom from evil

but for some reason you wont answer my posts
Hello montgomery,

I didn't take the time to watch. I'm familiar with Hedges. He is a voice of logic in this illogical nation.

There is a good entry on his political views on wiki.

A good thing to know about Hedges is that everything he says is fact-based, verifiable. He deals with real news. Hedges is credible.

Hello Poli, I see that Hedges is fairly popular with the left but on another forum that is rabid frothing at the mouth right, they hate him. They're pretty convinced that Trump is going to fix everything up for them. I started a thread there the same as this one and the admin deleted the whole thread, she got so mad. Needless to say, I'm outta that one.

I think that Hedges' ideas are the future for America and I think it better start happening soon, judging by his predictions. Thanks for the video link!

RT is the Russian times

others know what Im saying

If you take RT money you have your hands in Putins pockets and he has your mind in his hands

Its you not me being played

You really are quite the serial poster aren't you! I actually didn't know that Hedges contributes to RT. But I certainly do know all about RT! It's a great non-US source of news that has stories the US media buries.

You don't seem to have much of an understanding of what Hedges is all about and that appears to be because you haven't been able to come to understand that the Dem party isn't your friend.

I don't think I'm going to be able to convince you of that but at least we might be able to talk about it. Americans are going to have to start to be able to associate the pain they're feeling with the two major parties and that's going to take time.

One thing I will say to help you along is: The people in other Western countries are much better off than you Americans. But the elite, as Hedges would say, are holding up the facade of the American way and most of you haven't got the resources or the energy or the time off your part time jobs, to get out to some other country to see. You're going to have to learn the hard way by feeling a lot more pain.

Would you like to start with a discussion on RT and why they support Trump?
Hello evince,

you know what Putin wants ?

Americans to feel their system is hopeless.

Correct. The greater the polarization in the US political system, the more paralyzed it is. This makes Putin's corruption look not so bad.

why were you using WE?

We, as in we, Americans.

you were NOT talking about me

I am no dupe

OK, so why are you making this about you? That's a trick the president uses. Is that what you want to emulate?

people who buy the idea that the Democratic party is as corrupt as the republican party buy lies.

they are NOT the same

No, they each have their own way of serving the rich, shafting the poor, and furthering the Class War.

Pretending they are both equally evil is utterly a LIE

I don't need to pretend the Democratic party and its leaders are evil to make my self feel fair

Well, I really don't recognize the term 'evil,' so we are thinking of things in different ways. Mine is more logical. Logic: If there is wrongdoing, it should be called out. Nobody gets a 'Free Pass' just because they are in the Democratic Party. They need to stick to good principles.

I am aware enough of what is going on to DECLARE with Facts what they actually are.

You're very well informed, yes. Although some of the things you call facts are leaning into opinion territory.

and Im sure not going to listen to some evil man who takes Putin money.

take Putin money and you are dead to me

he is a right wing man who takes Putins money

My party is full of decent men and women who could roll this guys head with facts that prove he has a failed philosophy and should nit be taking Putin payments

I usually align with what the Democrats want to do as well, but I reserve my own judgement. I don't just go along with whatever the party wants. Look, evince. If you are so dedicated to the Democratic Party, then you should be very nice to me. I am closer to the middle. I am one of the deciders. People who always vote the straight party ticket are predictable. It is the ones in the middle who are the deciders. We can tip things either way. You straight party ticket people never decide anything. The rights cancel out the lefts. The whole battle is really for the middle. It is not wise for partisans to drive the middle away. They need every vote they can get.

The SECOND the Democratic party abandons its Ideas I will bail on them

They already did when they ran Hillary instead of Bernie.

please don't insult me by pretending Im backing merely a label

I never said that. I am just realistic that there is indeed corruption in the Democratic Party.

that man is nit the end all be all is he ?
Trying to figure out who you're talking about here. You're rambling.

so why does he get respect from YOU as if he is better than all the humans in the Democratic party leadership who have saved this nation from LIE filled marches to war, economic disasters and decades of election cheating ?

I think you're talking about President Trump. You're mad because I give him the respect of not calling him names. When I do that I am showing respect for our Constitution. He is a Constitutional officer of our nation. The office deserves respect if you respect our Constitution. If we, as a nation, didn't want to be in a position of having to give this man the respect he was elected into, then we should have done more to prevent his election.

an unreal sense of fairness?
No. Respect for the USA. He represents the USA. Besides. I respect everybody. If I don't appreciate someone, I usually just keep my distance, move away. It's a big wide world. Plenty of people do not get along. Distance is a marvelous thing. The President is in your face. You can't ignore him. He's the most annoying president we've ever had. I do not like that. I must comment on him. So I call him by the title which is appropriate. He is the president. And I criticize him regularly as appropriate. Actually, he is so bad it is almost impossible to comment on every instance of lack of ethics he shows. That bad. But he is still the president.

this man takes Putin money
It's amazing Republicans are so OK with that. I am not.

remember my first words to yu 9n this site

It was a warning that if you began to look like a FAKE left poster I would recognize it in a very short time

I've been here for the better part of a year now. I am what I am. Most people consider my positions to be on the left. But I always want to hear any reasonable arguments for why I might be wrong. I could change my position on an issue if I heard a logical argument why. That has happened before. You've convinced me of nothing. And I am still wondering if you really help the left or not. I know you hurt the United States of America when you spread hatred and polarization. Our nation can't function if we hate one another. We need to have respect for different people and different ideas. That's what the left should be about. Partisanship is just group power. Views and feelings on pressing issues are grass root.

this man is a FAKE left guy working for Putin to try and malign the ONLY party this nation has the represents the people who voted for it

he is working for putin

He takes Putins Money

he is evil

lets remember Mussolini pretended to be working for the people with his words

and then delivered his own nation to the already wealthy by appointing them too all the seats of power


OK, you've rambled so much I am lost again. Are you talking about President Trump or me? What do you mean by 'FAKE left guy?' I would suggest that you slow down, use capitals and punctuation, proofread what you're posting. I am just going to keep on posting sincerely and honestly the way I see the world. I am genuinely on the left on most issues. I do not see the President as being on the left. He is on the right because that is the party which is easiest for him to manipulate with xenophobia. President Trump is a demagogue.

I know that few are going to watch a video of that length but maybe they will become interested enough after some discussion to clue themselves in to what Hedges is saying?

He understands that the two major parties are the same evil bastards who have hijackked the ordinary people and are working to uphold the very wealthy at the people's expense. The 1% in other words. He's supported the Libertarian party but that shouldn't be held against him. He freely admits that he was voting against the two major parties which are totally corrupt.

And he's zeroed in on Trump's cheap tricks of appealing to the people to blame minorities for their horrible losing lot in life. It's exactly the same tactic that Hitler used to rise to power, and only the minorities are different this time. Will it work for Trump? It will work the same as it worked for Hitler and drive the world away from the US. In fact it's quite obvious that is already happening.

Chris Hedges is only one man who is trying to get the message out to Americans. But as I said, nobody is likely to watch a video that long without first becoming interested in the message. I think perhaps a 10 minute sampling of his ideas could stir some interest here. Then that will lead to a great discussion as the fangs are bared by both sides!

What a massive pile of Marxist class envy bile and bullshit.

Hello evince,

Correct. The greater the polarization in the US political system, the more paralyzed it is. This makes Putin's corruption look not so bad.

We, as in we, Americans.

OK, so why are you making this about you? That's a trick the president uses. Is that what you want to emulate?

No, they each have their own way of serving the rich, shafting the poor, and furthering the Class War.


Well, I really don't recognize the term 'evil,' so we are thinking of things in different ways. Mine is more logical. Logic: If there is wrongdoing, it should be called out. Nobody gets a 'Free Pass' just because they are in the Democratic Party. They need to stick to good principles.

evil is real not imagined

You're very well informed, yes. Although some of the things you call facts are leaning into opinion territory.


I usually align with what the Democrats want to do as well, but I reserve my own judgement. I don't just go along with whatever the party wants. Look, evince. If you are so dedicated to the Democratic Party, then you should be very nice to me. I am closer to the middle. I am one of the deciders. People who always vote the straight party ticket are predictable. It is the ones in the middle who are the deciders. We can tip things either way. You straight party ticket people never decide anything. The rights cancel out the lefts. The whole battle is really for the middle. It is not wise for partisans to drive the middle away. They need every vote they can get.


They already did when they ran Hillary instead of Bernie.

More Democratic Americans voted for Hilary

I never said that. I am just realistic that there is indeed corruption in the Democratic Party.

Trying to figure out who you're talking about here. You're rambling.

I think you're talking about President Trump. You're mad because I give him the respect of not calling him names. When I do that I am showing respect for our Constitution. He is a Constitutional officer of our nation. The office deserves respect if you respect our Constitution. If we, as a nation, didn't want to be in a position of having to give this man the respect he was elected into, then we should have done more to prevent his election.

No. Respect for the USA. He represents the USA. Besides. I respect everybody. If I don't appreciate someone, I usually just keep my distance, move away. It's a big wide world. Plenty of people do not get along. Distance is a marvelous thing. The President is in your face. You can't ignore him. He's the most annoying president we've ever had. I do not like that. I must comment on him. So I call him by the title which is appropriate. He is the president. And I criticize him regularly as appropriate. Actually, he is so bad it is almost impossible to comment on every instance of lack of ethics he shows. That bad. But he is still the president.

It's amazing Republicans are so OK with that. I am not.

I've been here for the better part of a year now. I am what I am. Most people consider my positions to be on the left. But I always want to hear any reasonable arguments for why I might be wrong. I could change my position on an issue if I heard a logical argument why. That has happened before. You've convinced me of nothing. And I am still wondering if you really help the left or not. I know you hurt the United States of America when you spread hatred and polarization. Our nation can't function if we hate one another. We need to have respect for different people and different ideas. That's what the left should be about. Partisanship is just group power. Views and feelings on pressing issues are grass root.

OK, you've rambled so much I am lost again. Are you talking about President Trump or me? What do you mean by 'FAKE left guy?' I would suggest that you slow down, use capitals and punctuation, proofread what you're posting. I am just going to keep on posting sincerely and honestly the way I see the world. I am genuinely on the left on most issues. I do not see the President as being on the left. He is on the right because that is the party which is easiest for him to manipulate with xenophobia. President Trump is a demagogue.

you trash the Democratic party because Bernie lost ?

He took Putin help too
The VAST majority of Democratic voters chose Hilary

the Bernie team were taught by Putin to hate Hilary

She won the election but was cheated out of it ( along with us ) by Putin

why wont you face you were duped

instead you are trashing me and the Democratic party
why should I trust this man just because sometimes he SAYS liberal like things?

why should I trust a man who works for putin and his lively hood depends on how Putin feels about what he says ?

left leaning people who immediately begin trashing the Democratic party platform and its leaders the SECOND we get a little power back are not helping the march to freedom from evil

but for some reason you wont answer my posts

Hedges was actually booted off the NYT for opposing the Iraq War. Ed Shultz was forbidden to cover Sanders by MSNBC. RT has done nothing like that. The US calls Hedges a "foreign agent". That's how free speechy american corporate state "journalism" is.
The VAST majority of Democratic voters chose Hilary

the Bernie team were taught by Putin to hate Hilary

She won the election but was cheated out of it ( along with us ) by Putin

why wont you face you were duped

instead you are trashing me and the Democratic party

The DNC trashed itself via its own behavior, denial will not work for you either. When the "left" devolves into red baiting, it ain't "left" anymore. Hillary can keep chasing the Reich to the right if she thinks that'll work.
Hedges was actually booted off the NYT for opposing the Iraq War. Ed Shultz was forbidden to cover Sanders by MSNBC. RT has done nothing like that. The US calls Hedges a "foreign agent". That's how free speechy american corporate state "journalism" is.

Links to all those claims