Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)

The most accepted scientific theory is the big bang theory
The Big Bang is not science. Nobody gets to hang the "scientific" label on it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan. The Big Bang is consistent with observations and with the rest of science, but it is nothing more than speculation about the unobserved past.

Oh, and science is not a subjective matter of opinion, nor is science determined by any sort of consensus or democratic vote. The idea of how accepted the Big Bang might be is totally irrelevant. There is no quantity of "acceptance" that magically transforms speculation into science.

Regarding your statement above, it really would have to be reworded to be correct. Creationism (in some form) is the most widely accepted theory, because it includes fans of the Big Bang theory who believe that God/Allah/[pick your favorite deity] caused the Big Bang. Coming in second is pure Big Bang with no theistic component. You and I will have to be content with the #2 slot.

The big bang created only a few elements,
My personal speculation is that only hydrogen was formed first, and then all other elements were formed via fusion.


There are two problems with your question.

1. Nobody is somehow required to know how the universe was formed. You are free to speculate that a Christian "God" exists and created "everything" but no one is required to accept your speculation. Further, no one is required to have any speculation on the formation of the universe lest he be required to accept your speculation.

2. Atheists are not somehow united in a mindless collective that somehow proscribes an officially required speculation on the formation of the universe. Atheists simply have no theism. All you can say about any atheist's speculation about the formation of the universe is that it doesn't involve any theism. To that end, the Big Bang is popular because it is consistent with (our very limited) astronomical observation, it is externally consistent with other science models, ... it gets the job done. However, if tomorrow some discovery blows the Big Bang theory out of the water, no atheist has any sort of religious attachment to it and it will fall by the wayside.


So ya got nothing!
So ya got nothing!
Why don't you try reading my post? Do you need me to translate it into Deutsch for you?

Es gibt zwei Probleme mit Ihrer Frage.

1. Niemand muss wissen, wie das Universum entstanden ist. Es steht Ihnen frei, zu spekulieren, dass ein christlicher „Gott“ existiert und „alles“ erschaffen hat, aber niemand ist verpflichtet, Ihre Spekulationen zu akzeptieren. Darüber hinaus muss niemand über den Ursprung des Universums spekulieren, also muss er Ihre Spekulationen nicht akzeptieren.

2. Atheisten sind nicht irgendwie in einem gedankenlosen Kollektiv vereint, das offiziell vorgeschriebene Spekulationen über die Ursprünge des Universums irgendwie verbietet. Atheisten haben einfach keinen Theismus. Über die Spekulationen eines Atheisten über den Ursprung des Universums kann man nur sagen, dass sie keinen Theismus beinhalten. Aus diesem Grund ist der Urknall beliebt, weil er mit (unserer sehr begrenzten) astronomischen Beobachtung übereinstimmt, äußerlich mit anderen wissenschaftlichen Modellen übereinstimmt, ... er seinen Zweck erfüllt. Wenn jedoch morgen irgendeine Entdeckung die Urknalltheorie zunichte macht, wird kein Atheist sich ihr religiös verpflichten und sie wird auf der Strecke bleiben.

Hint: the above is not nothing. You asked a bogus question for the reasons I specified. I suggest you take advantage of a do-over.

Not even Lucifer the Lightbringer and all Satanic cocksuckers can prove a negative, Pmp.

I've noted several times on JPP where self-professed "Christians" attacked others. Here's examples of bigoted antisemitic self-avowed Christians attacking non-Christians:

Ohh, ohh! The pervert is still obsessed with sucking cock! :laugh:
Yeah, you just kill them in the name of your non-existent God. But I'm sure you won't ridicule me, eh 'Christian'?


Of course I'll ridicule you, but for far more other reasons. Stupidity, for one..
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How so, cowardly pervert?
You're obsessed with sucking cock.
What does that have to do with religion?
Don't worry about it, Arbie. Smarter people than you, which is just about everyone, can see for themselves.
Come on, coward. Answer the question.

You're such a brave little boy from your keyboard, Arbie.

The fact remains you made a claim and then disproved it yourself. You gotta know I do love irony. LOL

Case in Point?
It happens to me all the time. All - the - time. Margot just finished doing it (perhaps you didn't catch it). PostmodernProphet insisted on continuing to do it to me over a period of weeks, despite my making multiple posts detailing my position ... then he insisted on repeating the whole thing several months later. There were others that I'm not recalling, but this is just over the last several months on JPP. It happens to me on every site and I jump in when I see it happening to others.

When it comes to atheist positions, Christians, not all but for the most part, become totally dishonest, just as leftists. They assign bogus positions and attack atheists for positions they do not have.

I'm not claiming to be a victim in any way. I know what to expect when I make the decision to post on a site. It just boggles my mind that someone would insist that I don't hold the position that I state that I hold, and would insist that I hold some position that I state that I do not hold ... even when I take the time to explain in detail.

Now I need to be fair. There are many Marxists who claim to be atheists who really screw up the situation; however, the moment I state my position and clarify it, that should be the end of it, yes?

I do appreciate those Christians that actually take the time to listen to my positions and take note of them.
You're such a brave little boy from your keyboard, Arbie.

The fact remains you made a claim and then disproved it yourself. You gotta know I do love irony. LOL


Your caregiver in the convalescent home must hate me because I make you shit from both ends.
Does she roll you over and clean you with a pressure washer?

Answer the question, coward.
It happens to me all the time. All - the - time. Margot just finished doing it (perhaps you didn't catch it). PostmodernProphet insisted on continuing to do it to me over a period of weeks, despite my making multiple posts detailing my position ... then he insisted on repeating the whole thing several months later. There were others that I'm not recalling, but this is just over the last several months on JPP. It happens to me on every site and I jump in when I see it happening to others.

When it comes to atheist positions, Christians, not all but for the most part, become totally dishonest, just as leftists. They assign bogus positions and attack atheists for positions they do not have.

I'm not claiming to be a victim in any way. I know what to expect when I make the decision to post on a site. It just boggles my mind that someone would insist that I don't hold the position that I state that I hold, and would insist that I hold some position that I state that I do not hold ... even when I take the time to explain in detail.

Now I need to be fair. There are many Marxists who claim to be atheists who really screw up the situation; however, the moment I state my position and clarify it, that should be the end of it, yes?

I do appreciate those Christians that actually take the time to listen to my positions and take note of them.

I've said it dozens of times, I don't care what you believe, don't criticize me for my beliefs.

If you go back to the board's inception, I think way more threads were started complaining about Muslims than were ever created complaining about Christians.
Nope. Only Christian bashing and Muslim-adoring. You knew this, though, which is why you didn't take a moment to compile a short list of links to threads that complain about Muslims, i.e. there aren't any. I checked the oldest page-and-a-half of threads in the Religion board and I found fifteen threads that target Christians for either bashing, mockery or both, one that praises Judaism and one that praises Islam while emphasizing its victim status.

You had to know that someone would check the veracity of your statement, and you lied anyway just to get in on the leftist-collective sentiment at the moment.

No, it is not. He and his gang of gossip grrrls have, for instance, mocked mine for years. And then there's Guno, whom RB calls a "mongrel" and "fake Jew." Oops!

You're an atheist religion mocker. Who do you think you're fooling?

Go worship Man-made Semolina, retard. That little fact thing under my name there? That's for people just like you.