Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)

You have everyone on ignore who doesn't mindlessly bleat the Marxist orthodoxy you vomit out.

You're an ignorant coward, incapable of making or defending a reasonable argument.

Oh yes, I know you have me on ignore - I utterly destroyed talking points you were regurgitating years ago - and as the coward everyone here knows you to be, you ran to the corner to pout.
How many times have the police been called on you, Underscore?


Now admit to all the men that you're a fucking coward who has me on ignore because "I utterly destroyed talking points you were regurgitating years ago - and as the coward everyone here knows you to be, you ran to the corner to pout.". :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:
Sez the man who thinks shooting all Trump supporters should be a national pastime
It's really sad that Damo castrating you resulting in a reading disorder, Tiny Dick.

Alternatively, it's just your dementia having a firmer grip on your big head, leaving the little head in charge.
Be honest, Oom.

You underestimate yourself badly.

You piss off a lot more people than that

and you DO know why.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

I'll admit that the extremists seem to take a dim view of moderates and centrists in general...and that me being a tad loud about it may be a factor. :)
Orthodox Church in America:

(These days) the Church reads only from the New Testament Epistles and Gospels. The Old Testament, known to the apostles simply as “the Scriptures”, is now scarcely read liturgically at all. Once in a while, at the Twelve Great Feasts, we read three Old Testament lessons at Vespers. Often they are the same Old Testament lessons, and anyway, many people do not attend Vespers to hear them read. Marcion may well smile at us from wherever he is. It is almost as if we agreed with him, and banished the Old Testament from our public reading of the divine scriptures. The Old Testament remains for most Orthodox a closed book, as if the Bible began not with Genesis, but with the Gospel of Matthew.


Very interesting.
Samuel is Hebrew prophet who plays almost no role in Christian theology.

I find it interesting how you seem to want to disassemble the Bible. You are uniquely incapable of discussing theology of Christianity without constant access to special pleading.

I have been to dozens of Russian, Greek, Serbian, and American Orthodox churches and have never seen a single icon of Samuel. All of the icons which are venerated are of Jesus, the virgin Mary, and the plethora of Christian saints.

Your understanding of theology seems largely a "popularity contest".

If you don't like to stories Samuel wrote, try going to a synagogue and complaining to the people there about Samuel.

I am utterly fascinated at your inability to have a theological or philosophical conversation without getting offended. Did you never have a philosophy class or a debate team where someone took a contrary position in order to discuss it even if they didn't believe the position?

One thing I agree with Mason about, why does a militant atheist care so much about the writings of the Old Testament? Either don't read Samuel, or go complain to your Jewish neighbors about a Hebrew prophet.

This is what PHILOSOPHICAL and THEOLOGICAL DISCUSSIONS LOOK LIKE. It's how one keeps their mental agility by exploring multiple positions.

I'm curious how YOU can't understand this? You seem to have read extensively in philosophy but you are uniquely incapable of a conversation on said topic.
I find it interesting how you seem to want to disassemble the Bible. You are uniquely incapable of discussing theology of Christianity without constant access to special pleading.

Your understanding of theology seems largely a "popularity contest".

I am utterly fascinated at your inability to have a theological or philosophical conversation without getting offended. Did you never have a philosophy class or a debate team where someone took a contrary position in order to discuss it even if they didn't believe the position?

This is what PHILOSOPHICAL and THEOLOGICAL DISCUSSIONS LOOK LIKE. It's how one keeps their mental agility by exploring multiple positions.

I'm curious how YOU can't understand this? You seem to have read extensively in philosophy but you are uniquely incapable of a conversation on said topic.

Since you are a militant atheist, I can understand your agenda of taking a few outrageous stories from the Old Testament and attempting to make them a central tenet of Christianity. Your agenda is completely transparent.

In the Christian faith tradition I am familiar with, the Old Testament plays almost no role in Christian theology, the Old Testament is never a part of the liturgy, and of the thousands of religious icons I have seen none of them were of Samuel or the other Hebrew prophets -- they were of Jesus, the virgin Mary, and the pantheon of Christian saints, ie, Peter, Paul, George, et. al.
Since you are a militant atheist, I can understand your agenda of taking a few outrageous stories from the Old Testament and attempting to make them a central tenet of Christianity. Your agenda is completely transparent m

Your "popularity based" theology is not how theology is actually debated.

In the Christian faith tradition I am familiar with, the Old Testament plays almost no role in Christian theology

Perhaps you don't know much about Christian theology.

, the Old Testament is never a part of the liturgy,

You wrong, of course.

Here's what the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops say:

The Church's Liturgy makes extensive use of Scripture. Every liturgical rite (the Mass and the other sacraments, the Liturgy of the Hours, and other rites of the Rituale Romanum) includes the proclamation of biblical readings, especially from the Gospels, and often from the Old Testament.
(Emphasis added) SOURCE

and of the thousands of religious icons I have seen none of them were of Samuel or the other Hebrew prophets -- they were of Jesus, the virgin Mary, and the pantheon of Christian saints.


Your "popularity based" theology is not how theology is actually debated.

Perhaps you don't know much about Christian theology.

I love how I inspire you to spend hours frantically googling.

I'm not Catholic, and never have been.

I understand your agenda, and why you have a latent need to attempt to make some violent and crazy ass stories in the Old Testament a Central tenent of Christianity.

Here is something you don't know about theology. The idea that individuals like you have licence to sit on your couch and interpret the bible is found nowhere in Christian tradition. Even Luther didn't believe average rubes and numbskulls should be interpreting the bible on their own.

Protestantism is the only christian tradition that believes the bible is the sole source of religious authority.

Protestantism is a minority sect in world Christianity.

In the rest of Christianity, church teaching, ecelesiastical authority, and church tradition are of completely equal authority to scripture.

So when you sit on your couch attempting to interpret the bible on your own, what you are doing is actually in direct conflict with Christian theology.