Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)

Nope. Only Christian bashing and Muslim-adoring.
Argument from ignorance fallacy
Fallacy 36b.
hint: energy and matter are not interchangeable
Wave-Particle duality is classical physics.
There is no such thing as an accelerating reference frame!!
There is no such thing as an 'accelerating frame of reference'.
Darwin's theory of evolution is not science
Axioms are not postulates!
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism
I believe you are correct. So now are we thinking that one of the Prophets of God LIED?

BUT, more importantly, in the story, Saul is later PUNISHED by God (God turned away from Saul) because Saul failed to follow Samuel's command from God. So if Samuel was lying God still punished Saul.

(And please remember I'm talking about what the story says...I am 100% certain that there is no God that would ever command a genocide, but that's not the point...the point is we are discussing the theological issues that the God of the Bible carries with Him as part of his overall definition).

Samuel is Hebrew prophet who plays almost no role in Christian theology.

I have been to dozens of Russian, Greek, Serbian, and American Orthodox churches and have never seen a single icon of Samuel. All of the icons which are venerated are of Jesus, the virgin Mary, and the plethora of Christian saints.

If you don't like to stories Samuel wrote, try going to a synagogue and complaining to the people there about Samuel.

One thing I agree with Mason about, why does a militant atheist care so much about the writings of the Old Testament? Either don't read Samuel, or go complain to your Jewish neighbors about a Hebrew prophet.
Orthodox Church in America:

(These days) the Church reads only from the New Testament Epistles and Gospels. The Old Testament, known to the apostles simply as “the Scriptures”, is now scarcely read liturgically at all. Once in a while, at the Twelve Great Feasts, we read three Old Testament lessons at Vespers. Often they are the same Old Testament lessons, and anyway, many people do not attend Vespers to hear them read. Marcion may well smile at us from wherever he is. It is almost as if we agreed with him, and banished the Old Testament from our public reading of the divine scriptures. The Old Testament remains for most Orthodox a closed book, as if the Bible began not with Genesis, but with the Gospel of Matthew.

You're an atheist religion mocker. Who do you think you're fooling?

Go worship Man-made Semolina, retard. That little fact thing under my name there? That's for people just like you.

I suppose I would have to drink as much as you do, and inject some street drugs too, in order to make sense out of this word salad babbling. The fact that you believe that I'm an atheist doesn't speak very well for your ability to comprehend what other people write.

Your caregiver in the convalescent home must hate me because I make you shit from both ends.
Does she roll you over and clean you with a pressure washer?

Answer the question, coward.
LOL Your fantasies are interesting, Arbie. Lots of projection.

Dear Dumbass; I already did. The fact you are too blind to see it or too dimwitted to understand why you proved your own statement a lie is not my problem.
Has anyone noticed that Christians are ridiculed by the non-believers, yet the non-believers are not ridiculed by Christians?

As an agnostic, I ridicule atheists all the time.

No greater faith is there than the absolute certainty that there is no greater power in the universe than oneself. Ultimately, that is what atheism is. I'm certainly no Christian, but I find atheism to be the most absurd of all religions. Especially once we splash in the Gaia cultism of AGW...
Auschwitz is tame compared to what democrats have in store for white people.
Proof JPP's Down Under Dumbass is insane.

Sane Americans know the majority of America remains European descent. The whole meme of "whites being a minority" is based upon blended families. Race is a social construct and, by 2050, those claiming to be white, black, Asian,etc, will be far fewer since most will be of blended lineage. Only dumbfuck racists like Down Under will think this is a problem. Most of the JPP racist dumbfucks will be D-E-A-D, buried and mostly forgotten.
I've had that sock on ignore for years. I see by your quotes that nothing has changed, nor will it ever change. Thanks for the laughs though. Your replies to the nonsense were outstanding!

You have everyone on ignore who doesn't mindlessly bleat the Marxist orthodoxy you vomit out.

You're an ignorant coward, incapable of making or defending a reasonable argument.

Oh yes, I know you have me on ignore - I utterly destroyed talking points you were regurgitating years ago - and as the coward everyone here knows you to be, you ran to the corner to pout.
no......they do not reproduce......and let's see an example of something without cell structure reproducing.....this should be interesting.......by he way, molecules do not reproduce......they are produced.....by a organic chemical reaction......

An organic chemical reaction? You mean an organic chemical reaction like happens with a DNA molecule?