Here I am.

That seems like you.

Ruh roh. Wasted another chance by responding to your own post. Three down. Seven to go.

The true trifecta.

Wasting a chance to prove your massively ignorant claim.
Demonstrating your schizophrenia by responding to yourself.
Then there’s the proof of massive stupidity.

Keep up the diversionary bullshit, lying HS dropout. That’s why you will always be:


Ruh roh. Wasted another chance by responding to your own post. Three down. Seven to go.

The true trifecta.

Wasting a chance to prove your massively ignorant claim.
Demonstrating your schizophrenia by responding to yourself.
Then there’s the proof of massive stupidity.

Keep up the diversionary bullshit, lying HS dropout. That’s why you will always be:

I was a trial patient for lobotomies.



Halfway there, lying fucking HS dropout. What an ignorant and flaccid little prick you are.

You are truly the most ignorant fuck on this forum. You haver NEVER backed up a single claim you’ve ever made.

5 to go, lying cunt.

My dog licks my shriveled balls. And throws up.

Let it all out Domer. You have nothing else.
Amazing! The lying fucking schizophrenic HS dropout has burned 10 chances to prove his point. In record time.

Flaccid and laughable little prick

Dropped on your head a lot as a kid Domer. No matter what you parents said, it was on purpose.
