Here's another clip of what you IDIOTS voted for

That wasn't the point of the video you willful moron. Are you retarded? I am starting to believe this is not an act. :palm:

Are you that much of a dumbass? I know your issue is with him "pausing" for a couple of seconds to collect his thoughts. You have an explosive diarrhea over that two seconds.

I have posted the original video above.

Seriously, you have a mental case.
Here's the original without the bullshit editing.

Once again, no one said he didn't go mental case. It was the blinking, the forgetfulness and losing his train of thought.

I know; compared to you he is perfectly coherent and not senile. You really are a boorish tard.

Biden, the man leftist mental cases thinks should lead the most powerful nation on the planet:

Joe Biden struggles to name his defense secretary....the guy who runs that outfit over there....

Once again, no one said he didn't go mental case. It was the blinking, the forgetfulness and losing his train of thought.

I know; compared to you he is perfectly coherent and not senile. You really are a boorish tard.

Joe Biden struggles to name his defense secretary....the guy who runs that outfit over there....

Jesus H. Christ. Your issue is that two seconds to collect his thoughts? That's common with speakers.

Are you that retarded?
Biden, the man leftist mental cases thinks should lead the most powerful nation on the planet:

Joe Biden struggles & forced to refer to notes when asked about alleged Russian cyber hack

Jesus H. Christ. Your issue is that two seconds to collect his thoughts? That's common with speakers.

Jesus H. Christ; are you pathological? This type of forgetfulness and incoherent rambles are not common with speakers you dishonest jackass. Hell, the man has been speaking for 40 years.

If you had a brain, you would be worried. But you don't have a brain. You think that having an incompetent, senile old Democrat in the White House is A OK. That's because you are stupid and dishonest.

Are you that retarded?

I R O N Y!!!!

Another glaring example of how leftist morons have ZERO self awareness.
Are you that much of a dumbass?

That is rather ironic coming from a boorish dumbass like you. :palm:

I know your issue is with him "pausing" for a couple of seconds to collect his thoughts.

No shit-for-brains; my issue is a guy who has blinking moments of forgetfulness in the middle of a thought and cannot finish a sentence without incoherently babbling and pulling out cheat sheets his staff gives him.

My concern is with a babbling fool who reverses policies of his predecessor that have massively negative consequences for America for the only reason it was Trump.

My concern is with a guy who cannot formulate a sentence without being a gaff machine of foolishness. Now for boorish, dishonest asswhipes like you, this is A OK. I get that. For anyone with a brain it is of serious concern.

My concern is a President who tells journalists that he is not supposed to answer their questions or he'll get in trouble, Again, for boorish, dishonest asswhipes like you, this is A OK. I get that. For anyone with a brain it is of serious concern.

You have an explosive diarrhea over that two seconds.

Ironic coming from a boorish thread trolling asshole who does nothing but. :palm:

I have posted the original video above.

And he looks just as confused and stupid. You look boorish and moronic.

Seriously, you have a mental case.

Seriously; you ARE a mental case. You should see someone about that serious case of stupid you appear to be afflicted with. I don't think this is an act.
Jesus H. Christ; are you pathological? This type of forgetfulness and incoherent rambles are not common with speakers you dishonest jackass. Hell, the man has been speaking for 40 years.

If you had a brain, you would be worried. But you don't have a brain. You think that having an incompetent, senile old Democrat in the White House is A OK. That's because you are stupid and dishonest.

I R O N Y!!!!

Another glaring example of how leftist morons have ZERO self awareness.

What the actual fuck? It appears that you have never publicly spoke.
That is rather ironic coming from a boorish dumbass like you. :palm:

No shit-for-brains; my issue is a guy who has blinking moments of forgetfulness in the middle of a thought and cannot finish a sentence without incoherently babbling and pulling out cheat sheets his staff gives him.

My concern is with a babbling fool who reverses policies of his predecessor that have massively negative consequences for America for the only reason it was Trump.

My concern is with a guy who cannot formulate a sentence without being a gaff machine of foolishness. Now for boorish, dishonest asswhipes like you, this is A OK. I get that. For anyone with a brain it is of serious concern.

My concern is a President who tells journalists that he is not supposed to answer their questions or he'll get in trouble, Again, for boorish, dishonest asswhipes like you, this is A OK. I get that. For anyone with a brain it is of serious concern.

Ironic coming from a boorish thread trolling asshole who does nothing but. :palm:

And he looks just as confused and stupid. You look boorish and moronic.

Seriously; you ARE a mental case. You should see someone about that serious case of stupid you appear to be afflicted with. I don't think this is an act.

You never had any concern about your orange idol doing the same, dumbass.
Even a 5th grader knows how to edit and slow down a film clip of someone talking and then loop the edited part a few times to make it look like someone is stuttering or forgot what to say.



they are too stupid to believe facts. here is an edited clip of gomer bush making him look drunk as hell-

Let me just tell you how even an idiot like YOU can do it!

Go down to your Mommy's basement and logon to Mommy's PC and bring up WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER- and have fun editing any video clip you desire!

I knew you wouldn't answer you lying son of a gutter whore. All you cocksuckers do is lie.

OOPS. Perhaps you should wipe your own filthy dingleberry ridden ass before you shitpost. Mmmmmkay?
