Here's another clip of what you IDIOTS voted for

Oh, kitty litter, it’s just so sad you’re so illiterate. I know that’s a big word, maybe, mommy can tell you the meaning. You should also stop catching bumpers, it’s having an effect on you.

Smoochie whoochie

Fuck you up your lying faggot bitch ass.
You can trash trump all you want but hes not president is he. Joe is and all the world leaders see his vids and how fucked up he is and all his lies. They see a idiot

World leaders haven't laughed at Biden, haven't made jokes about him.

They sure did with Dotard, the dumbass.

September 25 2018
President Donald Trump drew laughter from the group of world leaders gathered at the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday after he boasted about his administration’s accomplishments.

“One year ago, I stood before you for the first time in this grand hall,” Trump, 72, said at the start of his speech. “I address the threats facing our world, and I presented a vision to achieve a brighter future for all of humanity. Today I stand before the United Nations general assembly to share the extraordinary progress we’ve made.”

He continued, “In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country. … So true.” (LIE)

After the crowd broke out into laughter, an apparently flustered Trump responded, “Didn’t expect that reaction, but that’s okay."

A video has emerged that appears to show world leaders joking about Donald Trump at the Nato summit in London, which has been marked by sharp disagreements over spending, future threats including China and Turkey’s role in the alliance.

The footage shows leaders including Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron at a function at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday evening. Johnson asks Macron: “Is that why he was late?” before Trudeau interjects: “He was late because he takes a 40-minute press conference off the top”.

Spain's prime minister, Pedro Sanchez, meanwhile, said that Biden represented "victory of democracy over the ultra-right."

Then he took aim directly at the former president.

"Five years ago, we thought Trump was a bad joke, but five years later we realized he jeopardized nothing less than the world's most powerful democracy," he said in a speech.

All teabaggers ( did was trash Obama when their fat, orange, grifter was in office, they still do.

"All his lies"?

"Who gonna pay for the wall"?