Here's what the problem with money is

No. It is not possible to dictate a value.
Value, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

A fiat currency is simply a currency that is designated by fiat (government decree).

In the United States, the Constitution specifies what is to be used for currency. This is not a government decree. It is simply an agreed upon bit of the Constitution.
The only legal tender, according to the Constitution, is gold and silver. The Fed and the fiat dollar is therefore unconstitutional.

you just said fiat currency is when someone makes it so. that's dictation.
Where you will start having a problem is when sellers no longer accept cash.
Why would they do that?
It is their choice, but also means that buyers are forced to use digital money.
Digital money IS cash.
I disagree with something else. Many states require the same price for both cash and credit.
Credit card companies charge the retailers 1% to 5% of sales.
The credit cards give me the money in cash back programs.
A common inducement to get you to use a credit card. So?
I pay off the statement balance (but not the current balance) every month, so pay no interest, but get a revolving one month loan for free.
Is it? You are charged fees for having the card, even if you never use it or pay off the entire balance every month.
So basically, people who pay cash are being forced to pay me thousands of dollars a year by the state governments.
No. People that use cash are not paying you anything, unless you are selling them something.
I benefit, but I still disagree with it.
You benefit from what? A credit card? From debt or the ability to go into debt?
Much like a disagree with the free parking I get through zoning laws.
Why do you want to pay for parking?
You are giving your own opinion. You do not get to declare that as the Universal Truth.

Apparently a lot of them do. Currencies like the dollar, the yen, the Euro, etc are still happily used by a lot of people, despite the problems that fiat currency has.

but you like gold.
they've been sold on a convenience first mentality by propagandistic fascists.

digital fiat currency is totalitarianism.

Put simpler: Them damn cards with the chips in 'em and QR codes!

Cash is freedom, they track everything you do with those cards.