Hey Maineman, watcha think about Dem Jim Webb now?

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Liberal Democrat candidate for senate in Virginia Jim Webb's disturbing writing:

Lost Soldiers: “A shirtless man walked toward them along a mud pathway. His muscles were young and hard, but his face was devastated with wrinkles. His eyes were so red that they appeared to be burned by fire. A naked boy ran happily toward him from a little plot of dirt. The man grabbed his young son in his arms, turned him upside down, and put the boy’s penis in his mouth.”

Something to Die For: "Fogarty . . . watch[ed] a naked young stripper do the splits over a banana. She stood back up, her face smiling proudly and her round breasts glistening from a spotlight in the dim bar, and left the banana on the bar, cut in four equal sections by the muscles of her vagina."

And on and on

Webb’s novels disturbingly and consistently – indeed, almost uniformly – portray women as servile, subordinate, inept, incompetent, promiscuous, perverted, or some combination of these. In novel after novel, Webb assigns his female characters base, negative characteristics. In thousands of pages of fiction penned by Webb, there are few if any strong, admirable women or positive female role models.

This guy is way worse with his words than Foley was and he is seeking a senate seat, but of course he is a Dem, so the Liberal media will give him a pass...will you?
have you ever read any of Webb's books dano?

why, of course you haven't.

When you have, come on back and let's talk about what sort of author he is.
oh...by the way... the review of Lost Soldiers from Publisher's Weekly:

Webb's cultural and political portrayal of Vietnam 25 years after the war's end is delivered with such bold strokes and magical detail that it really doesn't matter that the plot itself is relegated to the backseat. This is a highly personal and empathetic look at today's Vietnam, a land of misery and inequity, yet one still vibrantly alive. The story follows the experiences of Brandon Condley, an ex-Marine whose job it is to find missing American soldiers, dead or alive. Condley is trying to track down Theodore Deville, an army grunt who not only deserted his unit in 1969 and killed a fellow serviceman, but then joined the ranks of the enemy. Condley is convinced Deville is still alive, operating somewhere in southeast Asia's underground economy. Webb introduces a rich cast of supporting characters as Condley pursues his quarry across Vietnam, Australia, the former Soviet Union and Thailand. Among the most delicately etched is Dzung, a former South Vietnamese officer now relegated, like thousands of others on the losing side, to a menial station in life, one that he and his family have no hope of escaping. Such characters, as well as the highly textured mood and atmosphere that Webb creates, tend to further eclipse the main narrative and shift the focus to the moral consequences and social fallout of the war. This detailed, lovingly drawn portrait of Vietnam reveals a sad, tortured country that has never recovered from the horrifying events of a quarter-century ago. Major print and radio advertising. (Sept. 4)Forecast: Webb (Fields of Fire) is no stranger to the bestseller lists; endorsements from heavy hitters like Sen. John McCain will help put him there once again.

I guess, right off the top, one can say that "lost soldiers" is a fictional novel and a damned good one...whereas Foley is reality... and when he writes of sexual issues, he's doing it on a laptop in the house cloakroom having cybersex and blowing a load of his splooge all over the screen while the united states house of representatives is holding a roll call vote open waiting for him to orgasm...and Webb is writing a critically acclaimed fictional novel.

Yeah dano... there is a great deal of similarity here.

Could you possibly BE any more desperate? or foolish???
and dano do lame ass douchebag mano slinks away into the night.... good riddance, you pathetic sorry excuse for a man.
hey...dano.... do us all a favor and stay gone until the memory of this abortion of a thread slips from our memory.... you really are an embarrassment to the conservative cause.... so much so that one might almost get the idea that you were a liberal troll intentionally trying to discredit conservatives with your overtly assinine behavior.
Well Maineman, if you want to defend a guy who writes fiction or non-fiction about a father taking his sons dick in his mouth and your defence is that the book is "critically acclaimed", then go ahead. Maybe even you can give that advice to Webb to try and boost his plummetting ratings once real people realize what kind of sick fuck he is.

You know Maineman all the years when toby made up his BS about you and your son, I always thought it was bullshit, but here you are defending a guy who writes about a father and son engaged in an sexual act...what the fuck is wrong with you man?
As for Dano "slinking away", I like to call it "going to sleep". Unlike you I don't sit on this site all my life clicking refresh every minute drooling over some oppurtunity to post crap.
And Maineman slinks away... (well he's actually probably driving his SUV into work) but I like to pretend that I am some ruling mofo who vanquishes my enemy so please give me my moment...oh yes and I need a few more ellipses...and ok there we go....hit post.
like I said.... John McCain loves the book, critics everywhere love the book.... it is a work of fiction I realize it is not on the same level as the stuff like "My Pet Goat" that YOU read, but the fact remains...it is a critically acclaimed work of fiction by a great author.... you want to compare it to "splooge boy Foley" and his jackoff cybersex in the House cloakroom.... that is pretty desperate if you ask me.

and your attack against me and my son is not at all unexpected. Are you gonna post his address again?

Oh... and by the way...I have a Jetta, but have been riding to work with a co-worker for the past two weeks after my heart attack.
LMAO. This is priceless. The apologists have nothing now, but racist ads and now they are comparing a child predator to a novelist; who writes FICTION. Dano, do you really need people to humor this ridiculous comparison? Or are you just trying to be funny again?
The HUGE difference for someone like Dano who cant see it is that Webb wrote FICTION... Foley's acts were NON-FICTION. I dont care what he wrote about, I care about his plans for our government!
You'd think that a guy like dano would be pleased that Ron Reagan's Secretary of the Navy was going to be a US Senator...but the fact that he has a D after his name means that dano refuses to accept him...and that he has to find fictional passages from a critically acclaimed novel - one that John McCain applauds, even - to criticize Webb for....

and dano has the GALL to call me partisan! HA

I may be partisan dano...but, unlike you, I am not a moron.
but dano...to answer the question that you posed at the beginning of this thread;

I think just as highly of Jim Webb now as I have for the past 38 years.

He is a renaissance man in every sense of the word. A heroic warrrior, an artist and a scholar.

This thread has not shown me anything about Jim Webb that I didn't already know.

And it really isn't possible for me to think any LESS of YOU than I already do, so the net effect of this thread ON ME is basically nothing.

It does appear as if it has garnered you a few more detractors, however, who seem to be figuring out what I have known about you for quite some time: that you are a slanderous asshole and an intellectual lightweight.

So the fact that it has shed some new light on YOUR character (or lack thereof) for some is a good thing.
but dano...to answer the question that you posed at the beginning of this thread;

I think just as highly of Jim Webb now as I have for the past 38 years.

He is a renaissance man in every sense of the word. A heroic warrrior, an artist and a scholar.

This thread has not shown me anything about Jim Webb that I didn't already know.

And it really isn't possible for me to think any LESS of YOU than I already do, so the net effect of this thread ON ME is basically nothing.

It does appear as if it has garnered you a few more detractors, however, who seem to be figuring out what I have known about you for quite some time: that you are a slanderous asshole and an intellectual lightweight.

So the fact that it has shed some new light on YOUR character (or lack thereof) for some is a good thing.
So bottom line you think highly about a guy writing about paedophelia. I really don't care what you think about me moron, I just wanted to see if your partisanship extended enough to thinking highly about paedophelic writers. I can only say for myself if I discovered some Repub liked to write about paedophelic acts in such explicit terms I would want nothing to do with him and think of him as a piece of shit, but to you as you say yourself he is your "heroic warrior".

I could give a fuck what John McCain or any other Demopublican thinks about him or whether he is an R or D, I judge people as individuals.

As for the Foley comparison, perhaps it would have been better to compare Foley to this list, so apologies for that to the board:

10. Sen. Daniel Inouye. The 82-year-old Hawaii Democrat was accused in the 1990s by numerous women of sexual harassment. Democrats cast doubt on the allegations and the Senate Ethics Committee dropped its investigation.

9. Former Rep. Gus Savage. The Illinois Democrat was accused of fondling a Peace Corps volunteer in 1989 while on a trip to Africa. The House Ethics Committee decided against disciplinary action in 1990.

8. Rep. Barney Frank. The outspoken Massachusetts Democrat hired a male prostitute who ran a prostitution service from Frank’s residence in the 1980s. Only two Democrats in the House of Representatives voted to censure him in 1990.

7. Former Sen. Brock Adams. The late Washington Democrat was forced to stop campaigning after numerous accusations of drugging, assault and rape, the first surfacing in 1988.

6. Former Rep. Fred Richmond. This New York Democrat was arrested in 1978 for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old. He remained in Congress and won re-election—before eventually resigning in 1982 after pleading guilty to tax evasion and drug possession.

5. Former Rep. John Young. The late Texas Democrat increased the salary of a staffer after she gave in to his sexual advances. The congressman won re-election in 1976 but lost two years later.

4. Former Rep. Wayne Hays. The late Ohio Democrat hired an unqualified secretary reportedly for sexual acts. Although he resigned from Congress, the Democratic House leadership stalled in removing him from the Administration Committee in 1976.

3. Former Rep. Gerry Studds. He was censured for sexual relationship with underage male page in 1983. Massachusetts voters returned him to office for six more terms.

2. Former Rep. Mel Reynolds. The Illinois Democrat was convicted of 12 counts of sexual assault with a 16-year-old. President Bill Clinton pardoned him before leaving office.

1. Sen. Teddy Kennedy. The liberal Massachusetts senator testified in defense of nephew accused of rape, invoking his family history to win over the jury in 1991.

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