Hey Maineman, watcha think about Dem Jim Webb now?

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This is hardly desperation, in case you morons hadn't noticed Webb was ALREADY trailing Allen in the polls, exactly what is anyone desperate about? Trying to beat him by even more? Think a little...
I just remember Maineman heaping the praise on this guy and wanted to know what he still thought about him after seeing certain parts of his writing.
It is not just the Webb race Dano, why do you post the list all the time, all those guys running right now ? hmmm ?
And I find it really quite stunning that you would condemn the writer whose body of work is prodigious and powerful, on the basis of one paragraph taken out of context. Do you honestly think that novels ought not to ever have characters who are less than perfect? DO you really think that novels should never describe the behavior or anyone other than their heroes? You have never read a single Webb novel.... yet you feel qualified to condemn him as a senatorial candidate and compare him to a man who doesn't write FICTION but types obscene instant messages to teenage boys with one hand while he jacks off with the other all the while holding the business of the house of representatives at bay until he finishes his cybersex and splooges on his laptop. You really are despicable. and to bring toby's slander into it just prooves to me what a lowlife asshole you really are..... why don't you find some sick perverted website and go post my son's address and phone number on there as well? You disgusting prick.
so rob... you think that all novels should have the character complexity of My Pet Goat?

why am I not surprised?
And I find it really quite stunning that you would condemn the writer whose body of work is prodigious and powerful, on the basis of one paragraph taken out of context. Do you honestly think that novels ought not to ever have characters who are less than perfect? DO you really think that novels should never describe the behavior or anyone other than their heroes? You have never read a single Webb novel.... yet you feel qualified to condemn him as a senatorial candidate and compare him to a man who doesn't write FICTION but types obscene instant messages to teenage boys with one hand while he jacks off with the other all the while holding the business of the house of representatives at bay until he finishes his cybersex and splooges on his laptop. You really are despicable. and to bring toby's slander into it just prooves to me what a lowlife asshole you really are..... why don't you find some sick perverted website and go post my son's address and phone number on there as well? You disgusting prick.
You KNOW I didn't know that was your son's number and you KNOW I only did it because you called me full of shit that I didn't know your personal info after YOU started your shit on my family.
As you broke your promise (again) not to rehash this shit, I will have to post the entire Maineman despicable story so everything is clear for anyone reading this:

Maineman made a sick comment about my family. I told him I would get back at him. I simply looked up his profile info that HE entered in politics.com and searched for his last name on google. I then had his address.
I told him he better back off or I'll post it. Now, then HE told me that he thought I was a liar and full of shit and dared me to post his info, claiming I didn't know it. So I did, not the best decision, but I have a temper and I did it. There were 2 people in the country with his name and I posted both, saying he's either one or the other.

To my surprise and somewhat horror, one of the names was his oldest adult son who he named the same after him. I should have considered this, but I didn't.

Remember that ANYBODY could have found out this info, it's a 5 second google search and that Maineman posted his own work phone number and he entered his real name in his profile. So this is nothing private, it is public info, found in multiple search engines with ease.

From that post, Maineman felt he was entitled to threaten my kids lives, who are young and not an adult like his son is. He talked about killing them in the middle of the night and picking them up outside their school. This is not bullshit, like that stupid bogus accusations of toby and MichaelK over him being a paedophile, this is actually true and what happened.
Somehow me posting public info in his fucked up brain is the same crime as him killing my kids.

Maineman seems normal, yes he has a temper, so do I, but I have not before or since met anyone who threatens others kids. I have never, EVER made any threat against his kids or anyone but him and even then, it was a threat to ruin his life (by that my idea was to get him fired), not actually hurt him.

He is a pyscho, but more than that he is a person who LOVES to play the victim.

Since then a month after all that I made a pledge with him for both of us to drop this issue, but he brings it up again (just like he did in this thread) every couple of months or so. He is a liar, he doesn't stick to his word and he has problems with MANY people on the board, you would think that someone who is so worried about his address being known, would not try and pick fights with pyschos like MichaelK, but he revels in it, I really, really don't believe he cares if one of them ever did anything, it would just give him an excuse to blame me or others. Also the idiot added his entry to the google map so everyone can see what city he lives in, kind of odd behaviour for someone who supposedly doesn't want private info known.

Again, I am sorry for posting his address intentionally and am very sorry for posting his adult son's with the same name by accident, but I cannot change that and I think if you examine everything that transpired you will see who is the real nut...
Wow, bushies sure are getting touchy lately aren't they ?
I think I might just go away till after the election. Need a bit of political rest.
Well he is writing war novels and that act as weird and gross as it is to me is part of their culture in that country.

Also, I've seen women do weird things on stage in some of those countries.

Looks to me like this is just another roveian campaign tactic.
I know this may stun you, but amazingly there are more books out there then "My Pet Goat" and Jim Webb's novels...imagine that.

I imagine you are a slanderous piece of shit for dredging up toby's allegations...and I really find you to be despicable. But beyond that, I find it quite humorous for you to think for a moment that you have read more in your lifetime than I have. If we could somehow find a way to accurately count, I would bet you my pay for ten years that you have not read one fifth of the books that I have and certainly nowhere near the breadth of subject matter.

But I ask you again.... do you really think that novels cannot have bad characters in them that do bad things? Does that bruise your pansy ass sensibilities? If so, stick to children's books. I recommend Dr. Suess, for example. Sam-I-am is a perfect role model for you.
Danold, can you address the points Maineman made about the novel and how cheractors are not perfect?
You KNOW I didn't know that was your son's number and you KNOW I only did it because you called me full of shit that I didn't know your personal info after YOU started your shit on my family.
As you broke your promise (again) not to rehash this shit, I will have to post the entire Maineman despicable story so everything is clear for anyone reading this:

who brought up toby and his slanderous claims? You wanna play dirty but whine when someone else does? go fuck yourself you pansy ass sissy boy.
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