Hey Maineman, watcha think about Dem Jim Webb now?

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cypress laid it all out Dixie.... you've been slandering me for a long time and have NEVER once admitted your error. I am only doing exactly the same thing = reporting the information I got from credible sources. It must suck to have credible alabama sources make such claims, eh?
LOL, my daughter doesn't even live in Birmingham!

Now, go ahead and have another drink and tell us how you'd like to gang rape my daughter at gunpoint with your disease-ridden biker buddies again, you are almost there, pervert!
LOL, my daughter doesn't even live in Birmingham!

Now, go ahead and have another drink and tell us how you'd like to gang rape my daughter at gunpoint with your disease-ridden biker buddies again, you are almost there, pervert!

YOu started this.... if you don't want to play this game anymore, you know what you should do... the record is pretty clear who got nasty against whom first...and that was you. Wanna put it all behind us? Just apologize for starting it. Just apologize for repeatedly calling me a pedophile... that really is all there is to it.

And hey....my credible sources just said she was a slut who gets around....I have no idea where she lives... I am not even sure where, exactly, she plies her trade... nor would I ever want to know. yuck... skanky stuff, that.
I didn't "start" anything. I don't know what planet you live on, but just because Prissy 'cherry-picked' some information to 'make a case', doesn't mean that I 'started' something with you. This 'started' when I used the allegations of your pedophilia as an example to illustrate your stance on unfairly accusing our troops, and you didn't like my point because I was correct. You then turned it into a lie, that I had slandered you, when I never directly accused you of a thing. You persisted through months of insisting this to be the case, and further attacking me falsely for being racist, and making these inappropriate comments about my family and personal life, accusing me of "avoiding service" when you knew that wasn't the case, etc. This has gone on for much longer than a few months, and really, from the very beginning of our communications, and it's not because I am making these false allegations on you, it is you who are making up lies and trying to bully me with intimidation.

I think I have proven, since this site has been up, that I am capable of putting my issues with you to rest, and moving on with life. I think I have exhibited enormous constraint, while you've lobbed your shit bombs at me or my family, and continually tried to goad me into an apology for something I don't have reason to apologize for.

Ignoring you doesn't seem to work, you want to keep spreading lies on me and slandering me, and continue to pathetically fawn for an apology. You seem to want to think this is a "game" that we are playing, and I have never been a game player. I don't come to the message board for personal drama, I don't want my personal life discussed or revealed here, I want to remain anonymous in that aspect, and focus on issues and opinions instead. Knowing this, you intentionally persist in trying to drag my personal information on the board, and make your sick and twisted comments. And for this, you think that I owe you an apology?

None of the things I have said are false, I have indeed spoken with a detective in Maine about you, after you made public threats against my child. I have every right to do this, and I am not apologetic for it in the least. I have also spoken with attorneys, who have informed me that you are susceptible to legal action, and a case could be made against you on behalf of my daughter. In other words, if I wanted to push the issue, I could take legal action against you, and in fact, I even had a lawyer to volunteer representation. You really need to wake up and realize what decade we're in, and understand that you certainly can be sued.

I'm not playing a game, maineman. I am an adult who doesn't play games anymore. I am also a parent who is pissed off about comments made that are totally inappropriate, and are continuing to be made to this day, in spite of my requests to stop it. If you really want to take this "game" of yours to the 'next level', we can. I will however warn you, I don't back down. My suggestion is, that you really do some soul searching here, and see if you can't resolve this issue within yourself, without escalating it further or continuing to provoke me.

You are never going to get an apology from me for anything. You can forget that, it isn't going to happen. The best you will get is this, I will agree to drop the personal shit if you will, and never bring it up again. Considering I would like to put a bullet through your head for what you said about my kid, I think that is a fairly reasonable settlement. In any event, it's the best resolve of this issue that you are going to get from me.
it's kind of funny that you make requests for me to stop it, yet you never seemed to hear those similar requests when YOU were making those sladerous accusations against me...for months and months on end.... why is that? How is your mutual appreciation club with toby and MichaelK going, by the way? I can imagine that credible poster buddies like them are hard to find.

I guess I can just hold onto the fact that I am a better man than you are.... and let this thing go.

Don't forget our bet, however, in all of this. You should be prepared to send me a check for $100 a week from wednesday.

and while you're at it, why don't you take the time to give me your latest spin on how well Bush and company are doing in that whole multicultural Iraqi democracy thing? And stop on by my thread about your predictions regarding our casualty figures now that October '06 has turned out to be the fourth deadliest month for Americans in the whole war, and undoubtedly the deadliest for Iraqi civilians caught in the midst of this civil war that we set in motion.
and please realize that I never meant anything bad about your angelic poetry writing daughter...it was all - as you so aptly put it - an EXAMPLE so that you could understand how much slander, like you so blythely perpetrated, can hurt a parent. I hope you got that message....it really only was a rhetorical example, much the same as yours was.
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