Hey Maineman, watcha think about Dem Jim Webb now?

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The only reason anyone reads your posts Dano is that they are so outrageous as to be ridiculous ;)

I knew the linkup was beyond you Dano ... sigh....
look...what you seriously doubt is of no consequence. You don't have any experience outside of Ohio..... you are a parochial rube.... and like I said.... if an author wants to portray less than savory misogynistic characters in a NOVEL, that does NOT mean that the author is a misogynist.

And I LOVE how you tell me what Webb does in novel after novel when YOU have not read ONE of them!!!

Most of Webb's novels have very few women of any kind - they are WAR novels, you idiot..... and women were not a part of the battlefield in Vietnam.

Like I said...if you want to look like something other than a complete fool, I suggest you read one or two of his novels before you go telling me what he writes in "novel after novel". OK?

Slanderous fuckhead
Well Maineman, I guess you don't know anything about say what Rush Limbaugh writes, because hey you didn't bother to read his novels.

The few women they do have seemed to be portrayed uniformly as mentioned above, I notice you did NOT dispute that, you just tried to rely on the fallacy of minimalism - that because something is small it doesn't matter.

Suppose I do read his novels and then find the EXACT SAME fucking words in them, am I then magically qualified to repost them here, you moronic tit?
Dano, here's why Maineman owns you... He's reduced you down to debating on whether or not you are qualified enough to post a quote from a novel, and you are actually fighting with him about it. It's a long way to get to the point of convincing people that the quote is wrong and sick. Hey, I did my best to help ya buddy but Tiana put me in my place.. lol

But you did a good job owning usc, though... that was a very good snap without a very good response. You're 1 - 1 at least.

Better than me... I'm 0-1....I will own somebody soon.
c'mon usc, you can do better than that...
BTW, are you voting for Pierce still?

I know you have good reason to be angry at Repubs, but at least they fought to keep taxes down other than Dems who want to increase them. You're a reasonable guy Dave, I hope you'll keep your options open.
You KNOW I didn't know that was your son's number and you KNOW I only did it because you called me full of shit that I didn't know your personal info after YOU started your shit on my family.
As you broke your promise (again) not to rehash this shit, I will have to post the entire Maineman despicable story so everything is clear for anyone reading this:

LOL he always has to be the victim doesn't he?
Yeah, I'm still voting for Pierce. I can't bring myself to vote for either party anytime in the near future. They both have a lot of work to do to convince me that they arn't as interested in power as they are in the interests of the people...
And it just tweaks your tit don't it , Dano ?
At least I don't edit things in quote boxes....
More like makes me bored. You do realize that right? I mean some days I come on this board and all there is a big stream of threads with one response from uscitizen, because uscitizen has to get in his little piece of nothing into every thread right? And I'm just thinking "Meh, this is boring, why bother?"
I think most of the rest of the board thinks the same too, I'm just the guy honest enough to tell you.

You're just a very plain predictable person, with the least character on here IMHO. Maybe speak less and more will listen or at least attempt to say something worthwhile...but I imagine instead you're too old and stubborn to change or listen to advice so oh well, I suppose ignorance is bliss.
You're just a very plain predictable person, with the least character on here IMHO.

Ain't that ironic? You chastising someone for being "predictable" and having the "least character". Dano, you've spewing the same $hit every year for the last 2 or three that we've known you:

-liberalism is intrinsicly evil
-liberalism is responsible for everything bad
- and in response to anything republicans do wrong, its, "well, look at this dem he or she did xyz"

so please, get off your high horse and get the hell over yourself. Of all the people on this board you, WRL, and Dixie have evolved the least.

to quote you:

"I think most of the rest of the board thinks the same too, I'm just the guy honest enough to tell you"
LOL he always has to be the victim doesn't he?

Yep, him and Saoirse are the reigning king and queen for it. Thank god I only have to deal with listening to one of them now.

Rob, but check this out, after all the fuss he put up with his address being known, the guy adds his address to the google map so everyone can see where in Maine he lives, I mean why would he do that? WTF?
Clearly he really doesn't care and obviously had a lot of false outrage for the past, maybe he likes playing victim more than we thought? I dunno.
Ain't that ironic? You chastising someone for being "predictable" and having the "least character". Dano, you've spewing the same $hit every year for the last 2 or three that we've known you:

-liberalism is intrinsicly evil
-liberalism is responsible for everything bad
- and in response to anything republicans do wrong, its, "well, look at this dem he or she did xyz"

so please, get off your high horse and get the hell over yourself. Of all the people on this board you, WRL, and Dixie have evolved the least.

to quote you:

"I think most of the rest of the board thinks the same too, I'm just the guy honest enough to tell you"
Bull Tiana, look closer. I've criticized Bush for more and more over the years, like the Pill Bill, spending problems, telemarketing registry, the Iraq war starting in 2004 and on and on.
I've seen Dixie criticize Repubs too over marijuana laws and spending.
I've seen WRL get upset with the GOP over immigration, oil corps and spending.

When you compare that to whorish and self-admitted yellow-dogs like Maineman, ib1yysguy, cypriss, etc... do you ever recall any of them criciticizing Dems for even a single bloody thing? Yet somehow we're the sheep?

Here's what this is really about - you don't like seeing me be so mean to uscitizen. Well too bad, the Danold has always been a straight-shooter and quite honestly I would rather know if it were me and it's better for the board. The guy turns this place into a graveyard because it gets grating to always hear the same doofus post his little nugget of repetitive bullshit in every single response from anyone posting anything.
His address isn't up there.
It's in the top right part of his post as "My Location"
Click it and you see his city and his address is sort of viewable if you zoom in. A regular joe joining this site would only know (guess) he is from Maine from his name, but Maineman lets them know exactly or at least more specifically where he lives in Maine. Kind of odd for a guy who made such a fuss over me posting it, but whatever, I don't pretend to understand emotional Liberals.
at issue is.... a neocon blog like Drudge pulls quotes from Webb's books and everybody gets all indignant about them. They are novels. he is a novelist. He writes war stories. Dano tells me what he does in novel after novel when he has never read even ONE of his novels. Dano tells me how he handles female characters even though he has never read ONE of Webb's works. I have read nearly ALL of them. You can go read reviews of nearly every one.... they have all been acclaimed as powerful marvelous works of fiction. Fields of Fire, for example has earned a reputation as THE seminal Vietnam War novel. He is an evocative and hard hitting writer whose characters get under your skin. I know this because unlike ANYONE else on here - and CERTAINLY dano- I have actually READ the works of James Webb. Now that he has pulled even with Allen in the polls, the republicans are desparate to find something evil about the guy, so they are attacking the characters in his novels. And the head of the JPP.com attack squad has never even read a single one of his books. YOu asked me if you read all of his books, would it make you look at those quote differently...and I say, why don't you try it....shut your fucking piehole in the meantime...go read the collected works of James Webb and THEN come back and tell me he is a bad writer, and further, tell me how his being a bad writer somehow is germane to what sort of a senator he might be.
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