Hey Maineman, watcha think about Dem Jim Webb now?

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It's in the top right part of his post as "My Location"
Click it and you see his city and his address is sort of viewable if you zoom in. A regular joe joining this site would only know (guess) he is from Maine from his name, but Maineman lets them know exactly or at least more specifically where he lives in Maine. Kind of odd for a guy who made such a fuss over me posting it, but whatever, I don't pretend to understand emotional Liberals.

I don't really care that you posted my address on a public internet forum dano...I do care that you posted the address of my SON.

Now you can say that such an act was "inadvertent" and I don't much give a shit...the result is exactly the same as if you were to post his address with malice in your intent.

and beyond that, you bring up the toby pedophilia slander which, as far as I am concerned is beyond the pale ... and when you pull shit like that, I say all bets are off.... you don't like me reminding you that you did, in fact, post the name address and telephone number of my CHILD on the internet for any crazy man to see and react to.... fine....I don't like being accused of fucking my own son.... so you play nice, and I'll play nice. asshole.
I don't really care that you posted my address on a public internet forum dano...I do care that you posted the address of my SON.

Now you can say that such an act was "inadvertent" and I don't much give a shit...the result is exactly the same as if you were to post his address with malice in your intent.

and beyond that, you bring up the toby pedophilia slander which, as far as I am concerned is beyond the pale ... and when you pull shit like that, I say all bets are off.... you don't like me reminding you that you did, in fact, post the name address and telephone number of my CHILD on the internet for any crazy man to see and react to.... fine....I don't like being accused of fucking my own son.... so you play nice, and I'll play nice. asshole.

who's the melodramatic queen again???

best actor in a leading drama role goes to..... MAINEMAN!!
Bull Tiana, look closer. I've criticized Bush for more and more over the years, like the Pill Bill, spending problems, telemarketing registry, the Iraq war starting in 2004 and on and on.
I've seen Dixie criticize Repubs too over marijuana laws and spending.
I've seen WRL get upset with the GOP over immigration, oil corps and spending.

In reference to the pill bill you've done EXACTLY what I said you do: you deflect and give us you're usual tripe about why dems are and would be so much worse.

When you compare that to whorish and self-admitted yellow-dogs like Maineman, ib1yysguy, cypriss, etc... do you ever recall any of them criciticizing Dems for even a single bloody thing? Yet somehow we're the sheep?

Actually einstein, Cypress from day one, even before I was on the kick, wanted every single dem that voted for the war out of office and I'm definitely not an apologist for any party. As a matter of fact I don't know of anyone who defended Cynthia McKinney's action and made excuses for it. When ever a democrat is accused of something you hear hte same thing from the left: if he's guilty, he should be punished. I think everyone was in agreement that what she - the democratic superstar as you like to call her -did was out of line.

Here's what this is really about - you don't like seeing me be so mean to uscitizen. Well too bad, the Danold has always been a straight-shooter and quite honestly I would rather know if it were me and it's better for the board.

#1) I can't stand as$holes that refer to themselves in the third person.
#2) Its mainly about the irony of you accusing someone of being predictable when you have not changed your tone about ONE issue and you basically have been writing the same threads for two years.


Does anyone remember on Pol.com when Dano announced that all of us were allowed to use his writings and he wouldn't consider it plagerism :p that was a classic.

Anyway, you've always been an egostical prik.
well, I didn't see an address. A city perhaps, even if its the right city, but not an address. I put town in town in right under IH8's because his marker got in the way of mine (I hope he's not reading this thread) - not because its my town.
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