Hezbollah Democrats

See Dixie other people can act like babies just like you. Name-calling, Dixie's favorite sport.

Oh, I realize propaganda is a tactic of war, I am not surprized by that, I am fairly alarmed at how pinheads like you will believe the propaganda to be true, and even go so far as to defend it as being legitimate.

Pinhead: The Israeli's are killing innocent people...
Dixie: That is propaganda they hope you will believe....
Pinhead: So what? Propaganda is a legitimate tactic of war!

Can you not recognize the absurd idiocy?
Yeah like the pinheads that believed all that WMD propaganda :)
It sort of ebbs and flows. I mean our governmental leaders change realitively quickly. Today's American leaders may not be good at it but what about in three years?

Good point. One of the advantages of our government is that it does change relatively quickly . . . at least in some ways.

BTW -- am I wrong or is Dix arguing that Israel is not killing innocents in Lebanon? I guess he figures that all those corpses are of Hezbollah fighters. Boy, they do start 'em young over there, don't they?
BTW -- am I wrong or is Dix arguing that Israel is not killing innocents in Lebanon? I guess he figures that all those corpses are of Hezbollah fighters. Boy, they do start 'em young over there, don't they?

That is exactly what he seems to be arguing. Maybe those bodies are just dolls?

Oh, just saving our esteemed brethren of the con persuasion some effort. You know: Green on the outside, red on the inside.


Does that mean you are an immature Commie?

Green = immature

Red = Commie

Yes, I'd say that is what you are telling me. :pke:

Does that mean you are an immature Commie?

Green = immature

Red = Commie

Yes, I'd say that is what you are telling me. :pke:

Ah, no. That would be red on the outside and green on the inside. Like an under-ripe plum perhaps.

No, it means that I'm a deceitful stealth commie! :ninj:
Does anyone else think it's interesting, the radical leftist Democrats who have taken over the Democratic party, and who have actively done everything to aid the enemy, and continue to defend and excuse the terrorists, have now kicked the Jew out of their party? I guess it's hard to have a pro-Hezbo position with Jews all up in your party?

You know, this reminds me of a certain quote by a certain fascist who controlled the Air Force of the third reiche...
No, I am saying, the press, and the rest of you, should be intelligent enough to realize Hesbollah is going to manipulate the media to their distinct advantage. Apparently, you're not!

Is that the best defense of Israeli terrorism you have? Any report of Israeli atrocities is merely Hizbollah propoganda? Even if they are from independent, Western, media?

You dumb fuck.

US news is so overwhelmingly pro-Israel, it is a fucking miracle that it even mentions Israeli terrorism.

If Hizbollah were claiming that every terrorist act it commits was 'an accident', that they were targeting IDF troops in Haifa, you might have a point.

As it is, you are simply an apologist for Israeli terror.
No, I am saying, the press, and the rest of you, should be intelligent enough to realize Hesbollah is going to manipulate the media to their distinct advantage. Apparently, you're not!

Is that the best defense of Israeli terrorism you have? Any report of Israeli atrocities is merely Hizbollah propoganda? Even if they are from independent, Western, media?

You dumb fuck.

US news is so overwhelmingly pro-Israel, it is a fucking miracle that it even mentions Israeli terrorism.

If Hizbollah were claiming that every terrorist act it commits was 'an accident', that they were targeting IDF troops in Haifa, you might have a point.

As it is, you are simply an apologist for Israeli terror.

I hope the authorities are paying attention to what you are posting, it's becoming rather disturbing to hear you defend the terrorists like this. Israel doesn't commit terror acts, they don't send their children into markets and onto buses to blow themselves up, they don't fly commercial airliners into buildings, they don't saw people's heads off in front of a video camera! You are the "apologist" here, not me, I am merely pointing out the facts. I have given you opportunity after opportunity to explain how Israel has committed terrorist acts, and you simply can't. You keep trying to make some correlation between military actions and terrorism, as if you haven't the slightest clue of the difference. Maybe you are as air-headed as Cyndi Sheehan, or maybe you presume I am, I don't know, but it's disturbing to read someone who is so adamant about defending terrorist acts.
I hope the authorities are paying attention to what you are posting, it's becoming rather disturbing to hear you defend the terrorists like this.

Stop your bullshit Dixie. I am not defending terrorism, that seems to be your role. I condemn terrorism on BOTH sides.

Let's see if your tiny little brain can explain how I am defending terrorism...

Israel doesn't commit terror acts, they don't send their children into markets and onto buses to blow themselves up, they don't fly commercial airliners into buildings, they don't saw people's heads off in front of a video camera!

This is why I call you a dumb fuck. You seem to be under the impression that terrorism is restricted to the acts you describe.

Terrorism is targeting civilians with the intent of bringing about political change through terror.

Targeting civilians with warplanes, rockets and artillery is STILL TERRORISM. Wearing a uniform DOESN'T excuse terrorism.

You are the "apologist" here, not me, I am merely pointing out the facts.

No, I have condemned terrorism on both sides. I have never defended Hizbollah terrorism in the manner you do with Israeli. Explain how I am an apologist.

I have given you opportunity after opportunity to explain how Israel has committed terrorist acts, and you simply can't. You keep trying to make some correlation between military actions and terrorism, as if you haven't the slightest clue of the difference.

I have explained ad nausium. Targeting civilians, which you relish, isn't a military action, it is terrorism.

It is you who has no clue what terrorism is. You are under the impression that it is merely suicide bombings.

Terrorism is the targeting of civilians with the aim of bringing political change through terror. Wearing a uniform, or using western gear DOESN'T excuse it, or negate it from being terrorism.

Maybe you are as air-headed as Cyndi Sheehan, or maybe you presume I am, I don't know, but it's disturbing to read someone who is so adamant about defending terrorist acts.

You are typing words but you don't seem to know what you are saying.



By the way, your racism is showing.

You assume that Lieberman lost because he is Jewish, rather than his actions and position on Iraq.
Terrorism is the intentional use of violence or the threat of violence against one or more members of a general population to generate fear, cause disruption, and ultimately to cause the authorities of a population to comply with certain political, religious, ideological, or personal demands


There is only one side committing terrorist acts. You seek to marginalize their actions by claiming the Israeli's are terrorists too. You've settled on a rather simplistic and vague description of terrorism, and now use that to build your argument. You can use your description of terror and make virtually any country a terrorist organization, so what you are essentially saying is, we are all terrorists. I don't accept that, and I think most rational people don't accept that. But you have demonstrated, just the sort of minds we are having to deal with, just the sort of idiocy we face in educating people about terrorism.
If you disagree with Dixie you are defending Terrorists..

Poor General Abazaid... By Dixie's rules he is a Terrorist simpathizer!
There is only one side committing terrorist acts. You seek to marginalize their actions by claiming the Israeli's are terrorists too. You've settled on a rather simplistic and vague description of terrorism, and now use that to build your argument. You can use your description of terror and make virtually any country a terrorist organization, so what you are essentially saying is, we are all terrorists. I don't accept that, and I think most rational people don't accept that. But you have demonstrated, just the sort of minds we are having to deal with, just the sort of idiocy we face in educating people about terrorism.

Given that you seem to have absolutely no idea what constitutes terrorism, claiming that you need to educate people is like a retard trying to teach a class on astro-physics.

Both are targeting civilians with the intent of bringing about political change through terror. Both sides are using the same tactics.

Your claim that that definition (the fucking accepted definition) makes all nations terrorists is wrong.

When the IRA were bombing and rocketing in NI, the British Army didn't start targeting civilians in Dublin.

They didn't use warplanes to bomb civilian funerals in Donegal. We didn't ethnically cleanse South Armagh.

States don't target civilians with the aim of bringing about political change through terror. If they do, then they are terrorist.

Your defense of Israel targeting civilians in this manner makes you a terrorist sympathiser, akin to people like Abu Hamza.

Let's see you attempt to articulate whatever you think terrorism is????
If you disagree with Dixie you are defending Terrorists..

Poor General Abazaid... By Dixie's rules he is a Terrorist simpathizer!

I don't have a problem with anyone disagreeing with me, it's when people attempt to defend terrorism, or worse, accuse me of being a terrorist sympathizer, that I get a little worked up. Why is it, when Liberals get smacked around like the wimps they are, they always start sounding like someone's little sister?
I don't have a problem with anyone disagreeing with me, it's when people attempt to defend terrorism, or worse, accuse me of being a terrorist sympathizer, that I get a little worked up. Why is it, when Liberals get smacked around like the wimps they are, they always start sounding like someone's little sister?

Roflmao! Dixie, you couldn't smack yourself around.

I have condemned terrorism on both sides. You are an apologist for Israeli terrorism. That's why you are a terrorist sympathiser.

Anyway pea-brain, let's see you articulate your definition of terrorism......