
You have to try harder--you'll get more attention if you lose the vile language...(Not even close to my "tributes"/stalkers;) but continue to keep us posted;)

With 8 or more threads in my honor, it looks like I’ve garnered plenty of attention, doesn’t it?
No, but don't give up hope;)

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer
Groaned Post
11-07-2019 01:01 PM
Thread: NY FED judge fined TRUMP $2mill for illegal use of his now defunct foundation.
Thanked Post
11-07-2019 12:51 PM
Dark Soul
Thread: How Many?
Groaned Post
11-07-2019 12:51 PM
Dark Soul
Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer
Groaned Post
11-07-2019 12:50 PM
Dark Soul
Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer
Groaned Post
11-07-2019 12:40 PM
John Barron
Thread: ABC buried Clinton-Epstein scandal during election (Trump would've won by even more)
Thanked Post
11-07-2019 12:40 PM
John Barron
Thread: ABC buried Clinton-Epstein scandal during election (Trump would've won by even more)
Thanked Post
11-07-2019 12:03 PM
Dark Soul
Thread: How Many?
Groaned Post
11-07-2019 11:56 AM
Thread: How Many?
Thanked Post
11-07-2019 11:56 AM
Dark Soul
Thread: How Many?
Groaned Post
11-07-2019 11:50 AM
Dark Soul
Thread: What’s the excuse today?
Groaned Post
11-07-2019 11:48 AM
Dark Soul
Thread: Domer, Micabwer, AKA the reach around couple.
Groaned Post
11-07-2019 09:52 AM
Dark Soul
Thread: The Grown Dumber
Groaned Post
11-07-2019 09:52 AM
Dark Soul
Thread: The Grown Dumber
Groaned Post
11-07-2019 09:51 AM
Dark Soul
Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer
Groaned Post

Too bad I can’t go to 80 consecutive groans. They’re there.

Fucking stalkers
Hell, I may as well jump on the bandwagon. domer is a triggered dickhead. It's funny watching him/it kick and scream like a child with a soiled diaper.
He's always been an arsehole pretty much from the first day he arrived from fuck knows where!! He's even fallen out with Nomad his erstwhile bum chum.


You’re still pissed since I outed your “scientific” dishonesty on radiative forcing and the predicted delta T.

That was and is enjoyable and easy to show the fool that you are.


I never groaned any of you

or banned any of you

I just pummel you with facts which makes you reflexively groan I guess

Facts? You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse. You couldn't even back up your claim that Breitbart is "racist". Truth is, you're a retard.

You’re still pissed since I outed your “scientific” dishonesty on radiative forcing and the predicted delta T.

That was and is enjoyable and easy to show the fool that you are.


Give me a break, you made it abundantly clear that you didn't have a clue. For a start that equation for radiative forcing: ΔF = 5.35ln(C/C0)
is used by the IPCC in AR4. For a doubling of CO2 it gives a value of 3.7 W/m^2. ΔT is then derived from that and is generally accepted to.be around 1.2K

When you started squawking about it, as you do about everything I pointed out that feedbacks were a separate issue and highly contentious. In fact it's the main issue between alarmists who claim the sign is positive, whilst sceptics say it could just as easily be negative or zero. There is no real empirical evidence and what evidence there is comes from CMIP5 models.
Give me a break, you made it abundantly clear that you didn't have a clue. For a start that equation for radiative forcing: ΔF = 5.35ln(C/C0)
is used by the IPCC in AR4. For a doubling of CO2 it gives a value of 3.7 W/m^2. ΔT is then derived from that and is generally accepted to.be around 1.2K

When you started squawking about it, as you do about everything I pointed out that feedbacks were a separate issue and highly contentious. In fact it's the main issue between alarmists who claim the sign is positive, whilst sceptics say it could just as easily be negative or zero. There is no real empirical evidence and what evidence there is comes from CMIP5 models.

What you failed to do, lying cunt, was to include the +/- uncertainty, which is the scientifically honest thing to do. When that uncertainty is provided, it gives numbers you were arguing against.

The delta T of 1.2 is not an absolute, cunt, and I pointed that out. That’s when you started shitting your diapers.

What you failed to do, lying cunt, was to include the +/- uncertainty, which is the scientifically honest thing to do. When that uncertainty is provided, it gives numbers you were arguing against.

The delta T of 1.2 is not an absolute, cunt, and I pointed that out. That’s when you started shitting your diapers.


What's the point, you're just an obnoxious cunt and deserve all the hate and derision directed at you. I bet you're an even bigger cunt in real life.

That is a basic equation derived empirically and it's in many Atmospheric Physics textbooks. If you were as clever as you think you are, you'd know that.
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What's the point, you're just an obnoxious cunt and deserve all the hate and derision directed at you. I bet you're an even bigger cunt in real life.

That is a basic equation derived empirically and it's in many Atmospheric Physics textbooks. If you were as clever as you think you are, you'd know that.

You got called out on your lack of “scientific” honesty. All your bullshit about forcing constants and the derived delta T may baffle your fellow RW stupid fucks, because they are stupid fucks.

When one looks into your bullshit, they find the lies.

There is uncertainty in any measurement, cunt. You merely failed to include that, which made your assertion bullsit.

You got caught, cunt. Move on, stalker.
What's the point, you're just an obnoxious cunt and deserve all the hate and derision directed at you. I bet you're an even bigger cunt in real life.

That is a basic equation derived empirically and it's in many Atmospheric Physics textbooks. If you were as clever as you think you are, you'd know that.

Attitude wise, undoubtedly. As long as it is hiding behind someones skirt. Physically? Impossible. It is a little runt midget.
You got called out on your lack of “scientific” honesty. All your bullshit about forcing constants and the derived delta T may baffle your fellow RW stupid fucks, because they are stupid fucks.

When one looks into your bullshit, they find the lies.

There is uncertainty in any measurement, cunt. You merely failed to include that, which made your assertion bullsit.

You got caught, cunt. Move on, stalker.

Holy fuck what a disingenuous cunt you are, if you are referring to the margin of error then fucking say so. I just love the way you nitpick and attempt to score points. Climate alarmism is littered with huge uncertainties, the IPCC described four RCP scenarios in AR5 ranging from a benign 2.6 W/m^2 to an impossible 8.5 W/m^2 for a doubling of CO2 concentration. Not one CMIP5 climate model has even come close to the real world, they all run way too hot. Hardly surprising as they don't model clouds very well and ignore the impact of sunspots, solar wind and cosmic rays on climate.
Holy fuck what a disingenuous cunt you are, if you are referring to the margin of error then fucking say so. I just love the way you nitpick and attempt to score points. Climate alarmism is littered with huge uncertainties, the IPCC described four RCP scenarios in AR5 ranging from a benign 2.6 W/m^2 to an impossible 8.5 W/m^2 for a doubling of CO2 concentration. Not one CMIP5 climate model has even come close to the real world, they all run way too hot. Hardly surprising as they don't model clouds very well and ignore the impact of sunspots, solar wind and cosmic rays on climate.

You lied by omission, cunt. And the one person on this forum that was smart enough called you on it.

And you’v stalked ne ever since.

Limey cunt