
You lied by omission, cunt. And the one person on this forum that was smart enough called you on it.

And you’v stalked ne ever since.

Limey cunt

I stalked you, as you term it, because you're an arrogant obnoxious racist cunt. You are detested by virtually everybody on here, that not cherry picking that's the total unvarnished truth.
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You lied by omission, cunt. And the one person on this forum that was smart enough called you on it.

And you’v stalked ne ever since.

Limey cunt

Here you are obnoxious Septic cunt, this is how that equation is derived!! Don't ask me any more fucking questions just read the fucking PDF!! They say empty vessels make the most noise and you've certainly proved that to be the case.

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Give me a break, you made it abundantly clear that you didn't have a clue. For a start that equation for radiative forcing: ΔF = 5.35ln(C/C0)
is used by the IPCC in AR4. For a doubling of CO2 it gives a value of 3.7 W/m^2. ΔT is then derived from that and is generally accepted to.be around 1.2K

When you started squawking about it, as you do about everything I pointed out that feedbacks were a separate issue and highly contentious. In fact it's the main issue between alarmists who claim the sign is positive, whilst sceptics say it could just as easily be negative or zero. There is no real empirical evidence and what evidence there is comes from CMIP5 models.

He's testified at hundreds, hundreds I tell you, (maybe more) trials. He's a legend in his own mind. A true justice warrior!! Perry Mason would be proud!
You got called out on your lack of “scientific” honesty. All your bullshit about forcing constants and the derived delta T may baffle your fellow RW stupid fucks, because they are stupid fucks.

When one looks into your bullshit, they find the lies.

There is uncertainty in any measurement, cunt. You merely failed to include that, which made your assertion bullsit.

You got caught, cunt. Move on, stalker.

Oh oh, so we "RW stupid fucks" are RW stupid fucks" because we don't know anything about your "scientific" jargon? I assume you are a "LW stupid fuck" because you don't know jack shit about metallurgy and machine work, speeds and feeds? How about I start slamming you with figuring angles, depth of cut and tapered cuts? How about tooling angles for chip removal?
Well, there sure as hell is no uncertainty when it comes to measurements in my field, dickhead. I've made parts for the medical industry, if there was "uncertainty" my measurements, someone could die.

If you wouldn't whine like a little child, cuss and insult every poster that points out your lies and bullshit, maybe we wouldn't harp on you.
Oh oh, so we "RW stupid fucks" are RW stupid fucks" because we don't know anything about your "scientific" jargon? I assume you are a "LW stupid fuck" because you don't know jack shit about metallurgy and machine work, speeds and feeds? How about I start slamming you with figuring angles, depth of cut and tapered cuts? How about tooling angles for chip removal?
Well, there sure as hell is no uncertainty when it comes to measurements in my field, dickhead. I've made parts for the medical industry, if there was "uncertainty" my measurements, someone could die.

If you wouldn't whine like a little child, cuss and insult every poster that points out your lies and bullshit, maybe we wouldn't harp on you.

He is prattling on about chromatography. There are various types such as gas liquid (GLC), gas (GC), thin layer, paper, ion exchange and are mainly used for separation and compositional analysis of chemical compounds. Another variant called column chromatography is used for separating chemical compounds in amounts up to kilograms.
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I stalked you, as you term it, because you're an arrogant obnoxious racist cunt. You are detested by virtually everybody on here, that not cherry picking that's the total unvarnished truth.


I’m detested by you lying cunts whose sad asses I kick daily.

And then there's this senseless idiot...

When a poster has to use a sock to try and support their presentations, is an obvious sign that they themselves don't believe in the presentation and that they have some serious self-esteem issues.
Here you are obnoxious Septic cunt, this is how that equation is derived!! Don't ask me any more fucking questions just read the fucking PDF!! They say empty vessels make the most noise and you've certainly proved that to be the case.



Look at the first paragraph. How many “assumptions” are mad.

“This estimate lines up well with the consensus best estimate of 3 degrees Celsius for doubled CO2, but it spans a narrower range than the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports have settled on. While the IPCC has long given a range of 1.5 to 4.5 degrees Celsius, this new study estimates 2.2 to 3.4 degrees Celsius (with an average of 2.8 degrees Celsius).

If you’re thinking, “Wow! Finally!”, you probably shouldn’t. The thing is that a great many estimates of climate sensitivity have been produced over the years, and you can’t assume that the most recent one supersedes all others. It would be positive news if we could rule out some higher values for climate sensitivity, but not every study supports that. Only a month ago, a study that similarly attempted to close in on climate sensitivity by filtering climate models according to how well they matched real-world behavior found a significantly higher best estimate of 3.7 degrees Celsius. It’s hard to say which study provides more compelling evidence.”

He's testified at hundreds, hundreds I tell you, (maybe more) trials. He's a legend in his own mind. A true justice warrior!! Perry Mason would be proud!


Hundreds, stalker. Maybe more.

I love watching you sad fucks get so wound up.

It’s entertaining.

Oh oh, so we "RW stupid fucks" are RW stupid fucks" because we don't know anything about your "scientific" jargon? I assume you are a "LW stupid fuck" because you don't know jack shit about metallurgy and machine work, speeds and feeds? How about I start slamming you with figuring angles, depth of cut and tapered cuts? How about tooling angles for chip removal?
Well, there sure as hell is no uncertainty when it comes to measurements in my field, dickhead. I've made parts for the medical industry, if there was "uncertainty" my measurements, someone could die.

If you wouldn't whine like a little child, cuss and insult every poster that points out your lies and bullshit, maybe we wouldn't harp on you.

Your fellow stalking got caught in a lie and I pointed it out, shitstain.

Your other fellow stalker goes on spouting shit he knows nothing about. I merely pointed out his ignorance.

Too bad you ignorant asswipes despise the truth.