Hired Actor Exposed-Sandy Hook shooting is a hoax created for gun ban


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Hired Actor Exposed-Sandy Hook (Please Read Info Box)

Hook Dad Smiling in the Wake of Massacre.(Read Info Box)

Fathers of slain children do not go around joking and laughing the next day this guy is a fraud and he is an actor and so is the aunt that spoke before him and this entire shooting is a scam to take away gun right for a much bigger global domination plan
There is no such a guy.


Proof Sandy Hook massacre pre-planned

Sandy Hook Planned: Video Tribute Video Uploaded Weeks Before Massacre

Recently, Dutchsinse put out a video that caused such an uproar that it was blocked almost immediately by Youtube. Apparently, under pressure from the public and elsewhere the video has been restored. This video is the commentary about the Sandy Hook tribute being created on Google three days before the "alleged" shooting. The video can be found at the link below. Also, an excellent commentary by Mike Adams at Natural News, follows the video. Allegations have been made that the predating was just a technical error. Is it?

Apparently, Mr. Adams does not think so. Review both items. Highly recommended. You decide where the truth lies. Regardless, it is a wonder that anyone in the USA can accept as truthful ANYTHING from the controlled media.

http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?disc=149495;article=143574;title=AP FN
Another proof Sandy Hook shooting pre-planned.

Sandy Hook fundraising relief page created 3 days before shooting, Google search results confirm

Friday, January 11, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...)


Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038633_Sandy_Hook_Google_search_results_December_11.html#ixzz2HofGKZTu
Another proof Sandy Hook shooting pre-planned.

Sandy Hook fundraising relief page created 3 days before shooting, Google search results confirm

Friday, January 11, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...)


Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038633_Sandy_Hook_Google_search_results_December_11.html#ixzz2HofGKZTu

When I typed in the Google address shown in the screen shot it directs one to a possible virus site!!
If this insane Katsung person has children I hope they're all gunned down so we can call it a conspiracy.
If this insane Katsung person has children I hope they're all gunned down so we can call it a conspiracy.

What sick fuck would go to the trouble of making such a false screen shot? Not saying Katsung did it. He may have found it on the net but someone is not playing with a full deck.
What sick fuck would go to the trouble of making such a false screen shot? Not saying Katsung did it. He may have found it on the net but someone is not playing with a full deck.
Some highly educated and well respected individuals have questioned the validity of the event.

Some, I'm sure you liberals are happy to agree with, have blamed Mossad!!!
Liberals love to blame the Jews!
What sick fuck would go to the trouble of making such a false screen shot? Not saying Katsung did it. He may have found it on the net but someone is not playing with a full deck.

Are you sure you are not mistaking the certificate warning? It's a legimtate page.
I actually had Katsung on ignore for about a year, because I got tired of this bullshit. Mostly it's because he used to make rapid-fire posts of this stuff, which got tiresome...
never go full retard guys . .

Sometimes, in response to absurdity, I respond with equal or greater absurdity. In using satire, I hope to point out the absolute ridiculousness of statements made by others. Only those truly deranged would take my words any other way while at the same time even attempting to pass off the words of their fellow deranged souls as fact.