Hired Actor Exposed-Sandy Hook shooting is a hoax created for gun ban

What I would like to see:

The New England Patriots kick the OP in the balls.

The entire team lines up and kicks the filthy mother-fucker who started this thread in the balls.

That way, he can never have children and no harm will come to the children he never has.
Oh...so now you're going to claim I agreed with 9/11 truthers when I could blame Bush?

Well, I'd ask you to cite your evidence, but we both know you pulled that bullshit lie right out of your ass.

As is your ridiculous claim that 60% of Americans believe GWB was behind 9/11...Prove it or demonstrate once more there is no idiotic, bullshit lie you won't tell if it demonizes Liberals.
An msnbc poll some years ago, now removed from their site, showed that 60% of respondants believed bush was behind it.

It was , and still is a liberal belief and has been used to discredit conservative candidates in the last election!

You are a liberal, you believe this!!
What I would like to see:

The New England Patriots kick the OP in the balls.

The entire team lines up and kicks the filthy mother-fucker who started this thread in the balls.

That way, he can never have children and no harm will come to the children he never has.
Katsinga has 4 lovely children.

You are a nasty, vicious brainwashed scumbag, aren't you!!!

Probably another 911 truther, liberal, terrorist supporter and traitor.
Like Zappa!!
the assholes like the OP are NOW harrassing people who harbored the kids and helped in the aftermath of the shooting.

I am so fucking tired of the right being bat shit crazy and filled to the brim with HATE of their fellow Americans
You are a fanatical liberal totalitarian, therefore a truther!!
You blame bush, admit it !!
Proof is not needed, I've seen it!!
Years ago!
I was banned from a left wing forum for questioning the accuracy of it!!

Now surely a lefty liberal forum wouldn't ban a person for arguing the accuracy of a lefty newspapers poll?

You were banned from a site?!!! Oh, I can't believe that. I mean who would ever think YOU were banned from anywhere? Shocked, I tell you. I'm speechless!

Thank goodness I'm not typeless. :lol:
You were banned from a site?!!! Oh, I can't believe that. I mean who would ever think YOU were banned from anywhere? Shocked, I tell you. I'm speechless!

Thank goodness I'm not typeless. :lol:
Like when confronted with logic?
You talking about logic. Now that's funny! :lol:
Yes, me talking about logic.
When you believe a child isn't born for a few days after it is fully delivered and the umbilical cord has been cut!

When liberal logic says you can be charged with endangering a non existent child by defending it from crazed attackers!
Yes logic.
How is fighting off baby snatchers endangerment?

How can you endanger that which does not exist?


You keep avoiding it!!
I haven't read the entire thread. But one of the key points the conspiracy theorists point to is accurate, and that is that the AR15 that was supposedly used in the school was shown being retrieved from the trunk of Lanza's car after he was supposedly dead. NBC news reported that the rifle was retrieved from the trunk, as well as news footage showingthe same.
I haven't read the entire thread. But one of the key points the conspiracy theorists point to is accurate, and that is that the AR15 that was supposedly used in the school was shown being retrieved from the trunk of Lanza's car after he was supposedly dead. NBC news reported that the rifle was retrieved from the trunk, as well as news footage showingthe same.

Wrong. As was the case with Benghazi, there's a slew of misinformation that comes out in the hours following a tragedy. I tried to explain that then, and here's a piece from Red State that confirms he did use the AR-15. But I guess they're unreliable and a left wing rag, huh?

The media did a horrible job getting its facts and figures straight during and after the tragedy in Connecticut. Gun control advocates have seized on a lot of information and ignored a lot of information in an effort to push their agenda.

But I’m seeing gun rights supporters do the same. Most troubling, over the past week on radio filling in for Neal Boortz I’ve heard from dozens of callers, tweeters, Facebook friends, and email correspondents assuring me that Adam Lanza never used the AR-15 in his possession. Most people linked to a video purportedly showing the police retrieving the AR-15 from Adam Lanza’s car after the incident.

I don’t blame these people for getting the facts wrong. The media caused a lot of the misinformation in their rush to cover the story. But as the nation begins to set policy (or not) based on this random act of violence, we should all have our facts straight.

The fact is, Adam Lanza used a handgun to take his own life, but he relied on the Bushmaster AR-15 to kill most of the victims. He did use that gun. You don’t have to believe me. Believe Connecticut State Police Lt. Paul Vance:

The primary weapon used in the attack was a “Bushmaster AR-15 assault-type weapon,” said Connecticut State Police Lt. Paul Vance.
Some highly educated and well respected individuals have questioned the validity of the event.

Some, I'm sure you liberals are happy to agree with, have blamed Mossad!!!
Liberals love to blame the Jews!

Mission accomplished.

You jumped the shark.

You have reached the crazy level called Westboro fucking crazy.

What you are asking is that the parents of gunned down children to be dragged into the street and be screamed at about being traitors to our country.

wow you are special
An msnbc poll some years ago, now removed from their site, showed that 60% of respondants believed bush was behind it.

It was , and still is a liberal belief and has been used to discredit conservative candidates in the last election!

You are a liberal, you believe this!!

Just as I thought...no proof to back your bullshit...but I must say not surprising in the least.

You're just another douchebag troll out to make others angry with your idiotic bullshit, and frankly it just makes you look sad.
Yes, me talking about logic.
When you believe a child isn't born for a few days after it is fully delivered and the umbilical cord has been cut!

When liberal logic says you can be charged with endangering a non existent child by defending it from crazed attackers!
Yes logic.
How is fighting off baby snatchers endangerment?

How can you endanger that which does not exist?


You keep avoiding it!!

The problem, 007, is your inability to understand the explanations you were given, thus, you continue to stumble around in confusion.
Mission accomplished.

You jumped the shark.

You have reached the crazy level called Westboro fucking crazy.

What you are asking is that the parents of gunned down children to be dragged into the street and be screamed at about being traitors to our country.

wow you are special
No I'm not!
I'm just noting thT some insane liberals are as usual blaming the Jews!
You liberals hate Jews.
Because you are the logical progression of nazism.
The problem, 007, is your inability to understand the explanations you were given, thus, you continue to stumble around in confusion.
There were no logical explanations.
Apple spoke of a story by boxer to explain her position.
There was no story, the LIAR couldn't even link to the story.

Boxer stated that a life began when a child was born, that occored when the child got home and belonged to its family!
So specific to the Kennedy case, how could he have endangered a child that you liberals claim didnt exist!
The child was unborn, right?