Hired Actor Exposed-Sandy Hook shooting is a hoax created for gun ban

There were no logical explanations.
Apple spoke of a story by boxer to explain her position.
There was no story, the LIAR couldn't even link to the story.

Boxer stated that a life began when a child was born, that occored when the child got home and belonged to its family!
So specific to the Kennedy case, how could he have endangered a child that you liberals claim didnt exist!
The child was unborn, right?

No, the child wasn't unborn.

You sure have a strange way of defining things. It's like referring to a living person as an undead corpse. A corpse means the person is dead just like the word child means there has been a birth. There is no undead corpse and there is no unborn child. That said I have explained to you Ms. Boxer was trying to get her point across to an extremely ignorant man so she phrased her explanation in a way he might understand. Similar to the way one would explain something to a child.

Surely you recall as a child an adult explaining something to you and while not technically accurate they took into consideration your limited ability to understand. That is what Ms. Boxer did and that is what I'm trying to do now. As soon as Santorum mentioned something about a toe getting caught anyone who knows anything about partial birth abortions would realize his total ignorance concerning the matter so an explaination would be given appropriate to his level of understanding.

Ms. Boxer bore three children and she is talking to a guy who is going on about a toe getting caught. Surely even you can see the absurdity of it. Whether it's a natural birth, a breech birth or any other kind of birth toes do not get caught.

I can't make it any more clear than that. If you still have difficulty understanding you'll have to get someone else to explain it to you. I've tried my best.
No, the child wasn't unborn.

You sure have a strange way of defining things. It's like referring to a living person as an undead corpse. A corpse means the person is dead just like the word child means there has been a birth. There is no undead corpse and there is no unborn child. That said I have explained to you Ms. Boxer was trying to get her point across to an extremely ignorant man so she phrased her explanation in a way he might understand. Similar to the way one would explain something to a child.

Surely you recall as a child an adult explaining something to you and while not technically accurate they took into consideration your limited ability to understand. That is what Ms. Boxer did and that is what I'm trying to do now. As soon as Santorum mentioned something about a toe getting caught anyone who knows anything about partial birth abortions would realize his total ignorance concerning the matter so an explaination would be given appropriate to his level of understanding.

Ms. Boxer bore three children and she is talking to a guy who is going on about a toe getting caught. Surely even you can see the absurdity of it. Whether it's a natural birth, a breech birth or any other kind of birth toes do not get caught.

I can't make it any more clear than that. If you still have difficulty understanding you'll have to get someone else to explain it to you. I've tried my best.
You stupid liberal retard!
Barbera boxer clearly stated that a child was not born until it got home.
The Kennedy child was not, according your retard liberal ideas at home and was therefore not born.
If not born it is not a life, if it is not a life how can it be endangered?
Your liberal unionised cops, your liberal prosecutors charged him with endangering an unborn child!
Now explain liberal, how can you endanger thst which if unborn, foes not exist?
It was liberals who attacked the child, investigated and tried Kennedy for endangering a child that was not born and therefore was not a life, so therefore could not be endangered!

Birth is, according to your liberal bosses not until your baby gets home and then it belongs to you.

If you argue whith your liberal masters you are a misogynist, a woman hater , a racist, a slsvemaster!

You said the child existed before birth !!
That is hatred of women !
You hate women! Mysogenist!!
You stupid liberal retard!
Barbera boxer clearly stated that a child was not born until it got home.
The Kennedy child was not, according your retard liberal ideas at home and was therefore not born.
If not born it is not a life, if it is not a life how can it be endangered?
Your liberal unionised cops, your liberal prosecutors charged him with endangering an unborn child!
Now explain liberal, how can you endanger thst which if unborn, foes not exist?
It was liberals who attacked the child, investigated and tried Kennedy for endangering a child that was not born and therefore was not a life, so therefore could not be endangered!

Birth is, according to your liberal bosses not until your baby gets home and then it belongs to you.

If you argue whith your liberal masters you are a misogynist, a woman hater , a racist, a slsvemaster!

You said the child existed before birth !!
That is hatred of women !
You hate women! Mysogenist!!

You're nucking futs.
That's right liberal!
Resort to abuse each time your liberal ideas are shown to be illogical.
The Douglas Kennedy case shows this.
Why else was he attacked by union thugs?

Babies are stolen from hospitals. That's why. Did he have permission to remove the baby? Was the mother informed?

I didn't follow the case.
That's right liberal!
Resort to abuse each time your liberal ideas are shown to be illogical.
The Douglas Kennedy case shows this.
Why else was he attacked by union thugs?

Dude...that's not abuse.

It's the truth.

You are seriously fucking nuts. Why any right winger on this forum would come to your defense is amazing.
Dude...that's not abuse.

It's the truth.

You are seriously fucking nuts. Why any right winger on this forum would come to your defense is amazing.

You see, you obamacult members think anyone who disagrees with the obamacult is nuts.

I have shown the complete lack of logic that cultists adhere to!
Afraid not to I'm thinking!
That's right liberal!
Resort to abuse each time your liberal ideas are shown to be illogical.
The Douglas Kennedy case shows this.
Why else was he attacked by union thugs?

OMG!! That is just too damn funny!!

Apple responds to your questions, to which you respond by calling him a "stupid Liberal retard"...and then when he responds in kind, you start whining about abuse.

You are just another typical gutless, douchey little Tightie Rightie assclown!
ironic post is ironic

Of course I was responding in kind to 007 and his vulgar reply to apple...but as is so typical of the YurTard, he ignores the derision of others and obsesses over me and my response.

Another perfect example of good ol two-faced Yurtsie in action.
nope...you bitched about not having an actual discussion...and what do you do...you solely insult and do not have an actual discussion...just look at the posts following your whiny rant...nothing about the topic, just bitching and moaning about another poster

you are the biggest crybaby on the interwebs
What he is, is just another douchebag troll uninterested in actual discussion.
I'd say the obamacult was uninterested in discussion, hence the vitriolic abuse, threat and violence against detractors.

A troll to the obamacult is one who thinks for himself rather than follow the party !
OMG!! That is just too damn funny!!

Apple responds to your questions, to which you respond by calling him a "stupid Liberal retard"...and then when he responds in kind, you start whining about abuse.

You are just another typical gutless, douchey little Tightie Rightie assclown!
The liberal retard comment came after volumes of Abuse from apple!
Odd how you only see the mild response to the horrific abuse you liberals hurl!
Evince accused me of engaging in incestuous activity with my infant child, nothing from you.
I responded , you put my response up as a sig quote!
But ignored the post I responded to!!
You are a hypocrite!
It's a liberal thing I have noticed!
You were silent on the threats howie made also!

You probably believed they were acceptable , because Obama cult members can do no wrong, even when Thry threaten to kill my child and force me to watch whilst my wife is raped.

That's typical of you obamacult liberals.
That's why people feel the need to defend themselves from your violent hatred!

You call me gutless?
16 years , in every shit hole the world has to offer, volouteered to deploy on 10 deployments!

You are gutless!
I am without fear!

I am not afraid of you in the slightest !

Come and carry out your threats liberal!
I am ready for everything you think you have!!
Come on liberal scum !!
Carry out your empty threats !
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Of course I was responding in kind to 007 and his vulgar reply to apple...but as is so typical of the YurTard, he ignores the derision of others and obsesses over me and my response.

Another perfect example of good ol two-faced Yurtsie in action.
My vulgar response!!
To which post you insane twin finned liberal fanatic !!

You found nothing vulgar in the liberals posts accusing me of the most vile crimes against my own children!

Nothing wrong in howies threats!

But my responses were vulgar?
Hey, cunt face !!
Fuck you you piece of shit coward !!!!
Hypocrite !
The liberal retard comment came after volumes of Abuse from apple!
Odd how you only see the mild response to the horrific abuse you liberals hurl!
Evince accused me of engaging in incestuous activity with my infant child, nothing from you.
I responded , you put my response up as a sig quote!
But ignored the post I responded to!!
You are a hypocrite!
It's a liberal thing I have noticed!
You were silent on the threats howie made also!

You probably believed they were acceptable , because Obama cult members can do no wrong, even when Thry threaten to kill my child and force me to watch whilst my wife is raped.

That's typical of you obamacult liberals.
That's why people feel the need to defend themselves from your violent hatred!

You call me gutless?
16 years , in every shit hole the world has to offer, volouteered to deploy on 10 deployments!

You are gutless!
I am without fear!

I am not afraid of you in the slightest !

Come and carry out your threats liberal!
I am ready for everything you think you have!!
Come on liberal scum !!
Carry out your empty threats !

You keep talking about someone wanting to rape your wife and I have asked if you posted a picture of her. A simple, "Yes", or, "No", would suffice.
You keep talking about someone wanting to rape your wife and I have asked if you posted a picture of her. A simple, "Yes", or, "No", would suffice.
You disgusting liar, you never asked if I posted a pic of my wife.
I would never endanger my wife in that manner!!!

Liberals are too violent!!
Yet the threat is common from vicious liberals.

You probably use it often enough yourself!

Typical vile liberal attack!!