Hired Actor Exposed-Sandy Hook shooting is a hoax created for gun ban

Oooh, an associate professor of "media history" at FAU and some retiree.

I still support the second amendment regardless of its "proponents" here.
I'm not agreeing with them, just noting that they believed this.
Many believe Mossad was behind it, the usual liberal anti Semite lobby!
Just ignore inconvenient links, works best for you!

Tracey is an attention whore who is now bumbling his way out of his stupidity, and Fetzer is a known conspiracy freak and attention whore. Just like you.

Only the truly insane believe bullshit like this.
I just did, go back to the link I provided, fool!

No...you provided the names of two conspiracy theory nutjobs...

"Both Tracy and Fetzer Tracy have expressed doubts concerning the official versions of other major incidents, including the Kennedy assassination, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and last year’s mass shooting at a Batman movie screening in Aurora, Colorado.

By all indications, only Fetzer blames machinations by the Israeli government for any world atrocities.

Fetzer is a noted Kennedy conspiracy theorist who claims that the Zapruder film is a fabrication, according to the Spartanburg Herald-Journal. He also believes that the attacks of September 11 were orchestrated by a secret cabal within the Bush administration"

WOW...one's an anti-Semite and they are BOTH 9/11 truthers.

"Well respected" indeed.

And liberals believe GWB was responsible for the 911 attacks.

No we don't...that's just another bullshit diversion so you won't have to admit your "highly educated and well respected" individuals you relied on to corroborate your claims turned out to be 9/11 truther nutjobs.
No we don't...that's just another bullshit diversion so you won't have to admit your "highly educated and well respected" individuals you relied on to corroborate your claims turned out to be 9/11 truther nutjobs.
The ones who most liberals support!
60% of Americans believe GWB was behind 911.
That would be all the liberals and a tiny number of others.

Odd how you agreed with 911 truthers when you could blame bush.
But now, you reject them when the messiah is held up to scrutiny.

I'm becoming more and more convinced that the whole thing was the work of liberal fanatics to force their gun control agenda!

I mean, they murdered Brian Terry for the same reason!!
The ones who most liberals support!
60% of Americans believe GWB was behind 911.
That would be all the liberals and a tiny number of others.

Odd how you agreed with 911 truthers when you could blame bush.
But now, you reject them when the messiah is held up to scrutiny.

I'm becoming more and more convinced that the whole thing was the work of liberal fanatics to force their gun control agenda!

I mean, they murdered Brian Terry for the same reason!!

Oh...so now you're going to claim I agreed with 9/11 truthers when I could blame Bush?

Well, I'd ask you to cite your evidence, but we both know you pulled that bullshit lie right out of your ass.

As is your ridiculous claim that 60% of Americans believe GWB was behind 9/11...Prove it or demonstrate once more there is no idiotic, bullshit lie you won't tell if it demonizes Liberals.
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Oh...so now you're going to claim I agreed with 9/11 truthers when I could blame Bush?

Well, I'd ask you to cite your evidence, but we both know you pulled that bullshit lie right out of your ass.

As is your ridiculous claim that 60% of Americans believe GWB was behind 9/11...Prove it or demonstrate once more there is no idiotic, bullshit lie you won't tell if it demonizes Liberals.
No some liberal told me that!!
Very angry agressive, abusive and threatening.
Typical liberal when you think about it!
Complete nutzo too!!
99% of liberals blame bush for everything.

Most believe he was responsible for the holocaust and that he raised taxes on low income workers( aka low info voters)!
No some liberal told me that!!
Very angry agressive, abusive and threatening.
Typical liberal when you think about it!
Complete nutzo too!!

So that would be a resounding NO...you can't back up any of your ridiculous bullshit.

What a surprise!

NO PROOF 60% of Americans believe Bush was behind 9/11...

NO PROOF that I EVER agreed with the truthers...

Just more typical 00Nutbar bullshit.
So that would be a resounding NO...you can't back up any of your ridiculous bullshit.

What a surprise!

NO PROOF 60% of Americans believe Bush was behind 9/11...

NO PROOF that I EVER agreed with the truthers...

Just more typical 00Nutbar bullshit.
You are a fanatical liberal totalitarian, therefore a truther!!
You blame bush, admit it !!
Proof is not needed, I've seen it!!
Years ago!
I was banned from a left wing forum for questioning the accuracy of it!!

Now surely a lefty liberal forum wouldn't ban a person for arguing the accuracy of a lefty newspapers poll?
You are a fanatical liberal totalitarian, therefore a truther!!
You blame bush, admit it !!
Proof is not needed, I've seen it!!
Years ago!
I was banned from a left wing forum for questioning the accuracy of it!!

Now surely a lefty liberal forum wouldn't ban a person for arguing the accuracy of a lefty newspapers poll?

NOW we're getting somewhere...we've hit the root cause of your anger and hate.

You are enraged because you spewed your idiotic, hate-filled bullshit all over some "left wing forum" and they booted you for trolling.

It happened YEARS ago, yet you're STILL angry about it! How sad is that?

Bottom line...I am not, nor have I ever been a "truther". I don't believe Bush was behind 9/11, and as I suspected, you've got NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH...BUPKIS that proves otherwise!

Just more standard issue hateful Tightie Rightie rolling.
NOW we're getting somewhere...we've hit the root cause of your anger and hate.

You are enraged because you spewed your idiotic, hate-filled bullshit all over some "left wing forum" and they booted you for trolling.

It happened YEARS ago, yet you're STILL angry about it! How sad is that?

Bottom line...I am not, nor have I ever been a "truther". I don't believe Bush was behind 9/11, and as I suspected, you've got NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH...BUPKIS that proves otherwise!

Just more standard issue hateful Tightie Rightie rolling.

No I was banned for stating that 1 msnbc poll is not representative of the entire USA.
Not trolling, just voicing a fact.
Now out of defference to your chosen vicious violent dogma, I will respect the opinions of the far left obamacult!
You are a 911 truther and a terrorist supporter!

Fucking traitor!