Hired Actor Exposed-Sandy Hook shooting is a hoax created for gun ban

Tell me who was so efficient to open a donation account in Credit Union for poor Emily and then set up a page in facebook the same day of her death?

Original funding page in facebook:

Joined Facebook 12/14/2012

Native of Utah, Emilie Parker was killed in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elem. We are seeking to assist the Parkers by setting up the Emilie Parker Memorial Fund at America First Credit Union in Utah.

Instructions on the Emilie Parker Memorial Account at America First Credit Union (account #5001359). For AFCU members making a transfer, select the Savings as the type of account, and the last name on the account is Parker. For non AFCU members, the AFCU routing number is 324377516. This account has been shared by several Utah media outlets and can be trusted. Thank you.

A PAYPAL account is also available if you use the email brookeprothero@yahoo.com

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2. I think my allegation on Emily's 12/14 face book fund raising page hit the target. After I posted it, I got a reply

I went to that url, the Emilie's fund raising page disappeared. They found the flaw and disabled the site.

3. Weeks later, I clicked at that url, it revived. Only the join date becomes: 12/15. They corrected it to make it a reasonable story.

Obviously, it was impossible for Mr. Parker to learn his daughter’s death so quickly and let his friends in Utah to open a donation account in bank and then set up a fund raising page in Face book. All these were prepared in advance.
Other people noticed this and had a screen shot.

12/14/ facebook that disappeared:


Later established site with a date of 12/15


Their comment on the funding page:

When they found a fund raising page on 12/14 was a flaw, they created some case like this one.

Sandy Hook fundraising relief page created 3 days before shooting, Google search results confirm

Friday, January 11, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger


It's easy to create such a page at the purpose to prove "Alter the date is easy".

But did the Robbie Parker's friend had motive to alter the page set up date?

This information and other similar ones obviously were made by the "disinformation workshop" to cover up the flaw of Emilie's fund raising page. It was impossible for Mr. Parker doing all this on 12/14. The police blocked people to entering the school. They moved the dead people out at night. How could Robbie Parker confirm his daughter's death that dayk then to inform his friends in UTAH then to open a donation account in bank then to set up a fund raising page in facebook?

They planned all this in advance, think it was natural that Mr. Parker should know Emilie's death right on that day. Only found it's impossible in practice.

Watch the disinformation was issued in January, that's a later remedial measure to cover up the flaw.
nurse hid steps away from the shooter

Some children and a teacher hid in a room; School nurse Sally said she hid under a desk until 1:15 which means Police until 1:15 didn’t know if there was any survivor inside school, how could they not deploy ambulance at school for possible casualty? Obviously they determined in advance that no witness should be out alive.

How could Robbie Parker know his daughter was dead at that time? And then let his friends in Utah know this (about the whole story of shooting out) and then to open a donation account for Emilie in bank and then to establish a page in Face book? It was all pre-planned, only proved not practical in reality, so they had to delete that fund raising account in Face book (date 12-14) and month later had another one in same url which dated 12-15 to cover up the flaw.
Chief State Medical Examiner Carver Retires

By DAVE ALTIMARI, daltimar@courant.comThe Hartford Courant
4:58 p.m. CDT, May 23, 2013
Long-time chief state medical examiner H. Wayne Carver announced Thursday that he is retiring and will be replaced by the deputy medical examiner in New York City.

Carver, who always joked he was aptly named for the job, has been the chief state medical examiner since March 1989 and has worked at the office since July 1, 1982. He took over as chief following the controversial exit of Catherine Galvin, who left after it was revealed she took her pet dog into rooms where autopsies were being conducted.


Sandy Hook Medical Examiner H Wayne Carver FRAUD EXPOSED
Bill Drafted In Secret Would Block Release Of Some Newtown Massacre Records
The staffs of the state's top prosecutor and the governor's office have been working in secret with legislative leaders on a law to withhold records related to the police investigation into the Dec. 14 Newtown elementary school massacre.

By JON LENDER, EDMUND H. MAHONY and DAVE ALTIMARI, jlender@courant.comThe Hartford Courant
10:18 p.m. EDT, May 21, 2013

The staffs of the state's top prosecutor and the governor's office have been working in secret with General Assembly leaders on legislation to withhold records related to the police investigation into the Dec. 14 Newtown elementary school massacre — including victims' photos, tapes of 911 calls, and possibly more.

The behind-the-scenes legislative effort came to light Tuesday when The Courant obtained a copy of an email by a top assistant to Chief State's Attorney Kevin Kane, Timothy J. Sugrue. Sugrue, an assistant state's attorney, discussed options considered so far, including blocking release of statements "made by a minor."
