History is for suckers.

History is just like physics and chemistry. It is an ongoing search for something as closely approximating the truth as we can get.

Western civilization owes a major debt to Herodotus and Thucydides for teaching us the art and science of historical analysis.

Neither physics nor chemistry is looking for the Universal Truth. Only religions do that.
Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Nothing more. It is not possible to prove any theory True.

History is a set of events that occurred in the past. It is nothing more. There are many liars about what happened in the past, even the recent past. Mostly they are Democrats.
Were it not for history -- and the writing down and preservation of it -- science as we know it would not exist, nor would our present technology. A civilization that does not keep records of the past and learn from them is doomed to stagnation and extinction.

Science is not history, but the history of science is a fascinating one. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Nothing more.
We would be doomed without history!

The careful study of history is one of the best forms of moral instruction we have.

I don't buy that history is just a pack of lies promulgated by the victors. The Soviet Kremlin tried to control history. But the truth came out because of independent writers and historians.

And yet Democrats, like the Soviets, try to change and control history.
Neither physics nor chemistry is looking for the Universal Truth. Only religions do that.
Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Nothing more. It is not possible to prove any theory True.

History is a set of events that occurred in the past. It is nothing more. There are many liars about what happened in the past, even the recent past. Mostly they are Democrats.

You've never taken a university-level physics, chemistry, or biology class.
Good to know that all written history is truth. No need whatsoever for CRT then...... :laugh:
You've never taken a university-level physics, chemistry, or biology class.

Science is not a class. Science is not a university. Science is not a degree, license, or any other sanctification. Only religions and governments do that.
You routinely deny and discard theories of science, including the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law, as part of your belief in the Church of Global Warming.
Too funny. The very same people who claim that most American history is made up bullshit so we must teach CRT are now claiming that written history is to be trusted. Libtards are soooooooooooo funny. Flippity flip flop flop flop to whatever benefits the narrative THAT DAY.

Science is not a class. Science is not a university. Science is not a degree, license, or any other sanctification. Only religions and governments do that.
You routinely deny and discard theories of science, including the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law, as part of your belief in the Church of Global Warming.

I accept your confession that you have never taken a university-level science class.

We've been over this multiple times already, only your ignorance is holding you back: global warming does not violate the conservation of energy, and the atmosphere is not a closed system. So the first and second laws of thermodynamics are not violated
Try reading the OP again.

He is simply saying that a lot of 'history' is fiction.

That is not what he said.
The OP states 'history is for suckers'.
That suggests ALL history is for suckers.

And to what end is this thread?
That some history might not be accurate?
Every adult knew that when they woke up this morning.

But what is this OP in aid of - specifically?
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Somebody else did a thread in this section mentioning history. So I thought I would too. By telling you that "history" is for suckers. There is a truism out there that says, "History is written by the victors." As in the victors of some war. But there is another truism about war. It says, "In war, truth is the first casualty." No doubt for the winning side, it remains a casualty. Also, there were a couple notable people who had truthful things to say about history. One was Napoleon. He said, "History is a set of lies agreed upon." Another was Tolstoy. He said, "History would be a wonderful thing. If it were only true."

Can you give us an example of History that is wrong?

Dude, let me give you some advice- DO NOT GO TO FOX NEWS FOR YOUR HISTORY LESSONS!

Fox News would be a wonderful thing- IF THEY TOLD THE TRUTH!


Somebody else did a thread in this section mentioning history. So I thought I would too. By telling you that "history" is for suckers. There is a truism out there that says, "History is written by the victors." As in the victors of some war. But there is another truism about war. It says, "In war, truth is the first casualty." No doubt for the winning side, it remains a casualty. Also, there were a couple notable people who had truthful things to say about history. One was Napoleon. He said, "History is a set of lies agreed upon." Another was Tolstoy. He said, "History would be a wonderful thing. If it were only true."

Americans killed Nazis. Remember that history. I'm telling you this as a mentor.
Can you give us an example of History that is wrong?....

Doubtful he can post anything resembling a rational example proving his claims.

Notice that all of Pedo Don' followers are like a human caterpillar when it comes to defending Pedo Don and their fantasy beliefs about blacks, Jews, globalists and "the deep state".
Likes Inbred Families.

You're an odd one, Sybil.

I surely would not be surprised if your family was inbred.

You're about the West Virginia/Alabama basement cousin special.

Or Palatka. They are interchangeable. Usually kept chained in the basement and fed dog food.
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