Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
You need help, Sybil. Jus' sayin'.I AM A PSYCHO
You need help, Sybil. Jus' sayin'.I AM A PSYCHO
You don't like it. Would you prefer it be unavailable to those who greatly prefer it and it's numerous advantages?Homeschooling is terrible.
Once again, you don't know what you're talking about. You obviously have no understanding on this matter.It is passing on the teaching of one or 2 people.
That would be our leftist public schools that, instead of teaching critical reasoning, have students learn to believe whatever CNN tells them to believe for 30 minutes per day.It is not teaching how to think, but what to think.
When you homeschool, you never have to arrange for the transportation of the children anywhere or fund the cost of the transportation. When homeschooling, you never need to brave the elements or shut down the children's education because of inclement weather. No time is wasted sitting in bad traffic, no traffic accidents are caused, all in the name of "still coming home again."When you go to school, you still come home.
Yes, a student attending a public school could potentially receive the same Board of Education-approved education as a homeschool student, but there are no guarantees. No public school teacher cares as much about any child as do the child's parents, and some public school teachers just don't care at all.That means you get a solid and approved education
Brilliant! ... for which party?
You would be so amazingly brilliant ... if you weren't a total moron.
There is no such thing as a "false choice." I clearly presented two choices, not realizing that you cannot count that high, and you are merely to pick one of the two.
Which one is preferable?
Shouldn't you be coloring at the children's table?
es it is a false choice. You presented one alternative as the ultimate evil, and the other as the perfect solution. It's intellectually dishonest. Because that's what you do. You aren't capable of a nuanced discussion. Your choices are completely binary. What's funny is that you think you're brilliant. It actually makes me chuckle when I read your posts.
So tell me, in what way(s) specifically is the OP inaccurate? I'm not asking how you dislike any characterization or wording. I want to know how it is inaccurate.
It's just a question as to which is preferable, A or B.
There are pros and cons. Parents worried about their kids being shot, raped or drugged have a valid reason to avoid some public schools. I have neighbors who homeschool. They form groups with other parents for shared schooling and field trips.
FWIW, I support public education and think more Federal money than the current 8% should be focused upon public education.
Results count:
That's what CPS is for.Kids get beaten, raped, and twisted at homes too . The world is not a nest of Ozzie and Harriet homes. All the flaws of parents are transferred to kids. When they learn one side, they do not develop the tools to debate anything mentally.
Homeschooling has no social interplay.
Homeschooling at its best has huge gaps in socialization and handling yourself with the opposite sex, Home schoolers pay the price.
That's what CPS is for.
The links prove you wrong.
Soooo...you want to ban homeschooling?
Nope. You can insulate yourself from the world and indoctrinate your kids as you choose. Can parents really teach history, reading, writing, math, and all the other subjects with an open mind.? But that is not what they are after, is it?
No, let's not. You are supposed to be explaining why the OP is inaccurate. I'm not interested in any "examples" of the completely undefined.Let's take just one example. "
Stay focused. No "personalities" are being discussed. I am stating an observation that public schools teach a completely leftist-scrubbed curriculum that absolutely dumbs-down the vulnerable, impressionable children in a totally controlled, captive-audience setting, rendering them stupid and gullible enough to totally fall for Marxist propaganda of all sorts.A few years ago radio talk show personalities started the leftist indoctrination (and unions) generalizations
Nope. I'm not buying it. My operating assumption is that you are a shill for some public school's Marxist teachers union. In any event, it's totally irrelevant. Let's move on.I am very critical of public and private schools in the U. S.
I don't buy it. It's absolutely true that the election was stolen, but I don't believe that any teacher that has passed the public school Marxism litmus test to get hired would ever be admitting anything that honest and risk getting fired.Recently, we have seen some stories about history teachers teaching kids the 2020 election was stolen, but this is not representative of most history teachers.
This is what I mean. You are a product of public schools. You don't realize that there is no such thing as a false choice. Only a total moron would make such a claim, and we have seen some total morons here on JPP making that claim. Don't willingly be one of them.So, giving posters a choice between homeschooling and indoctrinating public schools is a false choice because ...
I'm not buying it. You have directed all your effort into denying those things that I have observed in the public schools wherever I have lived and to my children who unfortunately had to be deprogrammed upon returning home from school and their daily programming.I am much more critical about things that are occurring rather than phony generalizations.
No, let's not. You are supposed to be explaining why the OP is inaccurate. I'm not interested in any "examples" of the completely undefined.
Stay focused. No "personalities" are being discussed. I am stating an observation that public schools teach a completely leftist-scrubbed curriculum that absolutely dumbs-down the vulnerable, impressionable children in a totally controlled, captive-audience setting, rendering them stupid and gullible enough to totally fall for Marxist propaganda of all sorts.
* Public schools brazenly teach the Climate Change religion in the science classroom, ensuring the children turn out like you, scientifically illiterate to the point of not even knowing what science even is. You probably believe that science is a subjective matter that is determined by some consensus. Regardless, leftists such as yourself are overjoyed to have your religion taught in the science classroom but you'd be the first to bitch if they started teaching Intelligent Design in the science classroom, even though Intelligent Design, unlike Climate Change, doesn't require belief in a myriad of physics violations.
* Public schools give children the option of ditching school for a day if they do so in support of Black Lives Matter terrorism, vandalism and other violence ... but if a student where's an NRA T-shirt to school they suspend his ass on the spot.
* Public schools fuck with children's minds by encouraging children to "be" the opposite gender of what they are and to insist that they get to choose how English grammar applies to them.
Public schools have become the Democrat Party and require the children in their captivity to acquiesce to their dogma. Please don't waste my time by trying to pretend that none of this is the case.
Nope. I'm not buying it. My operating assumption is that you are a shill for some public school's Marxist teachers union. In any event, it's totally irrelevant. Let's move on.
I don't buy it. It's absolutely true that the election was stolen, but I don't believe that any teacher that has passed the public school Marxism litmus test to get hired would ever be admitting anything that honest and risk getting fired.
This is what I mean. You are a product of public schools. You don't realize that there is no such thing as a false choice. Only a total moron would make such a claim, and we have seen some total morons here on JPP making that claim. Don't willingly be one of them.
I'm not buying it. You have directed all your effort into denying those things that I have observed in the public schools wherever I have lived and to my children who unfortunately had to be deprogrammed upon returning home from school and their daily programming.
Only a moron would deny what's going on right under his own nose, and worse, to his own children.
There's a reason why Sybil's sock has a parrot as an avatar.You are just spouting right-wing claims that have nothing to do with public schools today. What you have "observed" is really what you have heard by uninformed sources coming from idealogues that have convinced part of the public schools have indoctrinated kids.
If kids were indoctrinated toward liberalism they would all be voting Democratic. Instead, elections have been very close in recent years and in 2022 Republicans won the most votes nationally.
First, let me say that you are a total moron, Nordberg. I just feel that we should establish a realistic context for discussion.Nope. You can insulate yourself from the world and indoctrinate your kids as you choose. Can parents really teach history, reading, writing, math, and all the other subjects with an open mind.? But that is not what they are after, is it?
You have no rebuttal I see.You are just spouting right-wing claims yadda, yadda, yadda, ...
What I have observed, I have observed. You don't get to declare that I have not somehow observed what I have observed. At least now you can see how I knew you were a shill for a public school teachers union.What you have "observed" is really what you have heard by uninformed sources
You are projecting your hatred of anyone right of center upon parents who homeschool. Again, the links proved you wrong in terms of quality of education and also the reasons parents homeschool.
Still, as stated previously, I support better Federal funding of public schools. Most of the kids around here attend public school. Most of the 12-18 year old cadets in my CAP squadron attend public school. Why you have a conniption over parents who don't seems more authoritarian than honest to me. The fact you distort their reasoning is also very telling.
You obviously were poorly educated.
Hatred? Why would I hate someone who bought into the myths about schools? They are doing what they think is right. I just think they are making a mistake. Who has a rounded enough education and teaching ability to handle every school subject? I think almost nobody. I also think it is helpful for kids to get a little space from their parents.
Why do use use such slanted terms like hate, and conniption,. I hope you don't teach such slanted discourse to your kids.
You have no rebuttal I see.
This from someone who isn't able to articulate a refutation to the argument put forth in the OP. I hope you come back with your usual "brilliant" response to me.
shut up you asshole troll