Into the Night
Verified User
Yup, you got it. Nordy wasn't quite hitting the mark.
Marriage is a union between a man and a woman in which both of them are joined together as a single body. This specific union is formed and officially recognized via a contract between the man, the woman, and some sort of authority.
Indeed, marriage is about providing an environment (a solid foundation) to have and raise children. From a Christian perspective, it is also an earthly mirroring of the heavenly marriage between Jesus Christ and The Church, in which those two separate bodies will likewise be joined together into one single body at the marriage feast.
And yes, "gay marriage" is indeed just a mockery/bastardization of marriage. Satan sure loves to take that sort of approach with regard to the good things that God has instituted. In fact, Satan has even taken such an approach with regard to the Holy Trinity itself (Father, Son, Holy Spirit ---> Dragon, Beast, False Prophet).
He's lately been trying to argue that because not everyone gets married and decides to have kids, the institution of marriage should be discarded. He is attempting to discard marriage by redefining it. A common tactic used by these people.
This kind of redefinition to void is common not just here, but in many aspects of the liberal mindset...even to the point that it's become a different language.