Homosexuality is not a sin


Yes, indeed, you do keep repeating yourself, don' t you? No worries -- I'll continue to steer you back to the science, no matter how many times your emotions lead you astray. I get that you'll try to shelter yourself from learning by trying to project your shortcomings on to me, but I'll gently remind you that the facts don't care how you feel. The science says what it says, whether you like it or not.
The argument isn't that there's a particular gene that causes homosexuality. Rather, the argument is that homosexuality can have a genetic component, which actually comes from a number of different genes.

Nobody suggested it was. The argument is that homosexuals can, in fact, reproduce.

There is no genetic property that causes homosexuality. You are actually attempting to be racist here. Homosexuals cannot reproduce.
Delusional....and, IMHO, a paranoid schizophrenic too. He truly believes his other accounts are different people.

Have you clicked on the links of his sock's signatures? Truly insightful view into an average+ but distorted mind. When Sybil first began posting here, I immediately picked up they were all closely connected but it took a few days to figure out they were all the same person. His own fake forum in the links confirmed everything.


Not the same person, dude. Sybil isn't here. She never posted here or on Politiplex. What do you mean by 'fake forum'?
The person who is delusional here is you. You keep seeing sock people where none exist. You keep seeing a girl named Sybil where none exists.

His hallucinations do seem to be getting worse. He spends more time in those than insulting people now, although he tries to insult people using his hallucinations.
He keeps seeing 'fake forums' too, whatever the hell THAT is! :D
Where are all of these "flaming homophobes"?? Who around here has an irrational fear of same sex relations?

You DO know that's what the word means, right?
Homophobia: Derives from the Greek words 'homos' (meaning "the same") and 'phobos' (meaning "fear" or "panic").

Or are you just using it as a buzzword insult, as liberals typically do?

Remember they only speak Liberal. Words have no meaning or have shifting meanings in that language.
As you now know, from a slew of studies I shared, genetics are, in fact, a significant factor.
A study isn't a proof of any kind. Attempted proof by circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism). Did you know there was a study on the compass direction dogs face when they go outside to take a shit? That one won the Ignoble Prize! :laugh:
I understand that hurts your feelings,
Studies don't hurt anyone's feelings...not even the schmuck that got paid to do the study.
and so you're going to simply refuse to believe any of them.
Compositional error fallacy. Careful, this is the fallacy that is the basis of bigotry or racism.
But you know better, deep down.
You don't get to describe his feelings or what he knows. Only he knows what he knows.
Yes. Is it not your first language?
Inversion fallacy. Sorry dude, you cannot project YOUR problems on someone else.
Yes, indeed, you do keep repeating yourself, don' t you?
No worries -- I'll continue to steer you back to the science, no matter how many times your emotions lead you astray.
No science here...move along...move along.
I get that you'll try to shelter yourself from learning by trying to project your shortcomings on to me, but I'll gently remind you that the facts don't care how you feel.
Learn what a fact is. A fact is neither a proof nor a Universal Truth. It is YOU projecting your problems on others. Lame inversion fallacy.
The science says what it says, whether you like it or not.
No science here...move along...move along...
Yes, indeed, you do keep repeating yourself, don' t you? No worries -- I'll continue to steer you back to the science, no matter how many times your emotions lead you astray. I get that you'll try to shelter yourself from learning by trying to project your shortcomings on to me, but I'll gently remind you that the facts don't care how you feel. The science says what it says, whether you like it or not.
His hallucinations do seem to be getting worse. He spends more time in those than insulting people now, although he tries to insult people using his hallucinations.
He keeps seeing 'fake forums' too, whatever the hell THAT is! :D
I'm almost starting to miss his pathetic insults, as his hallucinations have grown much more prevalent as of lately.
Which Democrat are you referring to? I don't think he voted for Clinton. Don't know if he voted for Kennedy. He may not have been old enough to vote yet.
In fact, I wasn't anywhere near old enough to vote for either of those people. I could barely walk when Clinton was elected, let alone anywhere near being alive for Kennedy, and I even wasn't quite old enough to vote "for" McCain. My first foray into voting/politics was contributing to the "Tea Party" movement in 2010.