
The purpose for gay marriage is the same as for straight marriage, namely to join two people in a committed relationship.

The state licenses people to marry all the time who cannot procreate due to physical issues. If it is all about having children, the straight couples who cannot procreate should not be allowed to marry either.

Actually the purpose of marriage is to create a union for raising children. Queers can't do that on their own given their chosen lifestyle fighting against God and evolution.

Funny how all of the evolution lovers want to ignore that evolutionarily speaking, queers are mutations. I guess evolution is al a carte for you lefties.

Look buddy if you want to gobble Howeys cock feel free. You just don't have to change definitions to do it.

Call it Garriage

I personally never hired a queer and never will. Don't need the negative stigma they bring with them
are you suggesting that parts of the bible do not condone those behaviors?

uh, reverend.......if you misunderstand what the Bible teaches that badly, it doesn't matter what I answer you......you'll never understand it anyway.....but its no suggestion......the Bible does NOT say that those things should be a part of our moral code and only a fucking idiot would pretend that it did......
Actually the purpose of marriage is to create a union for raising children. Queers can't do that on their own given their chosen lifestyle fighting against God and evolution.

Funny how all of the evolution lovers want to ignore that evolutionarily speaking, queers are mutations. I guess evolution is al a carte for you lefties.

Look buddy if you want to gobble Howeys cock feel free. You just don't have to change definitions to do it.

Call it Garriage

I personally never hired a queer and never will. Don't need the negative stigma they bring with them

But you allow straight couples who cannot reproduce to marry and gain the +/- 1,400 benefits given to married couples by federal, state and local gov'ts. If it is all about raising children, why do those who can't have children get the same benefits?
But you allow straight couples who cannot reproduce to marry and gain the +/- 1,400 benefits given to married couples by federal, state and local gov'ts. If it is all about raising children, why do those who can't have children get the same benefits?

Apparently your banishment hasn't made you any smarter has it?

Maybe you should look up the difference between "HAVING" children and "RAISING" children. Do you know the difference? Do you need me to explain to you? Maybe you need another timeout?

Now as far as the government "bestowing" benefits? Never supported that to begin with. You are getting into Deshland with your straw men.

Queers are abnormal and should be treated as such
Apparently your banishment hasn't made you any smarter has it?

Maybe you should look up the difference between "HAVING" children and "RAISING" children. Do you know the difference? Do you need me to explain to you? Maybe you need another timeout?

Now as far as the government "bestowing" benefits? Never supported that to begin with. You are getting into Deshland with your straw men.

Queers are abnormal and should be treated as such

I discussed HAVING children because both gays and straights are equal when it comes to RAISING children.

And whether you support it or not, the gov't grants plenty of benefits to straight married couples.

As for my banishment, it was voluntary. I was smart when I left and I'm still smart. I am smart enough to discuss a topic without resorting to insulting someone's children.
I discussed HAVING children because both gays and straights are equal when it comes to RAISING children.

And whether you support it or not, the gov't grants plenty of benefits to straight married couples.

As for my banishment, it was voluntary. I was smart when I left and I'm still smart. I am smart enough to discuss a topic without resorting to insulting someone's children.

Gays are not equal to raising children as a man and woman. That is why society shunned it for so long. That you think you are enlightened only proves that you are bored and think progress means changing things. For some reason shallow thinkers like yourself think that because something has been accepted for thousands of years that it must be shunned. Silly, silly little boy.

Do you think Russia is banning queers because they are homophobic? Of course not. They realize that their society is a shambles. They realize that they do not have enough births to sustain their population and soon they will crumble as Japan has crumbled.

You think queer marriage is some long, hard fought for civil right? You have been duped as many shallow thinkers have been duped by a propaganda machine that seeks to destroy the very foundations which made America great. Queer marriage is only a recent phenomenon, but somehow you have convinced yourself or have been convinced, that it is the civil rights battle of our age. I am sure you believe that queers are being denied entrance to eating establishments and are being lynched. You can convince yourself of anything that the propagandists want you to believe. You are a useful tool of the propagandists.

Yes, your banishment was voluntary. You were so smart, that you couldn't just walk away. You had to accuse someone of being a pedophile. Yes, tell me again how SMART you are.

But, then you can convince yourself of anything. You fancy yourself as this "middle of the road" moderate. Hell, I respect Desh more than I respect you. You really stand for nothing other than not offending. That is boring. But, if it gets you by, then so be it.
Gays are not equal to raising children as a man and woman. That is why society shunned it for so long. That you think you are enlightened only proves that you are bored and think progress means changing things. For some reason shallow thinkers like yourself think that because something has been accepted for thousands of years that it must be shunned. Silly, silly little boy.

Do you think Russia is banning queers because they are homophobic? Of course not. They realize that their society is a shambles. They realize that they do not have enough births to sustain their population and soon they will crumble as Japan has crumbled.

You think queer marriage is some long, hard fought for civil right? You have been duped as many shallow thinkers have been duped by a propaganda machine that seeks to destroy the very foundations which made America great. Queer marriage is only a recent phenomenon, but somehow you have convinced yourself or have been convinced, that it is the civil rights battle of our age. I am sure you believe that queers are being denied entrance to eating establishments and are being lynched. You can convince yourself of anything that the propagandists want you to believe. You are a useful tool of the propagandists.

Yes, your banishment was voluntary. You were so smart, that you couldn't just walk away. You had to accuse someone of being a pedophile. Yes, tell me again how SMART you are.

But, then you can convince yourself of anything. You fancy yourself as this "middle of the road" moderate. Hell, I respect Desh more than I respect you. You really stand for nothing other than not offending. That is boring. But, if it gets you by, then so be it.

Wow, so much bullshit and so much hostility in so many directions.

There have been numerous studies that showed the results of having gay parents is no different than having straight parents.

You don't respect me?? Awww, say it ain't so!! lmao
Gays are not equal to raising children as a man and woman. That is why society shunned it for so long. That you think you are enlightened only proves that you are bored and think progress means changing things. For some reason shallow thinkers like yourself think that because something has been accepted for thousands of years that it must be shunned. Silly, silly little boy.

Do you think Russia is banning queers because they are homophobic? Of course not. They realize that their society is a shambles. They realize that they do not have enough births to sustain their population and soon they will crumble as Japan has crumbled.

You think queer marriage is some long, hard fought for civil right? You have been duped as many shallow thinkers have been duped by a propaganda machine that seeks to destroy the very foundations which made America great. Queer marriage is only a recent phenomenon, but somehow you have convinced yourself or have been convinced, that it is the civil rights battle of our age. I am sure you believe that queers are being denied entrance to eating establishments and are being lynched. You can convince yourself of anything that the propagandists want you to believe. You are a useful tool of the propagandists.

Yes, your banishment was voluntary. You were so smart, that you couldn't just walk away. You had to accuse someone of being a pedophile. Yes, tell me again how SMART you are.

But, then you can convince yourself of anything. You fancy yourself as this "middle of the road" moderate. Hell, I respect Desh more than I respect you. You really stand for nothing other than not offending. That is boring. But, if it gets you by, then so be it.

Wow, so much bullshit and so much hostility in so many directions.

There have been numerous studies that showed the results of having gay parents is no different than having straight parents.

You don't respect me?? Awww, say it ain't so!! lmao

Post these studies; let's discuss them. Although this has been proven false many times in the past, if we must keep re-playing it until you buffoons get it, let's rewind and do it again and again until you get it.
Once again, if the entire reason for marriage has to do with children (having or raising), then have standards for straight AND gays. Many straight couples marry who will not have or raise children, and yet they get the same benefits.
Post these studies; let's discuss them. Although this has been proven false many times in the past, if we must keep re-playing it until you buffoons get it, let's rewind and do it again and again until you get it.

Here is one: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2013/03/18/peds.2013-0377.full.pdf+html

Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents. Lack of opportunity for same-gender couples to marry adds to families’ stress, which affects the health and welfare of all household members. Because marriage strengthens families and, in so doing, benefits children’s development, children should not be deprived of the opportunity for their parents to be married. Paths to parenthood that include assisted reproductive techniques, adoption, and foster parenting should focus on competency of the parents rather than their sexual orientation. "

One important line has to be "Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents."
Wow, so much bullshit and so much hostility in so many directions.

There have been numerous studies that showed the results of having gay parents is no different than having straight parents.

You don't respect me?? Awww, say it ain't so!! lmao

Bogus studies that have not analyzed long term impacts. Bottom line. Man + Woman = best outcome for kids

So you don't care about the chillen. No biggy. Just pawn em off on the gubment so you don't have to worry about it. Probably doesn't bother you that pedophile homos use you to support them getting new recruits. It is like their own little basic training.

Hey that just made me think of something. Now that DADT has been repealed where is the influx of queers running to join the military? Personally I say put them on the front lines