
Post these studies; let's discuss them. Although this has been proven false many times in the past, if we must keep re-playing it until you buffoons get it, let's rewind and do it again and again until you get it.

Ole Winterborn fancies himself a moderate. Don't expect him to prove anything. He got himself banned on purpose you know. Guess he couldn't just walk away. No he had to slander someone. What a guy
Bogus studies that have not analyzed long term impacts. Bottom line. Man + Woman = best outcome for kids

So you don't care about the chillen. No biggy. Just pawn em off on the gubment so you don't have to worry about it. Probably doesn't bother you that pedophile homos use you to support them getting new recruits. It is like their own little basic training.

Hey that just made me think of something. Now that DADT has been repealed where is the influx of queers running to join the military? Personally I say put them on the front lines

I linked a study. Feel free to point out what is bogus about it.

Yes, I care about children. I even care about them AFTER they are born. The bottom line is that what is best for children depends far more on the type of relationship they have with their parent and the type of parent a person is than the gender of the person.

Pedos should be jailed and kept there. Different discussion.
Ole Winterborn fancies himself a moderate. Don't expect him to prove anything. He got himself banned on purpose you know. Guess he couldn't just walk away. No he had to slander someone. What a guy

Two points, first I did slander in an attempt at humor. It was misunderstood so I apologized.

Second, I don't fancy myself anything except a man who follows his beliefs. If you think it is moderate, that is fine. If you think it is extreme, that is fine too.

You mistake my attempts to maintain the discussion on a topic for a "fear of offending". I don't give a rats ass if someone is offended. I simply think the wholesale insults (without any relevance to the topic) are a waste of time. And I think trying to insult someone's children is both chickenshit and a waste of time.

Like I said, feel free to point out what is bogus in the study.
Two points, first I did slander in an attempt at humor. It was misunderstood so I apologized.

Second, I don't fancy myself anything except a man who follows his beliefs. If you think it is moderate, that is fine. If you think it is extreme, that is fine too.

You mistake my attempts to maintain the discussion on a topic for a "fear of offending". I don't give a rats ass if someone is offended. I simply think the wholesale insults (without any relevance to the topic) are a waste of time. And I think trying to insult someone's children is both chickenshit and a waste of time.

Like I said, feel free to point out what is bogus in the study.

Already pointed out the bogus studies. Too short a time frame and they suffer from selection bias. Good enough for you?

Calling someone a pedophile was an attempt at humor? Seriously? What a lying piece of shit you are. I may be an asshole, but I am honest about it. You give this pretense as being above it all but you are no different than me.
Already pointed out the bogus studies. Too short a time frame and they suffer from selection bias. Good enough for you?

Calling someone a pedophile was an attempt at humor? Seriously? What a lying piece of shit you are. I may be an asshole, but I am honest about it. You give this pretense as being above it all but you are no different than me.

Yes, it was humor.

And yes, I am above the likes of you. I prefer to stay on topic rather than talk about someone's children's sex life. And while my humor may have been misunderstood, I did apologize for that. How about you? Any apologies for talking about someone's children?

Now, about the studies, they are not as comprehensive as other studies on children, because there have not bee enough gay parents out there for extended periods of time.

But I have posted link to a pair of studies. Feel free to specifically address them.
Yes, it was humor.

And yes, I am above the likes of you. I prefer to stay on topic rather than talk about someone's children's sex life. And while my humor may have been misunderstood, I did apologize for that. How about you? Any apologies for talking about someone's children?

Now, about the studies, they are not as comprehensive as other studies on children, because there have not bee enough gay parents out there for extended periods of time.

But I have posted link to a pair of studies. Feel free to specifically address them.

Yes it is standard humor to call someone a pedophile. I don't know how someone could have misunderstood. Yeah that's the ticket. What a dishonest prick you are. Wait let me try it. Yeah when I talked about Mainemans faggot kids it was just an attempt at humor. You must have misunderstood.

So you agree that these studies are bogus. Short time frames and suffer from selection bias. Maybe I am using difficult terminology for you?
Yes it is standard humor to call someone a pedophile. I don't know how someone could have misunderstood. Yeah that's the ticket. What a dishonest prick you are. Wait let me try it. Yeah when I talked about Mainemans faggot kids it was just an attempt at humor. You must have misunderstood.

So you agree that these studies are bogus. Short time frames and suffer from selection bias. Maybe I am using difficult terminology for you?

No, I do not agree the studies are bogus. I agree that there are limitations in scope. But that does not mean the study is bogus. Since gays have not been allowed to openly parent in any significant numbers for long, your claims could remove all studies. But the researchers are finding that children raised by homosexual couples are not different. Unless you have some compelling prove to the contrary, these studies stand as the only evidence.
Yes it is standard humor to call someone a pedophile. I don't know how someone could have misunderstood. Yeah that's the ticket. What a dishonest prick you are. Wait let me try it. Yeah when I talked about Mainemans faggot kids it was just an attempt at humor. You must have misunderstood.

So you agree that these studies are bogus. Short time frames and suffer from selection bias. Maybe I am using difficult terminology for you?

I also was careful to select the mods as the people I aimed my humor at. We have known each other a long time and are friends. The people I joked about being pedophiles are on my FB friends list. They did not defriend me. So apparently it was not as offensive as you seem to think. Again, I did apologize when the humor was not seen as funny. When you apologize for the things you have said about MM's kids you can claim whatever you want.

Now, since the topic of my humor/banning/apology has been thoroughly discussed, let's stick with the topic.
No, I do not agree the studies are bogus. I agree that there are limitations in scope. But that does not mean the study is bogus. Since gays have not been allowed to openly parent in any significant numbers for long, your claims could remove all studies. But the researchers are finding that children raised by homosexual couples are not different. Unless you have some compelling prove to the contrary, these studies stand as the only evidence.

Oh well if you don't agree, I guess that is that
I also was careful to select the mods as the people I aimed my humor at. We have known each other a long time and are friends. The people I joked about being pedophiles are on my FB friends list. They did not defriend me. So apparently it was not as offensive as you seem to think. Again, I did apologize when the humor was not seen as funny. When you apologize for the things you have said about MM's kids you can claim whatever you want.

Now, since the topic of my humor/banning/apology has been thoroughly discussed, let's stick with the topic.

I don't ever apologize for what I say. I mean every word.

LOL friends on Facebook. I didn't know people still used that.


Do you share pictures of your food with them? How cute. Yes I always call my friends pedophiles in an attempt at humor. Stick with that
I don't ever apologize for what I say. I mean every word.

LOL friends on Facebook. I didn't know people still used that.


Do you share pictures of your food with them? How cute. Yes I always call my friends pedophiles in an attempt at humor. Stick with that

I have friends all over the country and around the world. FB is one way I stay in touch.
Once again, if the entire reason for marriage has to do with children (having or raising), then have standards for straight AND gays. Many straight couples marry who will not have or raise children, and yet they get the same benefits.

That's my point; NO ONE should be getting any benefits from the State for being married and the State should not be in the business of handing out marriage licenses.

It's pretty simple until Liberals muddle everything up by re-inventing what everything actually means.

Being gay is NOT normal and gays getting married make NO sense and it is not a Constitutional RIGHT to get married?

It’s almost as retarded as having a case of sperm donors getting sued for child support; but that is the loopy world we live in.

We live in a loony tune world that is being turned on its head worshipping the God of Liberal Progressivism.

The number ONE cause of criminal behavior in the entire world can be directly attributed broken families or single parent families. Why would we want to now re-invent what being gay is and further erode two parent NORMAL households?
The number ONE cause of criminal behavior in the entire world can be directly attributed broken families or single parent families. Why would we want to now re-invent what being gay is and further erode two parent NORMAL households?

How does allowing gay marriage erode two parent normal households?
Here is one: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2013/03/18/peds.2013-0377.full.pdf+html

Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents. Lack of opportunity for same-gender couples to marry adds to families’ stress, which affects the health and welfare of all household members. Because marriage strengthens families and, in so doing, benefits children’s development, children should not be deprived of the opportunity for their parents to be married. Paths to parenthood that include assisted reproductive techniques, adoption, and foster parenting should focus on competency of the parents rather than their sexual orientation. "

One important line has to be "Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents."

I guess you missed the part about extensive data available, yet this PDF Pediatric tome contains NO factual data to support its claim and is filled with hyperbolic gobbledygook.

Here's a REAL study with statistical data looking at statistical significance:

Nearly 15,000 people were "screened" for potential participation in the study; in the end almost 3,000, a representative sample, actually completed the survey questionnaire. Of these, 175 reported that their mother had a same-sex romantic relationship while they were growing up, and 73 said the same about their father. These are numbers just large enough to make some statistically robust conclusions in comparing different family structures.

The study collected information from its subjects on forty different outcomes. They fall into three groups:
•Some are essentially yes-or-no questions: are you currently married, are you currently unemployed, have you thought recently about suicide?
•Other questions asked respondents to place themselves on a scale--for example, of educational attainment, happiness or depression, and household income.
•Finally, "event-count" outcomes involve reporting the frequency of certain experiences--e.g., smoking marijuana or being arrested--and the number of sex partners.

There are eight outcome variables where differences between the children of homosexual parents and married parents were not only present, and favorable to the married parents, but where these findings were statistically significant for both children of lesbian mothers and "gay" fathers and both with and without controls. While all the findings in the study are important, these are the strongest possible ones--virtually irrefutable. Compared with children raised by their married biological parents (IBF), children of homosexual parents (LM and GF):
•Are much more likely to have received welfare (IBF 17%; LM 69%; GF 57%)
•Have lower educational attainment
•Report less safety and security in their family of origin
•Report more ongoing "negative impact" from their family of origin
•Are more likely to suffer from depression
•Have been arrested more often
•If they are female, have had more sexual partners--both male and female

The high mathematical standard of "statistical significance" was more difficult to reach for the children of "gay fathers" in this study because there were fewer of them. The following, however, are some additional areas in which the children of lesbian mothers (who represented 71% of all the children with homosexual parents in this study) differed from the IBF children, in ways that were statistically significant in both a direct comparison and with controls. Children of lesbian mothers:
•Are more likely to be currently cohabiting
•Are almost 4 times more likely to be currently on public assistance
•Are less likely to be currently employed full-time
•Are more than 3 times more likely to be unemployed
•Are nearly 4 times more likely to identify as something other than entirely heterosexual
•Are 3 times as likely to have had an affair while married or cohabiting
•Are an astonishing 10 times more likely to have been "touched sexually by a parent or other adult caregiver."
•Are nearly 4 times as likely to have been "physically forced" to have sex against their will
•Are more likely to have "attachment" problems related to the ability to depend on others
•Use marijuana more frequently
•Smoke more frequently
•Watch TV for long periods more frequently
•Have more often pled guilty to a non-minor offense

That's my point; NO ONE should be getting any benefits from the State for being married and the State should not be in the business of handing out marriage licenses.

It's pretty simple until Liberals muddle everything up by re-inventing what everything actually means.

Being gay is NOT normal and gays getting married make NO sense and it is not a Constitutional RIGHT to get married?

It’s almost as retarded as having a case of sperm donors getting sued for child support; but that is the loopy world we live in.

We live in a loony tune world that is being turned on its head worshipping the God of Liberal Progressivism.

The number ONE cause of criminal behavior in the entire world can be directly attributed broken families or single parent families. Why would we want to now re-invent what being gay is and further erode two parent NORMAL households?

I guess you missed the part about extensive data available, yet this PDF Pediatric tome contains NO factual data to support its claim and is filled with hyperbolic gobbledygook.

Here's a REAL study with statistical data looking at statistical significance:

Nearly 15,000 people were "screened" for potential participation in the study; in the end almost 3,000, a representative sample, actually completed the survey questionnaire. Of these, 175 reported that their mother had a same-sex romantic relationship while they were growing up, and 73 said the same about their father. These are numbers just large enough to make some statistically robust conclusions in comparing different family structures.

The study collected information from its subjects on forty different outcomes. They fall into three groups:
•Some are essentially yes-or-no questions: are you currently married, are you currently unemployed, have you thought recently about suicide?
•Other questions asked respondents to place themselves on a scale--for example, of educational attainment, happiness or depression, and household income.
•Finally, "event-count" outcomes involve reporting the frequency of certain experiences--e.g., smoking marijuana or being arrested--and the number of sex partners.

There are eight outcome variables where differences between the children of homosexual parents and married parents were not only present, and favorable to the married parents, but where these findings were statistically significant for both children of lesbian mothers and "gay" fathers and both with and without controls. While all the findings in the study are important, these are the strongest possible ones--virtually irrefutable. Compared with children raised by their married biological parents (IBF), children of homosexual parents (LM and GF):
•Are much more likely to have received welfare (IBF 17%; LM 69%; GF 57%)
•Have lower educational attainment
•Report less safety and security in their family of origin
•Report more ongoing "negative impact" from their family of origin
•Are more likely to suffer from depression
•Have been arrested more often
•If they are female, have had more sexual partners--both male and female

The high mathematical standard of "statistical significance" was more difficult to reach for the children of "gay fathers" in this study because there were fewer of them. The following, however, are some additional areas in which the children of lesbian mothers (who represented 71% of all the children with homosexual parents in this study) differed from the IBF children, in ways that were statistically significant in both a direct comparison and with controls. Children of lesbian mothers:
•Are more likely to be currently cohabiting
•Are almost 4 times more likely to be currently on public assistance
•Are less likely to be currently employed full-time
•Are more than 3 times more likely to be unemployed
•Are nearly 4 times more likely to identify as something other than entirely heterosexual
•Are 3 times as likely to have had an affair while married or cohabiting
•Are an astonishing 10 times more likely to have been "touched sexually by a parent or other adult caregiver."
•Are nearly 4 times as likely to have been "physically forced" to have sex against their will
•Are more likely to have "attachment" problems related to the ability to depend on others
•Use marijuana more frequently
•Smoke more frequently
•Watch TV for long periods more frequently
•Have more often pled guilty to a non-minor offense


Take a bow