
Also by Jews and Muslims, together the worlds three largest religions.

in fact, is there a major religion that condones this immoral behavior?
Granted, however it is one of the major sources.

I grant you that many of our founders were of Christian backgrounds, with a belief in the bible and its teachings, some were not. However, even with that, they established this country so that ALL could be free. Free to believe as many of them did in the bible... Free to disagree with the teachings of the bible.

Keep in mind... the bible was used as a tool by pro-slavery advocates... the bible cannot be the be all end all when it comes to morality. Above all, common sense should be used.

If a gay couple has sex, it does not affect you. Nor does it affect you if they get married as I doubt you will be invited. So why do you care? Why would it matter to you any more than a straight couple getting married in another state. Neither alters your beliefs or affects you.
Granted, however it is one of the major sources.

If it is not the only source then your argument that homosexuality is always immoral is inaccurate.

Since it has not been proven whether homosexuality is a choice or something someone is born with, you cannot say for certain it is immoral.
I grant you that many of our founders were of Christian backgrounds, with a belief in the bible and its teachings, some were not. However, even with that, they established this country so that ALL could be free. Free to believe as many of them did in the bible... Free to disagree with the teachings of the bible.

Keep in mind... the bible was used as a tool by pro-slavery advocates... the bible cannot be the be all end all when it comes to morality. Above all, common sense should be used.

If a gay couple has sex, it does not affect you. Nor does it affect you if they get married as I doubt you will be invited. So why do you care? Why would it matter to you any more than a straight couple getting married in another state. Neither alters your beliefs or affects you.

Parenting failure.

You're obviously free to believe whatever you like but that's bullshit. My grandparents are both God fearing great Southerners and my Aunt turned out gay. It happens and it had nothing to do with how my grandparents raised their children.
In western society, the Bible is considered to be the source of morality.

Yikes! Not a very good source, there are all kinds if things in there you consider immoral! Concubines, polygamy, rape, murder, incest, slavery, war.
You are as dense as Maineman. Saying you are OK with it is just a politically correct cop out. I would love my kids no matter what, I would love the if they were murders, pedophiles and yes even queers. But I would never be accepting of any of these behaviors. But I will always love my children.

The question wasn't whether you loved your children or would be "OK" with it. It was whether it was something you would desire. And the answer is NO. Now politically correct speech codes prohibit you from speaking your inner truth. Queen Snarla pointed that out in another post. So you split the baby and say things like "I would be Ok with it" or "I wouldn't love them any less". Those words are hardly ringing endorsements.

It isn't like you hear any parent say "we couldn't be more proud". No. They say "we are OK with it". That is merely resigning yourself to an ugly truth you know deep down but are to chicken shit to proclaim.

You're the one being dense. You don't get it. My point is who cares if you're ok with it or not. If it's a reality and a fact and that is who and what they are then by god you'd better learn to deal with it or you'll just needlesly and stupidly end up alienating somoene you care a great deal about.
Ever notice how Republicans whoa re against gay marriage like Dick Cheney and Rob Portman become in favor of it once they realize that one of their children is gay?

It ain't a choice people.

These people are American and deserve equal protection under the law. Simple as that.
No...but I have noticed that the Republicans who are against abortion are people I wouldn't want to fuck anyways. ;)
The proper upbringing of a child includes education of what is moral and what is not. If the child chooses immorality then indeed it is a parenting failure.
So you're parents we're a failure as a parent cause they raised you to be an immoral right wing extremist? Don't you think you're being a bit hard on your Mom & Pops?
Let me guess... YOU get to define what is moral and what is not? There is nothing immoral about following your natural path to love. Nothing.

...but it is immoral to sit in judgement of others when you are a sinner yourself. It really makes you wonder...where did DY's parents go wrong? They obviously failed to teach him one of the most important and moral lessons of being a Christian. What a collosial failure on their part.
In western society, the Bible is considered to be the source of morality.
It is considered "A" source of morality in western society and that is also contingent on which interpretation of that Bible you are using. To say that The Bible is "The" source of morality in western society is a grossly incorrect assertion and would indicate that you haven't studied much about either western civilization or morality.