
Then what was objectionable?

as I specifically stated, I find it objectionable for the government to order me to consider an abnormal relationship the equivalent of a normal relationship......

seriously now....what I said was neither complicated or vague......did you truly have trouble understanding it?....
the government doesn't ask you to consider anything... it doesn't ask you to consider blacks equal to whites.... just treat them equally in your public dealings with them.

When I was a child, I used to say, at dinner time, "but I don't LIKE broccoli.".. My father would reply, "you don't have to like it, just eat it."
as I specifically stated, I find it objectionable for the government to order me to consider an abnormal relationship the equivalent of a normal relationship......

seriously now....what I said was neither complicated or vague......did you truly have trouble understanding it?....

If there was no sexual activity or displays of affection, how did it bother you and what did you have to accept? The fact that gays exist?
If there was no sexual activity or displays of affection, how did it bother you and what did you have to accept? The fact that gays exist?

Pretty much. The fact that people are born with an innate same sense attraction falsifies some conservative religious dogma, so instead of accepting reality they want to deny people equal rights under the law.
Except in this case it would be like you saying you didn't like broccoli because someone else had it on their plate.

Or much worse, that you had the right to stop blacks from riding in the front of the bus because you found it objectionable. The principle here is equal protection under the law.

I am not trying to be difficult. Of all the people on these forums who oppose gay marriage, I respect you most of all.

But I am having trouble seeing what would change with gay marriage that is objectionable. It seems that the situation you dislike already exists, and marriages would not effect that.
men sleeping with men. does a wedding ring really change how you deal with that horrible reality?

I am not saying they should not be able to conduct their chosen immorality. I am not saying they can't form their chosen relationship. They just don't get to change the definition of marriage. It is like deciding one day that we will start calling grass trees
why can't they? Is there some law against changing the definitions of things?

Remember.... in many states south of the mason-dixon line, marriage used to be defined as a union of a man and a woman of the same race. We changed that. Why not change it again? Because YOU don't want to? I believe within a decade it will be moot... enough states will have gay marriage on the books that SCOTUS will step in and make it national. Can't you all see you are fighting a losing battle here?