
why can't they? Is there some law against changing the definitions of things?

Remember.... in many states south of the mason-dixon line, marriage used to be defined as a union of a man and a woman of the same race. We changed that. Why not change it again? Because YOU don't want to? I believe within a decade it will be moot... enough states will have gay marriage on the books that SCOTUS will step in and make it national. Can't you all see you are fighting a losing battle here?

Again where will it stop? Or will it? Is there any type of "marriage" you oppose? If so, why?

Also, do you wish that your son have a homosexual relationship?
Again where will it stop? Or will it? Is there any type of "marriage" you oppose? If so, why?

Also, do you wish that your son have a homosexual relationship?

it will stop when society says its time to stop.... probably not until.

As it turns out, both of my sons are straight, but above all, I have always wished that they both find happy nurturing relationships, and if either or both had been gay, that wouldn't bother me one bit.
it will stop when society says its time to stop.... probably not until.

As it turns out, both of my sons are straight, but above all, I have always wished that they both find happy nurturing relationships, and if either or both had been gay, that wouldn't bother me one bit.

Not the question I asked you. I asked you if you WISHED they were homosexual. I didn't astounds if you would be "OK" with it or if it would "bother" you.

When they squirted out of your wife's vagina did you hold them in your arms and say "gee, I hope they grow up to suck cock"?

Simple question. Do you WISH they would become homosexuals or do you wish they find so e nice girl and settle down and give you grandkids?

My guess is you won't answer and will deflect with the "I just want them to be happy" bullshit. Like any parent would say "I just want my kid to be miserable". Come on tough guy. This isn't 007 you are dealing with.
Not the question I asked you. I asked you if you WISHED they were homosexual. I didn't astounds if you would be "OK" with it or if it would "bother" you.

When they squirted out of your wife's vagina did you hold them in your arms and say "gee, I hope they grow up to suck cock"?

Simple question. Do you WISH they would become homosexuals or do you wish they find so e nice girl and settle down and give you grandkids?

My guess is you won't answer and will deflect with the "I just want them to be happy" bullshit. Like any parent would say "I just want my kid to be miserable". Come on tough guy. This isn't 007 you are dealing with.

I am not deflecting at all. When I held them in my arms as newborns, their future sexual preference was the furthest thing from my mind. I just wanted them to be healthy... which they both were. I honestly do not care and never did. If you are asking me whether I think the road in life in America is easier for straights than gays, certainly it is, because of intolerant people such as yourself.... but I would never try to steer my children down one of those paths versus the other... they were born with their sexual preference hard wired in and nothing I could do or say as a parent would ever have changed that, it would only have made their lives more or less pleasant knowing that their father loved them with his whole heart regardless.
;1424092 said:
WTF? Tired of being here already?

Jeez you really are an asshole. I mean, people are constantly calling you evil or a total asshole, and I refrain from joining in. But they have you pegged.
I have developed quite a following amongst you haters. LOL!
I have made it clear that this ends here. Either stop or leave, those are your only options. The conversation ends now.
No...but what if he was? Would you love your son any less?

You are as dense as Maineman. Saying you are OK with it is just a politically correct cop out. I would love my kids no matter what, I would love the if they were murders, pedophiles and yes even queers. But I would never be accepting of any of these behaviors. But I will always love my children.

The question wasn't whether you loved your children or would be "OK" with it. It was whether it was something you would desire. And the answer is NO. Now politically correct speech codes prohibit you from speaking your inner truth. Queen Snarla pointed that out in another post. So you split the baby and say things like "I would be Ok with it" or "I wouldn't love them any less". Those words are hardly ringing endorsements.

It isn't like you hear any parent say "we couldn't be more proud". No. They say "we are OK with it". That is merely resigning yourself to an ugly truth you know deep down but are to chicken shit to proclaim.
again... my children's sexual preference is not something I hope for one way or the other. They alone had to decide what their own nature was... not me. I was and remain totally neutral on the question. I neither "wished" for my children to be straight or gay... merely happy, healthy, and self-fulfilled.
it will stop when society says its time to stop.... probably not until.

As it turns out, both of my sons are straight, but above all, I have always wished that they both find happy nurturing relationships, and if either or both had been gay, that wouldn't bother me one bit.

Pretty much this. I have a daughter who is gay, and It does not bother me at all that she will marry another woman.
No...but what if he was? Would you love your son any less?

Ever notice how Republicans whoa re against gay marriage like Dick Cheney and Rob Portman become in favor of it once they realize that one of their children is gay?

It ain't a choice people.

These people are American and deserve equal protection under the law. Simple as that.
The proper upbringing of a child includes education of what is moral and what is not. If the child chooses immorality then indeed it is a parenting failure.
The proper upbringing of a child includes education of what is moral and what is not. If the child chooses immorality then indeed it is a parenting failure.

So the fact that the child is gay is a parenting failure? I guess that is easier to say if you insist (without any scientific evidence) that all homosexuals are that way by choice. I'll have to remember to ask my kids about when they chose to be straight.
The proper upbringing of a child includes education of what is moral and what is not. If the child chooses immorality then indeed it is a parenting failure.

Also, if someone does not follow a Judeo-Christian faith, there may not be restrictions against homosexuality. Being gay is not strictly immoral if your religious beliefs do not make that assertion.
The proper upbringing of a child includes education of what is moral and what is not. If the child chooses immorality then indeed it is a parenting failure.

Let me guess... YOU get to define what is moral and what is not? There is nothing immoral about following your natural path to love. Nothing.