
I find gays weird and can't understand them but I support their life they were born with or their decision.

I however don't see turtles as being a good perspective on gays. Humans are a more sophisticated. Weird I had to type that.
I find gays weird and can't understand them but I support their life they were born with or their decision.

I however don't see turtles as being a good perspective on gays. Humans are a more sophisticated. Weird I had to type that.

Gayness happens. Sophistication is utterly irrelevant.
this type of stuff isn't as edgy as it was in 2003 beefmeister. yeah we have some dipshits on jpp but a majority of americans support gay marriage now.

As for turtles, they would probably hump my leg too. Doesn't make them sexually attracted to it or infatuated with it. Pretty sure lower lifeforms don't feel love. That's a higher concept. Animals are dumb as shit.

A majority of Americans do not support queer marriage
I find gays weird and can't understand them but I support their life they were born with or their decision.

I however don't see turtles as being a good perspective on gays. Humans are a more sophisticated. Weird I had to type that.

Maybe turtles get AIDS

"Hey look turtles being rump rangers, support queer marriage"
A majority of Americans do not support queer marriage

sorry, you are living in the bubble.

A Bloomberg National Poll conducted by Selzer & Company taken during September 20-23, 2013 found that 55% supported same-sex marriage, while 36% opposed and 9% unsure.

A September Quinnipiac University poll found that 56% of American adults and 57% of registered voters supported same-sex marriage. Only 36% of both groups were opposed.

A July 10–14 poll by Gallup found support for gay marriage at 54%, a record high, and double the support of 27% Gallup first measured when the question was asked in 1996.

A July poll by USA Today found that 55% of Americans supported gay marriage while 40% did not.

A May 9 Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 55% of Americans supported gay marriage while 40% did not.

A March 20–24 CBS News Poll found that 53% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, 39% opposed it, and 8% were undecided.[ The same poll also found that 33% of Americans who thought same-sex couples should be allowed to legally marry said they once held the opposite view and had changed their opinion.

A March 7–10 Washington Post-ABC News[19] poll found that 58% of Americans support same-sex marriage while 36% opposed. The poll indicated that 52% of GOP-leaning independents under 50 years old supported gay marriage.[20]

need more?



the bloomberg poll:

My fixed female Labrador Retriever does the same thing with sofa cushions. It's not homosexuality, it's a demonstration of dominance and acceptance of submission.

Interesting polls. Then why is it that when queer marriage is ever brought for a vote by the public it is ALWAYS voted down? Can you explain that contradiction? I mean even in left wing Commiefornistan they voted down gay marriage. While I do appreciate the effort of you highlighting all of these polls, the polls that really matter are those where people VOTE. In private.

I have a little skepticism about these polls because I think people are afraid to be honest about how they feel for fear of being ostracized. But, that is merely my opinion.

Let's stick to FACT. The FACT is that when the people get to decide, they ALWAYS vote against queer marriage. So it would appear you are wrong. Or you can cling to your polls if it makes you feel warm and cozy.
Tortoises, folks, not turtles. The ghey happens to animals, humans are animals. I don't think Koko and Bob chose to be gay, they just gay because they ghey.
Interesting polls. Then why is it that when queer marriage is ever brought for a vote by the public it is ALWAYS voted down? Can you explain that contradiction? I mean even in left wing Commiefornistan they voted down gay marriage. While I do appreciate the effort of you highlighting all of these polls, the polls that really matter are those where people VOTE. In private.

well first lets get one thing out of the way, it is a fact that a majority of americans support gay marriage, which was what we were originally discussing, and which I have proven with dozens of polls.

As to your second question, "why does it always lose in votes," well - it doesn't.

17 states now have legalized gay marraige. Ten years ago we were only at 1.

All of the following states enacted it via either their legislators or by direct ballots to the people:

new hampshire
new york
washington state
maine had a ballot question
maryland was passed by their legislature and upheld by their voters
rhode island

And the states where the courts declared it unconstitutional to not allow it (mass, ct, cali, nm, iowa) all had popular citizen support anyway.

I mean, it's pretty ridiculous to think you are winning this fight. A majority of americans support gay marriage, nearly 1/3rd of the states in 10 years have now fully legalized it, and undoubtedly it's going to be happening in even more states as well.
well first lets get one thing out of the way, it is a fact that a majority of americans support gay marriage, which was what we were originally discussing, and which I have proven with dozens of polls.

As to your second question, "why does it always lose in votes," well - it doesn't.

17 states now have legalized gay marraige. Ten years ago we were only at 1.

All of the following states enacted it via either their legislators or by direct ballots to the people:

new hampshire
new york
washington state
maine had a ballot question
maryland was passed by their legislature and upheld by their voters
rhode island

And the states where the courts declared it unconstitutional to not allow it (mass, ct, cali, nm, iowa) all had popular citizen support anyway.

I mean, it's pretty ridiculous to think you are winning this fight. A majority of americans support gay marriage, nearly 1/3rd of the states in 10 years have now fully legalized it, and undoubtedly it's going to be happening in even more states as well.

You are channeling your inner Desh.
I got two giant tortoises in my back yard. Today they were trying to have sex, although Koko (top), couldn't seem to find the sweet spot on Bob (bottom). Both these reptiles are dudes. Nature or nurture homophobes?

I got a pic of it. Koko was grunting. Bob was just chilin. Ill see if i can get the pic here.

Maybe if these 150 year old animals found Jesus, they'd refrain from oofing.

Note - Bob is ALWAYS on the bottom.

I saw my friends puppy humping an emo doll; confused or was the puppy a homo.

You dunces are beyond mere stupid.