
I got two giant tortoises in my back yard. Today they were trying to have sex, although Koko (top), couldn't seem to find the sweet spot on Bob (bottom). Both these reptiles are dudes. Nature or nurture homophobes?

I got a pic of it. Koko was grunting. Bob was just chilin. Ill see if i can get the pic here.

Maybe if these 150 year old animals found Jesus, they'd refrain from oofing.

Note - Bob is ALWAYS on the bottom.

The thread is about tortoises, not marriage. But you know I've always supported gay marriage, so getting all angrified is silly.

Actually Damocles if you see the above bold you'll notice the OP is indicating that a lot of homophobic people or people who oppose homosexuality and to a greater extent gay marriage, have the opinion that homosexuality is a choice and its abnormal and unnatural.
Actually Damocles if you see the above bold you'll notice the OP is indicating that a lot of homophobic people or people who oppose homosexuality and to a greater extent gay marriage, have the opinion that homosexuality is a choice and its abnormal and unnatural.

I don't think two captive tortoises are indicative of nature. I like Beefs, and the idea is cool and funny to me, but it doesn't even follow that these two would act this way if other options were available to them.

I still haven't heard a salient argument as to why it would matter if people choose it or not. There is no difference. What two consenting adults want from each other doesn't change in reality if they are choosing to do it as opposed to "naturally" inclined towards it. Nothing changes at all, IMO, regardless of this "nature or nurture" stuff.
the FACT of the matter is that public opinion is rapidly changing on this issue, and the younger demographic groups are leading the way. Gay marriage is already the law of the land in seventeen states. In seven of those, it is as a result of court action, in seven, it is as a result of legislative action by the people's elected representatives, and in three, it is as a result of the people themselves, and not their elected representatives, voting directly for it. It is only a matter of when, not if, as to whether gay marriage will become the law of the entire land.

And then after we're done destroying the family we can continue destroying Christianity and morality with the final coup de grace on the American way of life by banning all legal ownership of weapons to ensure the States supreme power and call each other Komrad as we then run evil greedy capitalist out of the country!!!

Move over Venezuela, here we KOM. LOL. Seig Heil!! Welcome to the United Socialiistic Redistributionist States of AmeriKa!! We cant all chant like robots with glazed over eyes Obama...Obama...Obama....Obama.
I don't think two captive tortoises are indicative of nature. I like Beefs, and the idea is cool and funny to me, but it doesn't even follow that these two would act this way if other options were available to them.

Interesting so are you theorizing that given their "limited environment" that their homosexual behavior is merely a product of their environment?

Edit: Damocles I invite you to read about the desert tortoise and homosexual "mounting" behavior.
And then after we're done destroying the family we can continue destroying Christianity and morality with the final coup de grace on the American way of life by banning all legal ownership of weapons to ensure the States supreme power and call each other Komrad as we then run evil greedy capitalist out of the country!!!

Move over Venezuela, here we KOM. LOL. Seig Heil!! Welcome to the United Socialiistic Redistributionist States of AmeriKa!! We cant all chant like robots with glazed over eyes Obama...Obama...Obama....Obama.

it really must suck to see your side losing ground on all the big issues that you have fought so hard for.

Interesting so are you theorizing that given their "limited environment" that their homosexual behavior is merely a product of their environment?

More likely their natural drive to mate and limited options. I don't think a bran the size of their eyeball has it in it to understand that the drive would net a different result if more selection of available "mates" was available.

Remember the famous captive penguin gay couple? They mate for life, etc. They were moved to a new zoo, one meets an unattached female and one of the couple moved on immediately while the other was depressed. I don't think it was "choice" either time, they have a drive to mate even if there are no available females.
Marriage is a social construct and was never a "sacred" union. It was only made that way when religious institution started defining union. A large part of the Judeo-Christian world (including Islamic) had multiple wives. Marriage is not even a natural part of human procreation hence is why marriage is a social construct. Society psychological, lawfully, defines the parameters of what a union is. In this particular case in answering you, disregarding gays to marry is unconstitutional.

And notice your contradictory flaw:

You said: "no one cares what two homos want to do in their private time."

Then you said: "Now if you want to explain why men are different from women and how two men butt fucking was the way God or nature intended, I'm all eyes; go for it."

So obviously you care and immediately want me to explain to you how two men engage in anal sex. Honestly that is very homoerotic of you. Sorry I don't "get off" talking about other dudes sexual acts. Perhaps you want to ask someone else to explain to you.

What is apparent is that my arguments and the debate are way beyond your intelligence level as evidenced by your ignorance of what a "sacred union" means. The reason it was a religious event was to make it "sacred" in the eyes of God and commit to the union by stating such for the intent of procreating.

Marriage was never meant to be whatever you want it to be; otherwise why bother with getting married?

Of course, you're also a dishinest Liberal dunce who probably thinks that the epidemic of crime we are experiencing in this country has nothing to do with broken families and a lack of morality.

As for my comment about butt fucking, it had nothing to do with homoeroticism but rather to illustrate the blatant stupidity of you and other morons on the left desperately trying to assert that it is normal.

But again, even the most obvious facts and reality are well beyond the capacity of dishonest Liberals who make blatantly stupid claims to support the buffoonery of their failed ideological views.

But hey, if you want to believe that the dunces turtles are gay and that makes homosexuality normal, you go dunce.
Interesting so are you theorizing that given their "limited environment" that their homosexual behavior is merely a product of their environment?

Edit: Damocles I invite you to read about the desert tortoise and homosexual "mounting" behavior.

It isn't homosexual you moron.
it really must suck to see your side losing ground on all the big issues that you have fought so hard for.


Im amused that you think you're winning. But then you are a dishonest hyper partisan dunce inclined to making really stupid claims and predictions.

You go Commander dimwit!!!
More likely their natural drive to mate and limited options. I don't think a bran the size of their eyeball has it in it to understand that the drive would net a different result if more selection of available "mates" was available.

Remember the famous captive penguin gay couple? They mate for life, etc. They were moved to a new zoo, one meets an unattached female and one of the couple moved on immediately while the other was depressed. I don't think it was "choice" either time, they have a drive to mate even if there are no available females.

Yep, my friends female puppy humping the purple gorilla thought it was her mate and that females do the humping because she is gay. ;)