
Im amused that you think you're winning. But then you are a dishonest hyper partisan dunce inclined to making really stupid claims and predictions.

You go Commander dimwit!!!

it's hard to imagine looking at the status of gay marriage in America today and compare it to just forty years ago and conclude anything other than the fact that that side is indeed winning and that the tide is turning.
it's hard to imagine looking at the status of gay marriage in America today and compare it to just forty years ago and conclude anything other than the fact that that side is indeed winning and that the tide is turning.

Again, way over your empty myopic head, I am amused you think it is winning.
I am flabbergasted that you might think that YOUR side is winning the gay marriage debate. 17 states where, a decade ago, there was one.
I am flabbergasted that you might think that YOUR side is winning the gay marriage debate. 17 states where, a decade ago, there was one.

let them think that all they want. they'll think they are winning and before they know it it'll be legal in all 50 states.
You Communists love Government by legislative fiat don't you? You also love Democracy, but only when your deciders are the ones ignoring the will of the people.

Ironic isn't it?

legislative fiat? it is what we elect our legislatures to do, isn't it? pass laws on our behalf? If the people don't LIKE the laws that their elected representatives pass, they have plenty of remedies at their disposal.
trust me kid, my intelligence level is high enough to make me a wealthy man... and a happy one, at that. How's yours doing for you?

Oh yeah, you're a wealthy man, blah, blah blah. Fools brag about shit like that all the time on the internet when they're deflecting from their ignorance.
I'm not bragging about anything. I am stating facts. I have a large retirement portfolio and substantial monthly retirement income. You are the moron who doesn't know shit from fat meat about anything, pal. You are the piss brain.
trust me kid, my intelligence level is high enough to make me a wealthy man... and a happy one, at that. How's yours doing for you?

I'm amused by the premise that wealth equates to intelligence. There's another dunce in this forum who makes a similar mistake.

It is ironic that while making such claims, dunces like you continue removing any doubt what utter fools they are.
I'm amused by the premise that wealth equates to intelligence. There's another dunce in this forum who makes a similar mistake.

It is ironic that while making such claims, dunces like you continue removing any doubt what utter fools they are.

it does take a degree of intelligence to earn a great living, and amass a great retirement portfolio from nothing. I studied hard in school, had a successful military career, had a successful second career.... AND third career, and was a wise and prudent investor. Fools don't do all that. sorry.
legislative fiat? it is what we elect our legislatures to do, isn't it? pass laws on our behalf? If the people don't LIKE the laws that their elected representatives pass, they have plenty of remedies at their disposal.

Well, you say this because you're painfully ignorant and inclined to make perfectly stupid assertions.

What has been happening in many States, as on the Federal side with Obama, is that the will of the people have been usurped by judicial activism.

California is the best example; a state where an initiative voted for by the people was completely ignored by the Governor and legislature, and where a judge decided the law was null and void.

But in your uninformed myopic world, this is all fine and dandy when it affirms your ideological positions. But whiney vagina tards like you scream like little girls if Republicans act similarly. It is the dishonest partisan hypocrisy and irony dunces like you wallow in.

But again, you think such things equates to winning; ironic in all senses of the word.
it does take a degree of intelligence to earn a great living, and amass a great retirement portfolio from nothing. I studied hard in school, had a successful military career, had a successful second career.... AND third career, and was a wise and prudent investor. Fools don't do all that. sorry.

I'm amused, again, by the premise that your wealth indicates intelligence when so much dishonest and utter stupidity erupts from your keyboard.

There are a LOT of wealthy dunces in the world. But again, I am trying to argue with an idiot who is a dishonest hyper partisan, I'm not going to get anything remotely connected with the truth from you.
like I said... if the people of any state are unhappy with the laws that the folks they elected to make laws make... they have plenty of remedies at that disposal. Maine, for example... the state legislature legalized gay marriage several years ago. The people gather signatures for a people's veto and got it on the ballot that very fall... where the people voted AGAINST gay marriage and it was NOT legal... until 2012 when it was on the ballot and the people voted FOR it. the times they are a changing'. sorry.
Fools don't do all that. sorry.

Many fools believe that their wealth equates to intelligence and is a substitute for character.

But alas, I am arguing with a dishonest fool who thinks his side is winning. It's way beyond your low IQ level.
oh... and that is an entirely truthful recap of what happened in Maine. Can I expect a truthful response from you about it?

I fucking doubt it.
Many fools believe that their wealth equates to intelligence and is a substitute for character.

But alas, I am arguing with a dishonest fool who thinks his side is winning. It's way beyond your low IQ level.

you keep mentioning IQ... I am curious... what is yours?
Many fools believe that their wealth equates to intelligence and is a substitute for character.

But alas, I am arguing with a dishonest fool who thinks his side is winning. It's way beyond your low IQ level.

I never said that wealth equates to intelligence... I said that intelligence facilitates the acquisition of wealth.
like I said... if the people of any state are unhappy with the laws that the folks they elected to make laws make... they have plenty of remedies at that disposal. Maine, for example... the state legislature legalized gay marriage several years ago. The people gather signatures for a people's veto and got it on the ballot that very fall... where the people voted AGAINST gay marriage and it was NOT legal... until 2012 when it was on the ballot and the people voted FOR it. the times they are a changing'. sorry.

They are always changing; and once the pendulum swings too farin one direction, it will swing back the other way. It's a matter of degree how far it swings based on legislative malfeasance.

I'm quite certain the Venezeulans believed they were "winning" too. ;). We know how that is turning out don't we?

I'm sure the French people thought they were winning too.