
this type of stuff isn't as edgy as it was in 2003 beefmeister. yeah we have some dipshits on but a majority of americans support gay marriage now.

As for turtles, they would probably hump my leg too. Doesn't make them sexually attracted to it or infatuated with it. Pretty sure lower lifeforms don't feel love. That's a higher concept. Animals are dumb as shit.

We sure do; you and beefy come to mind.
I find gays weird and can't understand them but I support their life they were born with or their decision.

I however don't see turtles as being a good perspective on gays. Humans are a more sophisticated. Weird I had to type that.

Another dunce who thinks that if someone doesn't believe in gay marraige, they must be against gays.
I got two giant tortoises in my back yard. Today they were trying to have sex, although Koko (top), couldn't seem to find the sweet spot on Bob (bottom). Both these reptiles are dudes. Nature or nurture homophobes?

I got a pic of it. Koko was grunting. Bob was just chilin. Ill see if i can get the pic here.

Maybe if these 150 year old animals found Jesus, they'd refrain from oofing.

Note - Bob is ALWAYS on the bottom.

The above bold was too funny
Interesting polls. Then why is it that when queer marriage is ever brought for a vote by the public it is ALWAYS voted down? Can you explain that contradiction? I mean even in left wing Commiefornistan they voted down gay marriage. While I do appreciate the effort of you highlighting all of these polls, the polls that really matter are those where people VOTE. In private.

I have a little skepticism about these polls because I think people are afraid to be honest about how they feel for fear of being ostracized. But, that is merely my opinion.

Let's stick to FACT. The FACT is that when the people get to decide, they ALWAYS vote against queer marriage. So it would appear you are wrong. Or you can cling to your polls if it makes you feel warm and cozy.

Here what I never understood. Why would a bunch of heterosexual men would give a shit what two gay men do in their private time? Here is the funny part. When gay marriage is discussed, automatically so-called heterosexual men automatically think about anal sex or two men being affectionate. Funny, as a straight man myself when I think of homosexual marriage or homosexuality I am think of two people of the same gender being involved with one another. I don't think about dudes having anal sex. For one, I am straight and am not thinking about the sexual acts of other men (I only care about my own) two, a lot of heterosexual men that think this way have a Freudian subconscious attraction to phallic stimulation.
Interesting polls. Then why is it that when queer marriage is ever brought for a vote by the public it is ALWAYS voted down? Can you explain that contradiction? I mean even in left wing Commiefornistan they voted down gay marriage. While I do appreciate the effort of you highlighting all of these polls, the polls that really matter are those where people VOTE. In private.

I have a little skepticism about these polls because I think people are afraid to be honest about how they feel for fear of being ostracized. But, that is merely my opinion.

Let's stick to FACT. The FACT is that when the people get to decide, they ALWAYS vote against queer marriage. So it would appear you are wrong. Or you can cling to your polls if it makes you feel warm and cozy.

you are a lying sack of shit.

I would only need to offer up the states of Maine and Washington as proof of that.
Originally Posted by Watermark's Ghost
Pretty sure lower lifeforms don't feel love. That's a higher concept. Animals are dumb as shit.

French 75 said:
Yesterday 09:49 PM

"You'd be surprised."

I was going to be so Sardonic, but wasn't! Lol
Tortoises, folks, not turtles. The ghey happens to animals, humans are animals. I don't think Koko and Bob chose to be gay, they just gay because they ghey.

Is it possible they are just ghey because they have no other option? Like prisoners, their only tortoise option available is what is...
Here what I never understood. Why would a bunch of heterosexual men would give a shit what two gay men do in their private time? Here is the funny part. When gay marriage is discussed, automatically so-called heterosexual men automatically think about anal sex or two men being affectionate. Funny, as a straight man myself when I think of homosexual marriage or homosexuality I am think of two people of the same gender being involved with one another. I don't think about dudes having anal sex. For one, I am straight and am not thinking about the sexual acts of other men (I only care about my own) two, a lot of heterosexual men that think this way have a Freudian subconscious attraction to phallic stimulation.

Dear uninformed partisan hack liberal; no one cares what two homos want to do in their private time, or a park for that matter. What people like me don't like is when there is a dishonest dimwitted dialogue to re-define what marraige has meant for centuries and the effort to argue that being gay is imperfectly normal when nothing could be further from the truth.

Now if you want to explain why men are different from women and how two men butt fucking was the way God or nature intended, I'm all eyes; go for it.
Is it possible they are just ghey because they have no other option? Like prisoners, their only tortoise option available is what is...

Or maybe a dishonest Liberal dunce trying to make an equally stupid claim about normalcy posed them this way? :shrugs:
the FACT of the matter is that public opinion is rapidly changing on this issue, and the younger demographic groups are leading the way. Gay marriage is already the law of the land in seventeen states. In seven of those, it is as a result of court action, in seven, it is as a result of legislative action by the people's elected representatives, and in three, it is as a result of the people themselves, and not their elected representatives, voting directly for it. It is only a matter of when, not if, as to whether gay marriage will become the law of the entire land.
Dear uninformed partisan hack liberal; no one cares what two homos want to do in their private time, or a park for that matter. What people like me don't like is when there is a dishonest dimwitted dialogue to re-define what marraige has meant for centuries and the effort to argue that being gay is imperfectly normal when nothing could be further from the truth.

Now if you want to explain why men are different from women and how two men butt fucking was the way God or nature intended, I'm all eyes; go for it.

Marriage is a social construct and was never a "sacred" union. It was only made that way when religious institution started defining union. A large part of the Judeo-Christian world (including Islamic) had multiple wives. Marriage is not even a natural part of human procreation hence is why marriage is a social construct. Society psychological, lawfully, defines the parameters of what a union is. In this particular case in answering you, disregarding gays to marry is unconstitutional.

And notice your contradictory flaw:

You said: "no one cares what two homos want to do in their private time."

Then you said: "Now if you want to explain why men are different from women and how two men butt fucking was the way God or nature intended, I'm all eyes; go for it."

So obviously you care and immediately want me to explain to you how two men engage in anal sex. Honestly that is very homoerotic of you. Sorry I don't "get off" talking about other dudes sexual acts. Perhaps you want to ask someone else to explain to you.
the FACT of the matter is that public opinion is rapidly changing on this issue, and the younger demographic groups are leading the way. Gay marriage is already the law of the land in seventeen states. In seven of those, it is as a result of court action, in seven, it is as a result of legislative action by the people's elected representatives, and in three, it is as a result of the people themselves, and not their elected representatives, voting directly for it. It is only a matter of when, not if, as to whether gay marriage will become the law of the entire land.
The thread is about tortoises, not marriage. But you know I've always supported gay marriage, so getting all angrified is silly.
you are a lying sack of shit.

I would only need to offer up the states of Maine and Washington as proof of that.

Yes cockroach, he's a liar and should have said "nearly" instead of "all."

But then you are a master of dishonest asshattery and would never let facts or reality get inthe way of your hyper partisan buffoonery.