
Wow read deeper why don't you....

Most pro-lifers argue from a religious perspective. Miscarriages ergo spontaneous abortions are God's work. Apparently God is above reproach when it comes to abortion. Or, if you want to argue from a logical standpoint, that the cells (or DNA structure) did not align with the woman's body to allow gestation in which the body allows spontaneous abortion to occur. Either way, its hypocritical to argue against abortion yet have no qualms with sponmtaneous abortion....Oh weait, you can't because it's natural right?

No it is not hypocritical. God's will is God's will. We are not to question.

But remember, your mommy chose life
No it is not hypocritical. God's will is God's will. We are not to question.

But remember, your mommy chose life

So it's ok for God to psychologically devastate the human psyche to abort a fetus but a doctor can't abort a fetus per the request of a rape victim?
Except for the fact that most gay men have excellent taste in everything from wine to clothes to automobiles, and also to partners. Admitting he is ga would ensure ila a life of celebrate desperation.

No, they don't. They usually have shitty tastes, or at least the ones I know do.
why would I "admit" something that wasn't true? Both of my sons are straight...

NC is getting snow today.... great for family skiing, I'd imagine!
I didn't bring your sons into the conversation, but I see many posts where you discuss them, hence a conversation. There is no such thing happening with any member of my family.
I didn't bring your sons into the conversation, but I see many posts where you discuss them, hence a conversation. There is no such thing happening with any member of my family.

not that they've admitted to you up until now, anyway.