
Bingo. Doesn't take long to figure him out, does it. I'd like to know on what planet his crap passes for debate.

A few days ago I went through some of his posts and struck out everything that wasn't an insult, and there were about three unrelated words remaining in each reply. It was fun and enlightening. Here's an example.

"No matter how many times you post the same stupid shit, it doesn't make your or this Democrat jurists case look less dumb.

The only one whining like a little bitch is you having your dimwitted talking points shoved back into your dullard hyper partisan and empty head.

I'm amused that it took you until now to raise the predictable racist canard; you dunces just can't help yourselves can you?"

From now on upon interacting with him I'm going to do the following:

"Genius is knowing to stay silent as others demonstrate their ignorance."

- Eric Lau
So that's what Desh is doing!!

It's not "crap flooding", it's "dry humping". :eek2:

I'm not concerned about what Desh is doing...I'm more concerned about the idiots who asked me why dogs hump stuffed animals. The link that I provided answers this question which renders their original argument against animal homosexual behavior irrelevant.
I'm not concerned about what Desh is doing...I'm more concerned about the idiots who asked me why dogs hump stuffed animals. The link that I provided answers this question which renders their original argument against animal homosexual behavior irrelevant.

They hump for the same reason that most mammals do.
It feels good.
Case solved.
They hump for the same reason that most mammals do.
It feels good.
Case solved.

I guess you don't like to read links either. I should mimick you conservatives on how that line of logic you've just displayed is typical of "conservative behavior (like you guys like to say whatever bad thing happens it's the libs fault)" but I don't stoop to the level of assigning lack of reasoning with political affiliation.
I guess you don't like to read links either. I should mimick you conservatives on how that line of logic you've just displayed is typical of "conservative behavior (like you guys like to say whatever bad thing happens it's the libs fault)" but I don't stoop to the level of assigning lack of reasoning with political affiliation.

What part of my comments, do you disagree with.
The one that other mammals do it?
The one that it feels good?
The one announcing case closed?
What part of my comments, do you disagree with.
The one that other mammals do it?
The one that it feels good?
The one announcing case closed?

I just quoted a doctor who said humping in most cases displays non-specific sign of arousal. Now it's possible humping just feels good to the dog but then we get into the question of whether the act in itself feels good to the dog, or the hopes of having a climax. Since neither of us is a veterinarian, I don't think we can pinpoint whether the act causes pleasure of merely a sign of innate behavior. Anyway we are getting off track.
In this thread, no, I'd rather stay on topic. If you want to pose those questions in another thread, I'd prefer to answer them there. :) Just FYI, I don't typically accept premises formed by other people mixed with their stated opinions.
Not terribly interested in discussing this with you as I have had a boat load of fruitless discussions with creationists. I am just indicating that I do not put much credibility in creationism or most theistic claims.
I'm not concerned about what Desh is doing...I'm more concerned about the idiots who asked me why dogs hump stuffed animals. The link that I provided answers this question which renders their original argument against animal homosexual behavior irrelevant.

????....actually, your last quote pretty much destroys your argument......if its non-specific, it isn't homosexuality...
Yo Bob just needs a slow hand. He needs a lover with an easy touch. He needs somebody who will spend some time. Not come and go in a heated rush. He needs somebody who will understand. When it comes to love Bob needs a slow hand!
well first lets get one thing out of the way, it is a fact that a majority of americans support gay marriage, which was what we were originally discussing, and which I have proven with dozens of polls.

As to your second question, "why does it always lose in votes," well - it doesn't.

17 states now have legalized gay marraige. Ten years ago we were only at 1.

All of the following states enacted it via either their legislators or by direct ballots to the people:

new hampshire
new york
washington state
maine had a ballot question
maryland was passed by their legislature and upheld by their voters
rhode island

And the states where the courts declared it unconstitutional to not allow it (mass, ct, cali, nm, iowa) all had popular citizen support anyway.

I mean, it's pretty ridiculous to think you are winning this fight. A majority of americans support gay marriage, nearly 1/3rd of the states in 10 years have now fully legalized it, and undoubtedly it's going to be happening in even more states as well.
I don't see why conservatives oppose this? Just think about how things will pick up in Airport Restrooms.