Homosexuals & the Scripture

Why are homophobic cons so intent of upholding the old testment's ban on homosexuality, but never seem to enforce some of the other barbaric laws in the old testement? Like, executing children who curse their parents (Leviticus 20)
Why are homophobic cons so intent of upholding the old testment's ban on homosexuality, but never seem to enforce some of the other barbaric laws in the old testement? Like, executing children who curse their parents (Leviticus 20)

Why does opposition to homosexuality always get labeled as homophobia? Who says there is any fear involved? (playing Devil's advocate here)
perhaps but does that automatically make my assumption wrong ?

I notice you did not deny, just diverted.

In this case your assumption is wrong. I do find those who make baseless accusations offensive though, so maybe there is another label that you can pin on me.
Why are homophobic cons so intent of upholding the old testment's ban on homosexuality, but never seem to enforce some of the other barbaric laws in the old testement? Like, executing children who curse their parents (Leviticus 20)
Why do liberals make baseless allegations and misunderstand biblical history and perspective?
People can be nice regardless of sexuality...like I said, since my own sexual practices at this moment in time are sinful, I'm not about to wage a campaign of hate towards the gays.
So you'll wait until you are more in line with Biblical Teaching then wage war on gays?
I think Leviticus is the law book for the Jews, not for the Christians anyway.
But those of you who want to just pick and choose what you want to.
for me it is all or nothing.
Leviticus is for the Levites, the priestly class. Deuteronomy is for the masses. Many of the restrictions that are in these books have been deemed adiaphora.
Where is it written that the serpent was a snake? :)

I think both the Moses staff thing and the one in the garden were the same thing from the translations I read.
maybe they were hippos, I don't know for sure.
of course I do not believe either fable.
So you'll wait until you are more in line with Biblical Teaching then wage war on gays?

Haha...reading what I wrote, it does kind of sound like that. No, I won't. As I am not without sin, and never will be, then I neither will I attempt to persecute others for their sins.

Gays have just as much as right to exist in their own way and lifestyle as the rest of us, and I leave it up to God to decide the right and wrong of that lifestyle, and any punishment that may accompany such life choices. Since I am sure God is better equipped to decide whether homosexuality alone should condemn one to Hell (and I don't believe that He would be that much of a hardass), I will look after my own life alone.
Haha...reading what I wrote, it does kind of sound like that. No, I won't. As I am not without sin, and never will be, then I neither will I attempt to persecute others for their sins.

Gays have just as much as right to exist in their own way and lifestyle as the rest of us, and I leave it up to God to decide the right and wrong of that lifestyle, and any punishment that may accompany such life choices. Since I am sure God is better equipped to decide whether homosexuality alone should condemn one to Hell (and I don't believe that He would be that much of a hardass), I will look after my own life alone.
I like people who let God decide on such. Of course, they are usually still willing, and often do, tell me that I will be going to hell as soon as I pass.
I like people who let God decide on such. Of course, they are usually still willing, and often do, tell me that I will be going to hell as soon as I pass.

I believe that those who are not a part of Christianity are going to Hell; however, as I said, it is ultimately up to God, and for all I know He could feel entirely differently...not only that, but it would bad manners to rub it in your face, even if I did believe you are going to Hell....why argue about it?
Dude..... I'll start with Deuteronomy 21:18-21

Then Exodus 21:15-17

In Leviticus, God will make you eat your children if you worship another God...

Leviticus 26
Ahhh. I see. So, it appears as if it is saying that after all you have done to get them to obey if they still sin then.... whack them with rocks. Cool. I can throw rocks at you now.

However "Make you eat your children" is not a command to kill your kid.