house races....

I have not quite determined if PP is stupid, a total right wing Fox suckup, or a utter liar. The last 3 Michigan elections were almost exactly 50/50 votes. The Repubs won 9 districts and Dems 5. That is due to gerrymandering. He says the surest districts are the Detroit districts. Does that mean PP does not know the gerrymandering puts lots of Dem voters in a few disticts so the other districts are not competitive, all Repub. Called packing. Michigan is a star of gerrymandering power. Wonder if PP knows it is the Devos family funding the stop the ballot proposal. Yeah, they are the people I want running the state. Turn the whole state into a pyramid scheme lie they did with Amway.,
6 days left and the Repubs are going full racism. Hate those scary Latinos. They are waking thousands of miles to kill you in your sleep. Almost all women and children. They are very scary. Trump going whitepower for the mid terms. Fortunately it is the whistle the Repubs can hear.
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6 days left and the Repubs are going full racism. Hate those scary Latinos. They are waking thousands of miles to kill you in your sleep. Almost all women and children. They are very scary. Trump going whitepower for the mid terms. Fortunately it is the whistle the Repubs can hear.

Actually .... almost NO women and children .
I think 538 is correct the Republicans have a little less than a one in four chance of keeping the House.

They have an 85% chance of keeping the Senate.

So there is a chance Democrats could have both the House and senate, but a better chance the Republicans could retain both.

The CLEARLY most likely scenario is what I have been predicting for weeks....

The Democrats take the House and the Republicans keep the Senate.
I have not quite determined if PP is stupid, a total right wing Fox suckup, or a utter liar. The last 3 Michigan elections were almost exactly 50/50 votes. The Repubs won 9 districts and Dems 5. That is due to gerrymandering. He says the surest districts are the Detroit districts. Does that mean PP does not know the gerrymandering puts lots of Dem voters in a few disticts so the other districts are not competitive, all Repub. Called packing. Michigan is a star of gerrymandering power. Wonder if PP knows it is the Devos family funding the stop the ballot proposal. Yeah, they are the people I want running the state. Turn the whole state into a pyramid scheme lie they did with Amway.,

let me were too fucking stupid to look at the district map for Michigan and notice where the weird shaped districts were, right?......
Wonder if PP knows it is the Devos family funding the stop the ballot proposal.

every one who isn't brain dead wants to stop the proposal.......its a constitutional amendment creating a commission of people picked by lottery who know absolutely nothing about what they are doing, to create new fucking stupid is could end up with ten random drug addicts........all you really need is a good computer algorithm and a data base of registered voters that doesn't tell the computer what party they are in.......
6 days left and the Repubs are going full racism. Hate those scary Latinos. They are waking thousands of miles to kill you in your sleep. Almost all women and children. They are very scary. Trump going whitepower for the mid terms. Fortunately it is the whistle the Repubs can hear.

odd that all those pictures of the caravan show hundreds and hundreds of young men and hardly any women or kids...........

let me were too fucking stupid to look at the district map for Michigan and notice where the weird shaped districts were, right?......

You ignorant shit. Those weird districts were drawn by Republicans They were drawn deliberately that way to isolate as many Dems in as few district as possible. Why do you post? Waste time and learn something. Then return but you have been running on empty for a long time. It is depressing discussing things with someone who knows as little as you do.
This is how the reds did it.
You ignorant shit. Those weird districts were drawn by Republicans They were drawn deliberately that way to isolate as many Dems in as few district as possible. Why do you post? Waste time and learn something. Then return but you have been running on empty for a long time. It is depressing discussing things with someone who knows as little as you do.
This is how the reds did it.

idiot....demmycunts wouldn't win more districts if the districts were square......they would win nothing.....
idiot....demmycunts wouldn't win more districts if the districts were square......they would win nothing.....

I really have to build up to respond to your utter ignorance. Not about square. The vote split in Michigan is very close to 50/50. But the reds have won 9 to 5 in seats since they gerrymandered. That is 4 straight elections. Michigan is the poster boy of gerrymandering. I am not posting more for you it is obvious you don't bother to read. Learning is not how you work. Go back to Fox. Changd my mind. Find someone to explain it to you.
I really have to build up to respond to your utter ignorance. Not about square. The vote split in Michigan is very close to 50/50. But the reds have won 9 to 5 in seats since they gerrymandered. That is 4 straight elections. Michigan is the poster boy of gerrymandering. I am not posting more for you it is obvious you don't bother to read. Learning is not how you work. Go back to Fox. Changd my mind. Find someone to explain it to you.

its quite simple, Nordnerd......the demmycrats live on the east side of the state, mostly in Wayne County........the county is divided into four districts, all of which elect demmycrats......all the rest of the counties except one elect can divide them any way you want and they will still elect Republicans.....the only way you could do a 50/50 vote split would be to take 10% of Detroit and make them vote with the Upper Peninsula and another 10% with Traverse City.....
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its quite simple, Nordnerd......the demmycrats live on the east side of the state, mostly in Wayne County........the county is divided into four districts, all of which elect demmycrats......all the rest of the counties except one elect can divide them any way you want and they will still elect Republicans.....the only way you could do a 50/50 vote split would be to take 10% of Detroit and make them vote with the Upper Peninsula and another 10% with Traverse City.....

It is simple, just not simple enough for you. Your ignorance is unsettling. Read that and learn something, for once. You do not understand what gerrymandering is and how it works. You can look it up.
You can sculpt the districts into any shape you want and nearly any size. There is information available about your voting and it is by the household. They analyze where the pockets are and shape a district to cut out who they want out and who they want in. It is math system.
My district has ben redrawn a few times by the Repubs. as the population changes, the district is reshaped to get rid of the Dems. We have been a sure red district for many years.
It is simple, just not simple enough for you. Your ignorance is unsettling. Read that and learn something, for once. You do not understand what gerrymandering is and how it works. You can look it up.
You can sculpt the districts into any shape you want and nearly any size. There is information available bout your voting and it is by the household. They analyze where the pockets are and shape a district to cut out who they want out and who they want in. It is math system.
My district has ben redrawn a few times by the Repubs. as the population changes, the district is reshaped to get rid of Dems. We have been a sure red district for many years.

This message is hidden because Nordtroll doesn't know Michigan
6 days left and the Repubs are going full racism. Hate those scary Latinos. They are waking thousands of miles to kill you in your sleep. Almost all women and children. They are very scary. Trump going whitepower for the mid terms. Fortunately it is the whistle the Repubs can hear.

That's not racism you fucking moron. Hard to believe liberal morons like you can function day to day.
That's not racism you fucking moron. Hard to believe liberal morons like you can function day to day.

In the last 4 days I've had 3 Dem canvassers come to my house trying to give me flyers talking about stopping the Nazi mass murderers. When the Dems lose I'm going to laugh. I wasn't going to go vote until those asswipes showed up and lectured me. Now, I'm first in line tomorrow.

‘My Fellow Liberals, I’m Tired Of You’


But November 8 and its aftermath revealed to me that I am just so tired of these people. I can’t be like them, and I don’t want my kids turning into them.

I am tired of their undisguised contempt for tens of millions of Americans, with no effort to temper their response to the election with humility or empathy.

I am tired of their unexamined snobbery and condescension.

I am tired of their name-calling and virtue-signaling as signs of supposedly high intelligence.

I am tired of their trendiness, jumping on every left-liberal bandwagon that comes along (transgender activism, anyone?) and then acting like anyone not on board is an idiot/hater.

I am tired of their shallowness. It’s hard to have a deep conversation with people who are obsessed with moving their kids’ pawns across the board (grades, sports, college, grad school, career) and, in their spare time, entertaining themselves and taking great vacations.

I am tired of their acceptance of vulgarity and sarcastic irreverence as the cultural ocean in which their kids swim. I like pop culture as much as the next person, but people who would never raise their kids on junk food seem to think nothing of letting then wallow in cultural junk, exposed to nothing ennobling, aspirational, or even earnest.

I am tired of watching them raise clueless kids (see above) who go off to college and within months are convinced they live in a rapey, racist patriarchy; “Make America Great Again” is hate speech; and Black Lives Matter agitators are their brothers-in-arms against White Privilege. If my kids are like that at nineteen, I’ll feel I’ve seriously failed them as a parent. Yet the general sentiment seems to be these are good, liberal kids who may have gotten a bit carried away.

I am tired of their lack of interest in any form of serious morality or self-betterment. These are decent, responsible people, many compassionate by temperament. Yet they seem two-dimensional, as if they believe that being a nice, well-socialized person who holds the correct political views is all there is, and there is nothing else to talk about. Isn’t there, though?

I am tired of being bored and exasperated by everybody. I feel like I have read this book a thousand times, and there are no surprises in it. Down with Trump! Trans Lives Matter! Climate deniers are destroying the planet! No cake, we’re gluten-free!