house races....

In the last 4 days I've had 3 Dem canvassers come to my house trying to give me flyers talking about stopping the Nazi mass murderers. When the Dems lose I'm going to laugh. I wasn't going to go vote until those asswipes showed up and lectured me. Now, I'm first in line tomorrow.

Thank you for your vote. I don't think you will be sorry.
In the last 4 days I've had 3 Dem canvassers come to my house trying to give me flyers talking about stopping the Nazi mass murderers. When the Dems lose I'm going to laugh. I wasn't going to go vote until those asswipes showed up and lectured me. Now, I'm first in line tomorrow.

I do not believe that. That is not the message that door to door people are taught to use. Same for phone banking. There is no talk about Trump's white power or Nazi connections. Most Americans see Trump's fascistic tendencies. Trump does not respect the American institutions and will steamroll any that do not follow orders. Glad you like him. Reveals who you are.
It is simple, just not simple enough for you. Your ignorance is unsettling. Read that and learn something, for once. You do not understand what gerrymandering is and how it works. You can look it up.
You can sculpt the districts into any shape you want and nearly any size. There is information available about your voting and it is by the household. They analyze where the pockets are and shape a district to cut out who they want out and who they want in. It is math system.
My district has ben redrawn a few times by the Repubs. as the population changes, the district is reshaped to get rid of the Dems. We have been a sure red district for many years.

not sure why you are such a mindless cunt but you only have to look at Michigans districts to know there is very little manipulation involved.....the only ones with odd shapes are all held by demmycunts....and if you squared them up they would lose seats.....
not sure why you are such a mindless cunt but you only have to look at Michigans districts to know there is very little manipulation involved.....the only ones with odd shapes are all held by demmycunts....and if you squared them up they would lose seats.....

You make stupid look like a compliment. You cannot learn or understand. Your "mind" is closed to fact and evidence. I wonder now, how stupid are you? I guess Vileherb has competition.
You make stupid look like a compliment. You cannot learn or understand. Your "mind" is closed to fact and evidence. I wonder now, how stupid are you? I guess Vileherb has competition.

if you weren't a mindless fool you would know that almost all demmycunts in Michigan live in the same can't distribute them evenly across the state........and quoting some whiney fuck lib'rul doesn't prove anything except how stupid Michigan demmycunts are......

demmycrats already have four representatives out of this map......what do you think will happen if we cut it up by rectangles?......

demmycrats already have four representatives out of this map......what do you think will happen if we cut it up by rectangles?......

Gerrymandering is not about rectangles. but of course, you would not know that. You are running on empty. I tried to help you. I provided sites about how gerrymandering works, and you are back to rectangles. Is reading comprehension tough for you? I gave you those so you might quit embarrrassing yourself. it was wasted.
Gerrymandering is not about rectangles .

obviously not.......rectangles are the opposite of gerrymandering........but you probably knew that before you started foaming at the mouth over nothing........Republicans would love to ungerrymander Wayne County.........but we both know the demmycunts would be outraged to lose their protected districts......

9,11,12,13,14 are all going to be would you propose the border be changed to derive a different result.......most of the borders currently are shaped by city limits....

due to population decline 2010 to 2020, two of these districts will probably disappear.......
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Gerrymandering in Michigan is (ready for this PP) on the ballot.

I know, child......and I voted against it.......stupidest proposal in history.......everyone's name goes in a hat, they pick people at random and they will be responsible for the new you realize me, guille and billy could be the ones picked?.......all you need is a computer and a data base which doesn't identify political party........
I know, child......and I voted against it.......stupidest proposal in history.......everyone's name goes in a hat, they pick people at random and they will be responsible for the new you realize me, guille and billy could be the ones picked?.......all you need is a computer and a data base which doesn't identify political party........

The U of M has utilized their math department and came up with fair districting for many years. The Repugs went the opposite way gerrymandering their black little hearts out. Just like you, they are fighting to maintain some of the worst gerrying in the country. I voted for it. We are a shameful demonstration of partisan politics that should shame all Michiganders.
trash heap near Detroit, isn't it?......if you are from Michigan, I am may be dragging us down to near Ohio status........
so tell me, what should we add to District 12 to spread your demmycunt votes into a wider area? of Ohio?......Canada?......or just take territory away from Detroit......I need your input for when I win the lottery and get to redesign the districts in 2020......
so tell me, what should we add to District 12 to spread your demmycunt votes into a wider area? of Ohio?......Canada?......or just take territory away from Detroit......I need your input for when I win the lottery and get to redesign the districts in 2020......

You make no sense. You understand nothing and obviously did not read what I posted. I gave you info that would teach you what the problem is. It also explained the solution. Yet you come back with another stupid post. I worry about you PP.
over the last 30 days, the house race has firmed up.....

from 206 leaning Dem, 189 leaning Rep 40 tossup....Dems have actually DROPPED to 204, Republicans have added 10 to 199, and toss ups are now 32....

for those 32 seats almost all incumbents lead in the polls....eight are open seats......I predict the demmycrats will take ten in all.....leaving them four short of controlling the House......

That's not a surprise, Democrats are delusional.