how about highlighting the threads one is banned from

Damo do you trust your child to drive the care BEFORE he crashes it?

after he crashes every day for 6 years you change your mind huh.

Its you who are lying
now face the fact that the republican thought of doing this when the obstruction level by the dems was a tiny fraction of what we saw the republican party ( who has congress at herpies level approval) and you never brought that up
the republican party used this rule in a way it was NOT DESIGNED to work.

They did it because they LOST an election
and not one of you right leaning people are willing to admit the clear cut facts on this one.

Im really really sadened by this damo
But is it the Laws of the Medes and the Persians, or your archaic Constitution? Are the current active users still as reactionary and illiberal?

You can always leave. We didn't ask you to join and we're not asking you to stay. Don't like it, go somewhere else.
Members banned from this thread: evince, The Dude, poet, iolo, Dantès and kiki

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Thread: Job-killing Democrats strike again

He bans those with whom he cannot debate. He wants to be read, but doesn't want anyone to outshine him. Guess what? Everyone outshines him.
I tire of answering you right wing chicken shits only to find you have banned me from answering you.

cant we get some type of highlighting going so we don't even have to click onto a thread to realize we are banned from it?

Or did you HOPE the left leaning posters would just tire of not being allowed to comment and leave the site?

Why do you want to ignore the fact that thread banning was a democratically chosen process initiated by lefties?
I tire of answering you right wing chicken shits only to find you have banned me from answering you.

cant we get some type of highlighting going so we don't even have to click onto a thread to realize we are banned from it?

Or did you HOPE the left leaning posters would just tire of not being allowed to comment and leave the site?

It was JPPs democrat party that wanted thread banning because they didn't want certain people in their threads. Why do you ignore that fact?
I tire of answering you right wing chicken shits only to find you have banned me from answering you.

cant we get some type of highlighting going so we don't even have to click onto a thread to realize we are banned from it?

Or did you HOPE the left leaning posters would just tire of not being allowed to comment and leave the site?

How many times do you have to be told that this was initiated by your democrat party friends on JPP?
I tire of answering you right wing chicken shits only to find you have banned me from answering you.

cant we get some type of highlighting going so we don't even have to click onto a thread to realize we are banned from it?

Or did you HOPE the left leaning posters would just tire of not being allowed to comment and leave the site?

why are you such a sociopath?
I tire of answering you right wing chicken shits only to find you have banned me from answering you.

cant we get some type of highlighting going so we don't even have to click onto a thread to realize we are banned from it?

Or did you HOPE the left leaning posters would just tire of not being allowed to comment and leave the site?

If you like your plan you can keep it. Why do you ignore those facts that people were lied to?