how about highlighting the threads one is banned from

I don't ban people you people do the banning.

I argued against this type of banning

Have you ever thought that just maybe it is you?

Here is a lesson in self awareness. After the little kerfuffle with Dantes where I went a "little overboard", I realized that while this board is extremely tolerant of all sorts of language and behavior I was going a little over the top. So I have adjusted and recalibrated.

You on the other hand continue with your nonsense then act shocked when people respond to it in ways you find objectionable. You need to understand that you don't have a right to be heard. You can spout your nonsense all you want, but people don't have to listen to it.
It is just me as far as I know.

I don't ban ANYONE from anything.

except my self hhaahhahahah

You idiot use banning people from voting to win power and strip this democracy of it people power.

banning is the ONLY way you know
Yes I know damo.

I voted against it.

I tried to make people see it was a bad idea.

the right always destroys the intention of rules to win
Yes I know damo.

I voted against it.

I tried to make people see it was a bad idea.

the right always destroys the intention of rules to win

Why do you hate democracy? You find it inconvenient when it doesn't go your way, I get that. But the reality is, this is what the users wanted. If you don't like it, win an election.
you see I knew damned well the right would use it to try and hide from the facts.

its what they always do
Just like this current republican party has destroyed the filibuster rule.

and how they have USED the idea of clean elections to keep legal voters from voting
Republicans are (these days) always willing to do WHATEVERit takes to win.

they have no moral boundries
Just like this current republican party has destroyed the filibuster rule.

and how they have USED the idea of clean elections to keep legal voters from voting

Desh, only one party "destroyed" that rule, it was the one that voted to remove it after they argued vehemently against it when GWB was President. Invoking God in their "hope" that their own party wouldn't do this as soon as they gained the majority... then supporting it.
damo was it designed to be used on every single fucking vote in the congress?

they used it to THWART the will of the people.

They used it to STOP the majority voted in by the people from doing the peoples business.

It really is shamefull how much your in the republican partys pocket now

See posts 109, 110 and 111. Why do you do that? You literally posted three times each one minute apart. Why couldn't you consolidate all three thoughts into one post? That is what most people object to about you. I can tolerate what you believe are you so called "facts". It is having to read through 20 posts in a row.

If you don't find that annoying as fuck, then good on ya. But, as long as you keep doing it, you will remain thread banned from my threads.

Now I am telling you specifically why I am thread banning you. You can pretend it is something else if you choose.
damo was it designed to be used on every single fucking vote in the congress?

they used it to THWART the will of the people.

They used it to STOP the majority voted in by the people from doing the peoples business.

It really is shamefull how much your in the republican partys pocket now
Hypocrite much?

It wasn't used on "every single vote", 90% of Obama's nominees got their vote and were approved. Was it designed to be used on Legislation, absolutely. Was it designed to allow the minority a voice in government? Yes.

Tell your President how much he is a hypocrite Desh.

Let's hear from Biden on the subject:

Let's hear from your Harry Reid...

Can you imagine how posters begin to distrust mods who promote lies for partys sake?

when you DENY facts it proves your willing to lie and a liar will cheat to get what they want.

accepting lies publically makes you less trustable on ALL levels of life.

pretending it stops at politics is silly
Your better than this Damo.

I have seen your goodness in the past.

Don't let them force you to sell your soul
Damo those were all BEFORE the right went ballistic with the filibuster?


You, lady, are a hypocrite. No matter what the facts are, no matter what they say, no matter how much it is directly opposite to what they propound, no matter what they do, hypocrites get a pass from the Desh if they wear the Democrat jersey. She can ignore facts like its a superpower if it is inconvenient to her fantasy government of dictatorial leftists.

As for my part, I was against the Nuclear option then, I was against it now, and continue to be against it.