how about highlighting the threads one is banned from

That the right are a lot of gutless scumbags is no surprise, but as you say, to type out a refutation of some of their gaseous blather and then find you've been wasting your time is a nuisance. I'm still trying to discover how to start threads. Is that another weird extremist feature of this site, that I can't?
That the right are a lot of gutless scumbags is no surprise, but as you say, to type out a refutation of some of their gaseous blather and then find you've been wasting your time is a nuisance. I'm still trying to discover how to start threads. Is that another weird extremist feature of this site, that I can't?

wow that is really wrong.

what happens when you try to start a thread?
That the right are a lot of gutless scumbags is no surprise, but as you say, to type out a refutation of some of their gaseous blather and then find you've been wasting your time is a nuisance. I'm still trying to discover how to start threads. Is that another weird extremist feature of this site, that I can't?

No, that's just your inferior welsh genes. You're basically the Ohio of Europe.
did you try clicking on a thread category and then looking for the start new thread icon near the top?
No, that's just your inferior welsh genes. You're basically the Ohio of Europe.

Haven't I put this sub-human on ignore yet? It must be my inferior genes! What is 'Welsh' - it's not a word I know? Something to do with that English arsehole Carlo Windsor Von Gotknows, perhaps?
why do you hate democracy Deshy?

You do know that thread banning was a feature pushed by your fellow libs to try to neuter me right? Funny thing is they can't quit me. Now let's review Deshy.

Lefties claim to always put me on ignore and not read anything I post. I never complain about it. However, when Grind takes the step of force ignoring them from my posts, these same people who claim to have me on ignore shit their pants (witness Zappas).

You on the other hand, people just ignore. Nobody makes any grand pronouncements. They just do it. But for some reason you whine and complain about it like you have some right or entitlement to be heard. Nobody is restricting you from starting your own threads and knocking yourself out posting away.

Why do you think you are entitled to infuse your nonsense into any thread you choose? Are you special? Why do you think you are so special.

Let me make it easy for you Deshy. Until you change your spamming ways, you will be thread banned from any thread I start. Now you can bleat on and on about how that means you won and we are all scared of you. Hell, maybe that is how you can introduce yourself to your next board.

But, it is clear that lots of folks are sick of your shit Deshy, not just the righties.

I even started a thread, where she SPECIFICALLY wasn't banned and she has yet to post in it.
That the right are a lot of gutless scumbags is no surprise, but as you say, to type out a refutation of some of their gaseous blather and then find you've been wasting your time is a nuisance. I'm still trying to discover how to start threads. Is that another weird extremist feature of this site, that I can't?

Here is a thought. Look at the top of the thread and see who is thread banned. If you see your name, then don't bother. It takes two seconds to look. It is pretty clear.

But, fuck that right? Let's make special code for ratards like you and Desh that can't figure it out. I mean for crying out loud you can't even figure out how to start a thread. What are ya stupid or sumthin
jesus your a fucking little weasel huh.

You are supposed to be PROTECTING the debate here.

Instead you are punishing the people you don't personally like.

Your a shitty human being

we are protecting the debate.

People like you RUIN debate.

You don't care about the exchange of ideas. You just want to be the desh rss feed 24/7.

YOU are not a debater. you are a spammer. I have no doubt you don't like threadbans, it absolutely targets people like you. People that post 10 posts a minute, calling people names, calling people evil, fuckers, assholes, sociopaths. Maybe that's what YOUR idea of a debate is, but it isn't to most people.

Honestly the fact that you are so bugged out about it, pretty much lets me know that threadbannings are targeting exactly the right people.

Your options are adapt your style, die off, or shut up.

+ + +

I don't even mind your suggestion in the thread, we can work on that. Though as I said earlier it's not something we can just hit a switch for.

Lastly your insinuation that liberals are being chased away because of threadbans is ridiculous. NO LIBERAL has left because of that. It's a complete lie. As I have said, threadbanning is very popular on JPP, both sides do it, both sides voted for it, both sides enjoy it. It's completely asinine to suggest that a left winger will leave JPP because they can't post in a thread started by big money.
we are protecting the debate.

People like you RUIN debate.

You don't care about the exchange of ideas. You just want to be the desh rss feed 24/7.

YOU are not a debater. you are a spammer. I have no doubt you don't like threadbans, it absolutely targets people like you. People that post 10 posts a minute, calling people names, calling people evil, fuckers, assholes, sociopaths. Maybe that's what YOUR idea of a debate is, but it isn't to most people.

Honestly the fact that you are so bugged out about it, pretty much lets me know that threadbannings are targeting exactly the right people.

Your options are adapt your style, die off, or shut up.

+ + +

I don't even mind your suggestion in the thread, we can work on that. Though as I said earlier it's not something we can just hit a switch for.

Lastly your insinuation that liberals are being chased away because of threadbans is ridiculous. NO LIBERAL has left because of that. It's a complete lie. As I have said, threadbanning is very popular on JPP, both sides do it, both sides voted for it, both sides enjoy it. It's completely asinine to suggest that a left winger will leave JPP because they can't post in a thread started by big money.

trying doesn't mean succeeding you fool.

do a tally on who thread bans more you lying sack of weasel bile.

and am I the ONLY person who uses invective here or just the best at it?