How Alex P. Keaton Predicted The New Conservative Movement

I think he's got it backwards.

I think Keaton WOULD HAVE voted for Trump in 2016, but after four years of seeing what a lowlife pile of subhuman scum, and what an embarrassment Trump is to the nation that he's dragging down into his NYC sewer, I believe Alex would have a hard time doing it again, as will likely a lot of people who voted for him the first time.

As for the article overall, clever if not roundabout attempt to legitimize and downplay the damage Trump is doing to our democracy and society.

The TDS is strong in you....
I'm sorry but this had to have been written buy someone who was born after 1985. Alex Keaton was representative of the Reagan Republican Movement of the early to mid 80's. I ought to know cause I was part of that movement. To see that he predicted the "New Conservative Movement" is complete non-sense. He was representative of the conservative movment of that time.

Alex Keaton was sure as hell not repreentative of the modern take over of the conservative party by rural redneck working class conservatives that it is not. Not even bloody close. Holy Fuck, Keaton's hero Nixon would be classified as a communist by today's Republican party.

Alex, and young Reagan Republicans of that era like myself would fucking be (and now mostly are) centrist Democrats today....Young, Educated, Urban/Suburban professionals (at that time). We sure as hell weren't redneck working class rural populist goobers that are the heart and soul of the modern conservative Trump movement today. They were still Democrats back then.

I call this article "BULLSHIT", considering I was there and participated in the Reagan Conservative movement of the 80's. The author doesn't know what they are talking about.

And thankfully, the Reaganites are dying out.

You're wrong about the Democrats though. They've been hijacked by SJWs. A lot of millennials are that type. Bill Clinton would be a moderate Republican by now.

Populism is thankfully gaining popularity precisely because of the elitists that have always thumbed their noses at "rednecks."
You are a conservative by modern standards in that all you really care about is economic liberty, including gun rights, etc. But I haven't seen you express concern about protecting social civil liberties from Republicans who are actively trying to chip away at them.

So your claim to be a liberal is, as I said, moose shit.

What civil liberties are you referring to? The right to illegally cross the border? The right to pretend to be a woman when you still have a penis?
What civil liberties are you referring to? The right to illegally cross the border? The right to pretend to be a woman when you still have a penis?

The civil liberty to...

...obtain a legal abortion

...have access to affordable health care protected from random gun violence by common sense restrictions on the manufacture and sale of guns

...enjoy freedom from having one certain religion taught as science in public schools

...receive equal treatment and representation for non-Christian religious faiths

...receive equal treatment and protection for those who practice alternative lifestyles guaranteed fair and equal voting rights for minorities possess and use small quantities of marijuana in one's home

I'm sure the list is longer, but that's plenty for now.
The civil liberty to...

...obtain a legal abortion

That's primarily a state issue, and Roe v. Wade hasn't been changed.

...have access to affordable health care

Healthcare isn't a civil liberty. protected from random gun violence by common sense restrictions on the manufacture and sale of guns

There's nothing common sense about limiting magazine sizes or arbitrarily defining things as "assault weapons."

...enjoy freedom from having one certain religion taught as science in public schools

Most Republicans don't push for creationism.

...receive equal treatment and representation for non-Christian religious faiths

No one in the administration or on the state level has violated the freedom of religion.

...receive equal treatment and protection for those who practice alternative lifestyles

Gay rights haven't been changed. guaranteed fair and equal voting rights for minorities

Where has this been violated? possess and use small quantities of marijuana in one's home

Several states have legalized pot now, and Sessions is gone.
That's primarily a state issue, and Roe v. Wade hasn't been changed.

Healthcare isn't a civil liberty.

There's nothing common sense about limiting magazine sizes or arbitrarily defining things as "assault weapons."

Most Republicans don't push for creationism.

No one in the administration or on the state level has violated the freedom of religion.

Gay rights haven't been changed.

Where has this been violated?

Several states have legalized pot now, and Sessions is gone.

Republicans are constantly chipping away at Roe v Wade and everyone knows it.

The right to not die because you're not financially well off is considered a civil liberty by civilized people.

Limiting the kind of deadly weapons that can be manufactured, sold and possessed is a 100% common sense issue to people who have common sense.

Many Republicans do push for creationism and those who don't sit quietly and allow it to be pushed.

Republicans, including Trump have suggested or attempted to ban Muslim immigration and shut down Mosques.

Republicans are anti-gay and favor laws that allow discrimination.

There have been numerous instances of Republicans attempting and succeeding in purging voter lists, limiting early voting, adding new requirements shortly before elections....

The states have fully legalized Marijuana are almost exclusively blue Democrat states.
While I have a hard time seeing how Bernie could win the Presidency he'd still win far more states than Mondale.

APK was definitely representative of his time. It's hard to see his character in today's world. But the same can probably be said for a lot of TV characters from our past.

(I'm sitting at work so not putting a lot of deep thought into this but one thing that did cross my mind is Nixon like you said and how after all his ethical issues etc. Keaton still looked up to him. I'm not saying APK would like or look up to Trump but the personal shortcomings didn't stop his feelings towards Nixon)

BTW...Just to clarify...I meant that if Bernie wins the nomination then Trump would win by a huge landslide.
Haha. Maybe I misunderstood your Nixon comment but I thought you were making it in comparison to Trump.

Not really. Nixon was a center right politician who road to political prominence during the Red scare era but he was no right wing ideologue. Hell Nixon made fun of John Birchers like we do Trumps base. Nixon was a man of deeply flawed character who misled the American people and abused power but that had little to do with political ideology. In many respects Nixon governed soundly and to be honest is more comparable to Bill Clinton than Reagan or Trump. It’s just that though Clinton had similar character flaws to Nixon his were trivial by comparison.
And thankfully, the Reaganites are dying out.

You're wrong about the Democrats though. They've been hijacked by SJWs. A lot of millennials are that type. Bill Clinton would be a moderate Republican by now.

Populism is thankfully gaining popularity precisely because of the elitists that have always thumbed their noses at "rednecks."
Not really. We roll our eyes at the supporters of populist for not knowing their history and the pretentious manner in which they portray ignorance as a virtue. Just like Huey Long Trumps supporters will eventually be let down by his inability to keep the promises he’s made. Just like what happened with Long and Bryan,
Republicans are constantly chipping away at Roe v Wade and everyone knows it.

The right to not die because you're not financially well off is considered a civil liberty by civilized people.

Limiting the kind of deadly weapons that can be manufactured, sold and possessed is a 100% common sense issue to people who have common sense.

Many Republicans do push for creationism and those who don't sit quietly and allow it to be pushed.

Republicans, including Trump have suggested or attempted to ban Muslim immigration and shut down Mosques.

Republicans are anti-gay and favor laws that allow discrimination.

There have been numerous instances of Republicans attempting and succeeding in purging voter lists, limiting early voting, adding new requirements shortly before elections....

The states have fully legalized Marijuana are almost exclusively blue Democrat states.

Democrats need to stop engaging in the culture wars. Ya know why? Because Republicans continue to win battles in a war they lost fifty years ago. By engaging them your permitting them to lead the narrative.
Democrats need to stop engaging in the culture wars. Ya know why? Because Republicans continue to win battles in a war they lost fifty years ago. By engaging them your permitting them to lead the narrative.

So what do you suggest Dems do?

Accept Republican policy?

How is that a win?
Democrats need to stop engaging in the culture wars. Ya know why? Because Republicans continue to win battles in a war they lost fifty years ago. By engaging them your permitting them to lead the narrative.

It's precisely the same arrogance on display with Corbynites, they were totally convinced that they'd win in a landslide. Berniebots are no different and they are in for a hell of a shock come November unless the economy tanks in the meantime.
Not really. We roll our eyes at the supporters of populist for not knowing their history and the pretentious manner in which they portray ignorance as a virtue. Just like Huey Long Trumps supporters will eventually be let down by his inability to keep the promises he’s made. Just like what happened with Long and Bryan,

Don't be too optimistic: Hitler's supporters supported him to the end. Irrationality can do that.
BTW...Just to clarify...I meant that if Bernie wins the nomination then Trump would win by a huge landslide.

I understood that but thanks for clarifying anyway. In this day and age I still think it almost impossible to have a true landslide (anything close to the 49 states variety).
No true Conservative would ever vote for Trump

Lol. No true conservative would vote for the most conservative governing president since Ronald Reagan? Yeah okay. And who else is currently representative of conservative values, AND running for president? You're such a retard.