How Alex P. Keaton Predicted The New Conservative Movement

Funny, but you are the one deflecting. Do you deny Obama put children in cages? You can if you want to, but it's well documented, so that only makes you look stupid, or ignorant. Which is it, stupid, or ignorant? There's no third option.

Obama did not make it a policy priority, it was an existing policy, and did happened, but unlike Trump, he didn't use it attempting to scare off immigrants with kids, it never became the focus of any immigration policy
Ignorance isn't a virtue, but neither is elitism.

There was a time when Democrats actually listened to the white working class rather than putting them down. Establishment Republicans also used to do this. Because elements of both parties continue to insult "rednecks", they understandably choose to support populists.

You seem to resent the white working class yourself.

Wanting to better yourself isn’t elitist. Sounds to me like you resent people who have risen from poverty to upper middle class prosperity by stint of hard work and effort to better themselves.

Well hoping some conman populist politician is going to improve your life is a fools dream.
Obama did not make it a policy priority, it was an existing policy, and did happened, but unlike Trump, he didn't use it attempting to scare off immigrants with kids, it never became the focus of any immigration policy
Not a policy priority? Seriously? Sooo, Obama's Secretary of Homeland Security made this announcement all on his own, without presidential approval? Lol, ooo-kay.

Jeh C. Johnson, the secretary of Homeland Security, came to this South Texas outpost on Monday to open the country’s largest immigration detention facility and draw attention to border security measures that are part of President Obama’s fiercely debated executive actions on immigration.

The 50-acre center in Dilley, 85 miles northeast of Laredo, will hold up to 2,400 migrants who have illegally crossed the border and is especially designed to hold women and their children.

Standing on a dirt road lined with cabins in a barren compound enclosed by fencing, Mr. Johnson delivered a blunt message to families without legal papers considering a trip to the United States: “It will now be more likely that you will be detained and sent back.”
Wanting to better yourself isn’t elitist. Sounds to me like you resent people who have risen from poverty to upper middle class prosperity by stint of hard work and effort to better themselves.

Well hoping some conman populist politician is going to improve your life is a fools dream.

I'm not sure where you got that from. A lot of the rednecks you mock did exactly what you mention -- rose from poverty to become middle class through hard work.
I'm not sure where you got that from. A lot of the rednecks you mock did exactly what you mention -- rose from poverty to become middle class through hard work.

I got that because that's where I came from. Born poor on a small dirt farm, worked though high school and college, majored in a stem field, went to grad school, nearly starved to death doing so, but persevered, then spent 5 years doing back breaking work in the field learning my profession. Not once during that entire time was I ever a redneck.

You seem to think that there's some sort of requirement that if you work for a living or that you come from a rural background that you're required to be an ignorant shit kicker. Well I'm living proof that you don't and I know a lot of guys like me from poor rural back grounds who busted their asses off over years to better themselves. So yea...I'm proud not to be a redneck. I butsted my ass off not to be one.
I got that because that's where I came from. Born poor on a small dirt farm, worked though high school and college, majored in a stem field, went to grad school, nearly starved to death doing so, but persevered, then spent 5 years doing back breaking work in the field learning my profession. Not once during that entire time was I ever a redneck.

You seem to think that there's some sort of requirement that if you work for a living or that you come from a rural background that you're required to be an ignorant shit kicker. Well I'm living proof that you don't and I know a lot of guys like me from poor rural back grounds who busted their asses off over years to better themselves. So yea...I'm proud not to be a redneck. I butsted my ass off not to be one.

Then I guess you're defining redneck more narrowly than some do. A lot of people use that term to describe anyone of a rural background.

I'm glad to hear that you're not defining it as such. So, if I understand you correctly, you're only referring to rural people that are racists and such. Correct?