How capitalism works?

Oh you mean the people who do the short bus school of economics called the Austrian school

The one that tries to do economics without math

Why do they deny all the math other schools of economics do?

Because it proves them utter failures in the field

Economics is not math, twit.
to be a libertarian you must believe the following:

In the situation of fascism, a monolithic alignment of interests between the state and large corporations, corporations are blameless.


And what plank of the Libertarian party describes this?

I realize you don't like the Libertarian party (I disagree with some of their principles also), but making shit up about them is not helping you.
Compelling ideas, I agree there should limitations.

I don’t mind the wealthy staying wealthy but not at the cost of hard working intelligent people getting an equal or even better opportunity over lazy trust fund babies like the Trump kids.

Whining over your low wage? Go out and make yourself useful. People will actually pay you for that.
The oppression is real, but it doesn't represent a caste system.
It merely represents incompetent social management.
It represents capitalism with insufficient socialist moderation.

If capitalism and socialism don't work in well-balanced parallel,
as they don't in America--or North Korea, going the other way--
a socially regressive society is the only possible result.

Theft isn't balance.
This is true, but it is much harder for a poor person in out culture to make huge money, and especially hard to do it with hard work at a society improving occupation.

Making huge money is nothing but drive and initiative. That is true for people starting from both rich and poor. Stop whining about your low wage.
Huge money will always be the state of the lucky privileged unless we want to go to full-blown communism.
So huge money should only belong to The Elite. Gotit. That's what communism is. Government ownership of markets.
Huge money will come to the hugely gifted who are also hugely lucky.
Nah. All it takes is initiative and drive. Something apparently foreign to you.
With the proper balance of capitalism and socialism, however, a comfortable life should be a reasonable goal for any hardworking person.

Theft isn't a balance.
So...the working class gets $2000/year in tax breaks, and the wealthy get $200,000.00.

And we pretend to discuss the reason for deficits?
Non-sequitur fallacy.
What would help the working class is if they had their taxes slashed considerably, as all of that money goes directly back into the economy. It doesn't magically disappear offshore.
Trump did that. Biden reversed it and raised taxes.
Until/unless we get a tax structure that penalizes corporations who offshore labor, and encourages corporations that produce here, discussing the crumbs that the working class gets is meaningless.
Trump did that.
There is nothing that Republicans do for the working class's finances that garners votes.
Trump is a Republican.
It's the wedge issues that you already admitted to, which are a piss poor reason to vote against your own best interests.

But this isn't the most educated segment of the electorate.

Everybody does not measure their interests in economic terms. They are mostly high school graduates which is what 2/3 of Americans are. They don't need a higher education to know what their values are.
You and I may not agree with those values, but to denigrate the working class because we disagree is what has turned many of them against the Democrats.
Everybody does not measure their interests in economic terms. They are mostly high school graduates which is what 2/3 of Americans are. They don't need a higher education to know what their values are.
You and I may not agree with those values, but to denigrate the working class because we disagree is what has turned many of them against the Democrats.

I disagree

It’s Republican lies that do that

Fox News lies non stop to people
I live in an expensive neighborhood, my house is one of the less expensive ones.

One of my neighbors works an hourly salary job as a manager in a small golf store, his wife doesn’t work outside the home. They live on the water in a recently purchased 4.5 million dollar home.

Another couple I know in an even more expensive home work at the Apple Store and the wife as a nurse.

These are honorable professions, but they clearly do not pay even the mortgage on these homes that tend to increase im value by more than the Dow. They clearly have generational family money…the equity increase in their homes is higher than the average salary or the majority of Americans.

The result is that a very hard working family in valuable jobs such as EMS, or police officer will never improve their situation with hard work.

Our system of perpetuating generational wealth for hundreds years voids the basic principles of Capitalism. Yet, working class Republicans fight tooth and nail to keep taxes low on those living the high life by no merit of their own.

Well, you have to have capitol in order to be a capitalist. Capitalism only works that way.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: We live in a competitive society with limited opportunities and resources. The winners are divided; some only care about the losers because they know they need someone to maintain the infrastructure and caste/class system that serves them. They grudgingly permit a welfare system and social security, but just the idea of someone beneath them is maintaining a living standard that is not directly under their (the ruling class, the job creators) thumb drives them crazy. The other "winners" think just the opposite.

Which is why our political system is so corrupt.

And the band played on.
Capitalism 101

Big pharma buys the doctors and the media.
The media tells you we're all going to die if you don't get 4 jabs.
A lot of people who get the jabs end up sick or die, even those who were healthy.
Those who refuse to get the jabs lose their job then their house.
Big pharma, hospitals and doctors make a lot of money.