How capitalism works?

Of course you do. You can point to instances where Republicans did more than lie about lowering taxes for the middle class while keeping taxes higher for the wealthy. Actions, as it were.

You haven't shown that Democrats want to actually help the middle and lower classes in positive ways...
Whereas there is validity in what you posted, I fail to see the connection to your call for the govt. to take wealth from people when they die?

Do you see another way?

We could totally do away with income tax, and establish a wealth tax instead. Several European countries, tax, stagnant money in bank accounts.
Working class Americans with conservative leanings which is a large component of Republican votes.

"working-class voters shifted to the right across all racial groups."
Actually, the numbers reflect the fact that Florida hispanics are basically Republicans.

But your claim has nothing to do with economic issues. Your quote " I think it is mostly because of social issues since the parties differ little on economics."

Whereas you are wrong about how the parties differ, you cited social issues as the reason for their voting habits. Which is exactly what I mentioned.

So as mentioned numerous times, they vote against their own best interests.
The government, is the bank, they print the money and use it. They use taxes to bring money out of the system. The taxation prevents rampant inflation. I assume we could just stop all taxes, and when the government needs money, they simply print it. that would lead to inflation, making saved money worth less, as time goes by, and effect, taxing the wealthy more than the poor.
I have never experienced a tax cut from democrats. Twice now, Carter and now Biden have driven inflation through the roof. The last President gave us the best tax cut in our lifetime and the best 401k returns.

Obama also raised my taxes. Haven't seen if Biden / Democrats did last year, but I bet they did...
The government, is the bank, they print the money and use it. They use taxes to bring money out of the system. The taxation prevents rampant inflation. I assume we could just stop all taxes, and when the government needs money, they simply print it. that would lead to inflation, making saved money worth less, as time goes by, and effect, taxing the wealthy more than the poor.

the government (via the fed) does simply print it, and yes, it leads to inflation.

sales taxes and consumption taxes tax the poor the most. the oligarch rich people can never spend the amount of money they have, it just become untaxable influence in a dark money hedge fund.
Actually, the numbers reflect the fact that Florida hispanics are basically Republicans.

But your claim has nothing to do with economic issues. Your quote " I think it is mostly because of social issues since the parties differ little on economics."

Whereas you are wrong about how the parties differ, you cited social issues as the reason for their voting habits. Which is exactly what I mentioned.

So as mentioned numerous times, they vote against their own best interests.

Florida Hispanics voting Republican is not a new development and those changes were seen across the nation.

Many people do not vote based on just their own selfish economic interests. Also, many working class are not low income and do not receive government benefits. Those benefits do not go away despite which party is in office--they continue to increase. Lower taxes is in the interest of many working class voters (like the increase in the standard deduction).
the government (via the fed) does simply print it, and yes, it leads to inflation.

sales taxes and consumption taxes tax the poor the most. the oligarch rich people can never spend the amount of money they have, it just become untaxable influence in a dark money hedge fund.

So let’s let inflation run rampant, that way the only to have money of any value is to earn it and spend it! If you hold onto it, too long, it becomes worthless
Florida Hispanics voting Republican is not a new development and those changes were seen across the nation.

Many people do not vote based on just their own selfish economic interests. Also, many working class are not low income and do not receive government benefits. Those benefits do not go away despite which party is in office--they continue to increase. Lower taxes is in the interest of many working class voters (like the increase in the standard deduction).
So...the working class gets $2000/year in tax breaks, and the wealthy get $200,000.00.

And we pretend to discuss the reason for deficits?

What would help the working class is if they had their taxes slashed considerably, as all of that money goes directly back into the economy. It doesn't magically disappear offshore.

Until/unless we get a tax structure that penalizes corporations who offshore labor, and encourages corporations that produce here, discussing the crumbs that the working class gets is meaningless.

There is nothing that Republicans do for the working class's finances that garners votes.

It's the wedge issues that you already admitted to, which are a piss poor reason to vote against your own best interests.

But this isn't the most educated segment of the electorate.
I live in an expensive neighborhood, my house is one of the less expensive ones.

One of my neighbors works an hourly salary job as a manager in a small golf store, his wife doesn’t work outside the home. They live on the water in a recently purchased 4.5 million dollar home.

Another couple I know in an even more expensive home work at the Apple Store and the wife as a nurse.

These are honorable professions, but they clearly do not pay even the mortgage on these homes that tend to increase im value by more than the Dow. They clearly have generational family money…the equity increase in their homes is higher than the average salary or the majority of Americans.

The result is that a very hard working family in valuable jobs such as EMS, or police officer will never improve their situation with hard work.

Our system of perpetuating generational wealth for hundreds years voids the basic principles of Capitalism. Yet, working class Republicans fight tooth and nail to keep taxes low on those living the high life by no merit of their own.

It doesn't.

Capitalism is the voluntary production of products and services for voluntary sale at an agreed upon price.
It does not matter if family wealth is passed on (and it should be, but that's another discussion). You are arguing a strawman.
Whatever that word salad is supposed to mean.

Awwwww. He used big words, didn't he? Okay. I'll try to dumb it down for you:

Keynesian economics is simply this: if the economy is doing poorly, the idea is to print money and flush it into the economy to try to stimulate it. This doesn't work. Printing money without a corresponding increase in wealth causes inflation. You can't print your way to prosperity.
Keynesian economics can only occur because of fiat currency. That is a currency that has no backing in any form of wealth. It's just paper (or these days more commonly, bits in a computer). Most dollars are just bits in a computer.

Fiat currency is dictated by the government, along with it's perceived 'value'. This is nothing more than communism of currency itself. The government owns the market. In the U.S. it is also unconstitutional.

Yes...that's what I said. The Federal Reserve and fiat currency is unconstitutional.

Fiat currency was implemented by a Democrat, unconstitutionally. The massive theft it involved is why Fort Knox was house all that stolen loot.